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  • #77
    FEAT BC Admin

    In this discussion area, please feel free to share your experience in implementing A.B.A. programs in the school system. We would particularly like to hear from those parents who converted their school teams to A.B.A. We’d like to hear the nightmares as well as the success stories.

    Any insight that can be shared by school-based special education assistants to help parents would also be very meaningful.

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  • #3386

    Has anyone in North Delta found a good school (public or private) that is open to working with the ABA model? If you have any tips or suggestions please email me at ahimmel @ dccnet. com (without the spaces) Thanks!

    Dave Collyer

    Part 2.

    Private schools only receive half of the Basic allocation ($5851) but are entitled to the full amount of the l2 funding ($16000). The funding matrix assumes full time attendance…

    Dave Collyer

    Hi Veronica,

    In BC a child with a diagnosis of any of the ASDs generates the basic student grant($5851.00) and L2 funding (16,000.00). The district and the local school admin has the discretion as to how to allocate this funding so as to, in their opinion, best meet the learning needs of the children. The 16000.00 is not "tied" directly to any specific child. It could be used, for example, to assist with a program for another child who has more intensive support needs (if child "A" is doing "well" his/her funding could be used to support child "b" even though child "a" would continue to benefit from more intensive supports)… the simple fact of the mater is that the funding is in no way sufficient to meet the support needs of many children "on the spectrum".


    http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/k12funding/funding/07-08/estimates/ operating-grants-manual.pdf – 212.9k (TABLE 1).


    Oh I forgot to put my email address





    My son is entering preschool this year so it's time for us to start thinking of what school's he will go to.
    Has anyone had any experiences with the preschools or Kindergarten/elementary schools in Maple Ridge ?
    I'm concerned about SEA's and what makes a good school.
    Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated, whether good or bad.

    thank you,


    Barbara Rodrigues


    This is for a friend – her son has special needs but not autism BUT she is having trouble in the sense that she trains his SEA and then they get 'bumped' for someone not as qualified but with more seniority. The new SEA he will have next year replaces the one he has now who can use sign and program his MT4 with one who has none of these skills but more seniority. Did anyone take on CUPE and win and does anyone have any info or helpful ideas including lawsuits to address this issue. Thank you in advance.

    Please either post to this list or privately to me at westernad@hotmail.com


    Dione Costanzo

    For Nancy Walton – Can you please email me? I don't have your address.



    Kim Harding

    I just wanted to let the family know that has a child doing an overage preschool year that they should be applying to their school district for an overage preschool year. Contact the Special Programs Director for your area and they will be able to tell you where to direct your email.
    All children are allowed to do 1 extra year of schooling either in Kindergarten or grade 12 and it should be funded. Whatever money the school would have gotten for your child will be sent to the preschool for the monthly fee and to pay for the aid.
    This should not be comming out of your pocket!!!
    I am getting this funding for my son starting next Sept. If you would like to contact me my email is mybad8@telus.net


    Lis Louwrier

    Hi Diane,

    I live on Vancouver Island and have been told that there is a program called SIDES (South Island Distance Education Learning) which focuses on home-schooling children. I have just been informed by two parents that this organization gives funding for children with special needs so you can pay for a worker in your home to meet educational criteria for their age group. They may be able to point you in the direction of a sister program on the mainland. I know you have decided to hold your child back but they may have advice on what to do. Good luck.

    Lis Louwrier

    Dione Costanzo

    Hi everyone,

    I just want to say thank you to everyone for the support and advice in response to my last posts looking for information on support for K in SD36.

    We have decided to hold our son back a year (he turns 5 in December) and concentrate on his home program (we are in week 9 and so far so good) and keep him in preschool for a year.

    Of course he will not get any funding or support for preschool since he is ELIGIBLE for K this year – whether we send him or not. I intend on advocating anyway as well as starting the process to find someone on our home team that can attend with him.

    Thanks again – all responses I received are truly appreciated.


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