Forum Replies Created
Louise Watson
MemberCheers to the last post(6:03)I agree fully
Louise Watson
MemberTo the anon EA first of all we are here because of our children not to belittle anyone,your comment about ABA in the classroom , if it is not in the classroom then it is not the best possible treatment for our children this is medically necessary treatment for our children and anything less in not acceptable. As for your comment about our concerns leading to other people fighting for the rights of their children ,what is wrong with that? about your comment of us being nasty contradicts your comment above about how we dont belittle anyone, which is it?. we are fighting for our childrens lives we have a right to feel however we like. I, like the last post also think you need to learn alot before your next post.
Louise Watson
MemberI agree with you (the last post) we should all come together and fight for our kids.Mabey if theres tons of us we will get somewhere, I havent got very far on my own regarding funding or getting through to anyone that matters let me know where and when and I'll be there.Louise
Louise Watson
MemberHi I dont know anything about gateway but I do know that ABA works. We started in august and have seen great improvement.Our son is three and a half, we started with only 15 hours a week(finances) and saw reslults.Every child is different but I think any is better than none, email me if you want to talk more at
Louise Watson
MemberHi all i am posting to say my opinion about the last poster.(anon at 3:19pm) I thought the question about wages was a good one, i cant afford to pay alot and have even gotten volunteers to help with our son but i dont think it gives you the right to assume the person is getting personal or critisizing anyone, it was just a question. You have to remember that everyone of us who has an autistic child gets angry, sad, frustrated, etc, but we have this site to help each other not be angry because some one asked a question. I am not saying you dont have a right to feel how you do but i think you should take your own advise and think before you direct that anger, just my two cents, Louise
Louise Watson
MemberTo Susan it is never to late to try ABA. I am new at all of this myself as our son was diagnosed in july of this year. We are intouch with a group from vancouver called EAP. 1-604-473-5011. Sabrina from feat this website, is a great person to talk to. 1-604-924-5437. I hope this helps , good luck to you, Louise
Louise Watson
MemberTo Anon regarding the employers, im really freaked out know. i thought i had to become an employer to get the funding. could you email me personally and share your advice. iam afraid now if we stop i will lose my funding. Louise(liams mum)
Louise Watson
Memberto anon, the doctor that diagnosed my son told me that no matter where your child is on the spectrum it is autism so i would think that aba would help. we have just started a program recently and have noticed improvements in Liam. he is three and was diagnosed in july. He is starting to talk now and his understanding of the word no has stopped alot of tantrums. I hope this helps you , Louise (liams mum)
Louise Watson
MemberHi Amy and Jonathan, I was wondering where you live, we are on the island so if we can be of help email us at We have a three year old son with autism.
Louise Watson
MemberHi all, i just thought i would throw in my two cents about the aba and the government. We got our diagnoses in july of this year, but have been reading alot about Autism and aba for the past year or so. I have to agree that for the most part from what I have found is that the social workers seem to be very nieve( not sure if thats spelled right), about aba treatment. I know that when we started this whole new way of life i agreed with my social worker and went along with what i was told but quickly came to realize that they (govt) dont really know anything about how or why this treatment works. Since i have seen two or three programs lately that are in progress and working for these children, we have decided to start our own aba program.I am not sure if this is a good idea or not but i have asked my social worker to come and see my sons first workshop so that she can become more informed. I thought that the best way for the government to see our point is to get them hands on with these kids.I believe that if she see what i have then she to will understand why this is the way we chose to go. thanks for listening and please no bashing its just my opinion.