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MemberIn agreence with Anonymous on Friday, October 4, 2002 – 02:05 pm.
Unfortunately, Anonymous on Thursday, October 3, 2002 – 03:48 pm the statement that the tax issues around ABA are simple is not true. Otherwise, there would have been no conflicting responses from parents.
As a therapist who cares greatly for the families I work with, the tax issue is a complicated problem. In many jobs, you are given a T4 slip at the end of the year, and that is used a validation of your earnings. This is not the case here, and in some cases, therapists may not even get a statement of earnings. For an ABA therapist who works for only a few hours a week, (less than 10), setting up a company to deal with WCB Claims, etc. is out of the question. If you are doing this as a full-time job, then there is a need to further organize yourself. Problems with taxes may be one of the reasons why parents have difficulty retaining therapists – the therapists simply have no idea, and there seems to be very little real information to help them.
Many therapists are students, who have less experience dealing with Revenue Canada, and finding real information about the necessity of WCB payments is very difficult.
Please understand that most people wish to do what's right, IE paying taxes. However, posts that seems like they are attacking therapists asking valid question will not help your cause. I don't believe that parents should be soley responsible for setting up a company, nor do I believe it should be the responsibility of a full-time student. A transfer of information and understanding is important to you, your child, and your therapists.
Deleted User
MemberI'm wondering if there are any families out there who's children have been diagnosed with Aspergers's and are doing a Lovaas ABA program? I know someone who's just had their child diagnosed and he's wondering if this is an appropriate treatment. My gut reaction was of course to say yes but would like some feedback from parents in this area. Thanks.
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MemberDid anyone attend the ASBC Postitive Behaviour Support workshop at UBC today? How was it?
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Member"People view the Internet as faceless, and it is really easy to dismiss people and dehumanize them, but there is a caring community there."
Deleted User
MemberThanks everyone, I appreciate the help.
But was that rude post REALLY necessary? "Tax evasion is a criminal offence and for good reason. " , "and not even ABA therapists are exempt"Oh come on, it was an honest question, I have been doing ABA for a matter of monthes, and I really DO want to pay my taxes. I wasnt exactly asking if i should, but more HOW i should go about paying my taxes.
Theres no need for such replies, I am sure glad I posted anonymously, and THAT, my friends, is EXACTLY why most people post anonymously. Some members of this board need to get some sensitivity. Please think twice about posting things like that, I am sick of having to phrase my posts in a way not to get attacked.Deleted User
MemberI have set up a business. I will be paying wcb every three months but i havent had to remit yet. I am getting the IEII funding, I had to open and account in my sons name but giving me signing consultant and slp are self employed but i had to hire therapists and to do that you have to have a business.The self employed ones look after their own taxes but i do all my employees paystubs etc. Lucky for me i have a good accountant who helped me get started. I hope that helps.
Deleted User
MemberA Note to all Present + Future Kindergarten Parents Regarding Full Day Kindergarten + Afternoon Aide Funding.
Under Section 3 of the School Act autistic kids are eligible for "double funding" for an aide so that they may attend kindergarten full time. This apparently includes a full day kindergarten program; 2 half day programs; or a kindergarten program + a "private" program.
Special Needs Funding seems to work out as follows:
$5,000 – for head count
$15,000 – for diagnosis (usually for aide, SLP services, etc.)
$7,000 – optional "double funding" for full day kids at a reduced rate (i.e. less than half of 15,000)Note: The School District must fill out Form 1513 by September 30 of the year that the child starts kindergarten. Applying for the money is entirely at the School Boards discretion.
Want more information, or a copy of the School Act, call Access BC at 604.660.2421 and request policy information on "Full day Kindergarten for Special Needs Kids"
Good Luck,
Deleted User
MemberMore old post regarding parents as employers and therapists:
"As far as the other employee questions I did not address those specifically in my conversation with MCFD. However, I did look up the definition of "employee" and "contract worker". If the therapists can be defined as employees then you have to worry about maximum hours worked, vacation pay, workers comp, UIC etc. If they are working on a contract basis then you don't need to worry about any of this. Fortunately, from my reading, the therapists definitely can be grouped into the "contract worker" category in which case you basically cut them a cheque and let them worry about taxes, UIC, etc."Deleted User
MemberI believe we have already discussed this topic. This is copied from a posting in June.
I agree that this is confusing. However, one of the ways that a person can work on a contract basis is if they have a reasonable chance of using these skills to do the same job for someone else at the same time. This is clearly the case for our line therapists…. and many of them do just that. If you have your therapist working 8 hours per day then maybe you've got to consider them an employee. BTW, I believe that "contract worker" and "self employed" are the same thing.The way that we're going to approach it is simply the same as the way the MCFD approached it. Before all this new stuff we've had some of our line therapists paid out of our government funding. These people just went in and signed CONTRACTS with the MCFD for that portion of their payment. The MCFD had them as contract workers… not MCFD employees even though MCFD was paying them their wages. If MCFD didn't worry about it then neither are we.
We're putting every cent towards the program.
Deleted User
MemberCan I have one positive confirmation, not heresay,of someone who has payed WCB, and set themselves up as employers. I have asked both families and therapist and as far as I can tell, this is not done.