Forum Replies Created
Nancy Walton
ParticipantDid you know that peer play is an important venue for developing your childs social skills?
Is your child ready for peer play?
or should I ask…
Are YOU ready for peer play???
As a parent of an autistic child just entering the world of peer dates, I highly recommend the upcoming April 12th EAP conference (at SFU)which focuses on what you need to do as a parent to develop and maintain a peer play program for your child. You will hear from two moms who have set up successful peer dates for their children.
For therapists:
This conference also covers how social skills are developed through peer play and how to do video modelling.If you would like to attend this conference, just call Kathy at the Early Autism Project, 604-473-5011 or e-mail to register.
Hope to see you there,
Nancy Walton (Casey's mom)
Nancy Walton
ParticipantIEII money
First of all, everyone should download the information from the web site that Claire Spencer posted march 6th. (thank your for that Claire)
If you have been receiving IEII money you MUST send in documentation of how you spent it over the past year AND you must send in reports from your consultant. You will NOT receive any more money after March 31 unless you have done this.If you have not spent all your money, you must get a carryover agreement signed with your social worker. You can carry over the amount, but you won't get new money until this original money is used up and accounted for.
If you are late in using up your IEII or late in getting your paper work done, you will STILL get ALL of your next years IEII funds (that you "qualify" for), but the money will be divided over the months left over (you won't get a lump sum for the time you missed).
I know you hate to have to go to a social worker for medical treatment, but if you want your IEII money to continue, you must contact your social worker ASAP and find out what you need to do to get it.
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantSorry for the late reminder. Tonight in Surrey,
feb 24, 7-9 pm is a public meeting for
discussion on "A new vision of community
living". This meeting is presented by the
MCFD and the Interim Authority for Community
Living British Columbia. The latter is the
group that will be responsible for providing
individualized funding for autism treatment
(even though this funding, in my view, should
be coming from Ministry of Health).This meeting will "provide an overview of the
recommendations and key considerations
identified by the CLTSC, and present an
opportunity for stakeholders to share
questions, comments and concerns around
the contents of the report. Feedback from the
meeting will be provided to Minister Hogg to
assist in decisions made regarding the new
Authority. It will also be posted on the ministry
website"They wrote that a "plan language" summary of
the report is available at meeting is at the Surrey Conference
Center, Building 4 Room #1, 9260 140th
Street, Surrey.I give this a strong recommendation. Try to
send at least one family member.Nancy Walton (Casey's mom)
Nancy Walton
ParticipantIf you are running a home based ABA program and are in the Surrey school district (preschoolers included) please contact me ASAP preferably by e-mail or if necessary by phone: 604-538-8021.
Nancy Walton (Casey's mom)
Nancy Walton
ParticipantHappy New Year Everyone,
I have heard from some parents concern about lack of consultants, particularly in the fraser valley (Abbotsford, Chilliwack), so I asked my consultant and she told me that the Early Autism is taking intakes and will gladly serve the upper fraser valley as well as the rest of BC.
Their number is 604-473-5011.Also, there will be a line therapist training workshop put on by the Early Autism Project On Jan 11th from 9am – 1pm. Non-EAP therapist are welcome to register. They should contact Sean at the phone number above. This is a great workshop for new parents and new therapists.
Best of luck to everyone in 2003
Nancy (Casey's mom)
Nancy Walton
ParticipantI think you hit the nail on the head Janna.
I do write up something for my therapists, but I call it "therapists' expectations". I do not get therapists to sign it, because there is no point. If a therapist quits with one days notice, what am I going to do? Go to court with my "contract" and demand payment for raising my anxiety level? Ofcourse not.
I just write what I would like them to do, so that I don't miss anything and we all understand what the goal is and how to get there.
Nancy walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantFor those of you who could not make the
October feat meeting with Birgitta von Krosigk,
I have invited her to speak at the next Surrey
group ASBC meeting. Feel free to comeThursday Nov 14
6788 152nd Street
at the Victory Christian CenterHope to see you there.
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantSurrey ASBC meeting, Thurs, Nov 14th
Birgitta von Krosigk, a lawyer on the Auton
case, will be speaking at the Nov. 14 meeting
for those of you who missed her at the feat
meeting. She will be speaking from 7-8pm
and then we will have discussion from 8-9pm.The meeting is open to anyone who would like
to come. This meeting will be at the Victory
Christian Center, 6788 152nd Street. Call or
e-mail me if you have any questions.Nancy Walton
ca or
wiklo@shaw.caNancy Walton
ParticipantLast Call for School Stories:
If you are doing a home based ABA program and you are having or had difficulties getting the school aide to continue your child's ABA program at the school please take this opportunity to write down your story. Also, if you were unable to get an ABA trained aide, or if you finally got your aide trained, only to have them bumped by a more senior aide.
Jean and I will be presenting these stories to the Ministry of Education. We have about 10 stories so far, but I know there are more out there. This is an excellent opportunity to have your voice heard.
I feel your story can be more powerful with your name on it, but please feel free to send in a story anonomously or with just your e-mail attatched to it.
Jean and I need your stories by Monday October 28.
It's time to let the Ministry know what is going on and what we need for our children.Nancy Walton
(I can recieve a fax at this phone number if you call and let me know first)Nancy Walton
ParticipantJust a reminder that there is a Surrey ASBC
group meeting at Tuesday night, at Victory
Christian Center 7-9 pm. The address is
6788 152nd street, Surrey.All are welcome. No need to be an ASBC
member or a Surreyite.Hope to see you there.
Nancy Walton