Forum Replies Created
Louise Watson
MemberHi everyone i was wondering if anyone could tell me of anyone who can teach piano and guitar lessons for an autistic child. preferrably from nanaimo northward as we live in Parksville. he is 4 years old. thanks Louise
Louise Watson
MemberTo Michelle and Barbara, your posts moved me to tears as well. you are both 100% correct in what you said, when we found out our son had autism my dad said to me that this is the project that i needed, i never dreamed what that would mean.I never really knew what the words always on the go meant until we started our program but the first time i heard liam say love you back or even mummy for the first time i knew it was all worth it, i have friends who say they cant believe what we do for our son but to put it into perpective if it werent for all the hard work liam has done there would be no need for me to be on the go all the time. and to all the parents whos kids havent talked yet I know that with this therapy they have probably done things that typical kids cant do.I have met many children with autism since we started our program and I can tell you that each and every one of them works as hard as the next so hats off to all our kids!!
Louise Watson
Memberhi all does anyone know if feat will be having this workshop that was just posted over on the island, my team and i are interested but will wait if there is going to be the same one over here. thanks and merry christmas to everyone, Louise
Louise Watson
Memberthere is a sight called that has lots of picture cards you can do them in one inch or two.
Louise Watson
MemberHi all, I watched the show last night too. It is nice to be able to put a face to a couple of people who visit this board. I too found the first hour a bit confusing. i have been running an aba program for a little over a year now and have seen wonderful results. Seeing the second type of therapy though made me question wether I was doing the right thing. It made me wonder if we werent playing enough in therapy or that we werent socializing my son enough, so i emailed my consultant and she too watched the show. Once again she put my mind at ease explaining how liam needed to work on his communication skills and his language skills or what good would it do for him to be social without these, so now once again i know i have made the right choice. i agree with tamara though that new parents watching would probably think that all three types of therapy shown are as good as each other,I am glad i have a good consultant who keeps me far aba hasnt let us down so i am sticking with it, Louise(liams mum)
Louise Watson
MemberI just recenty purchased a plastic shelving unit at superstore it was only $35.00 and is on wheels , some of the bins are deep and some are shallow and you can always add more, we have all Liams program stuff in each drawer and even the big binder fits in and you can wheel it anywhere.
Louise Watson
Memberoops the laminator is from staples
Louise Watson
MemberI got my laminator at future shop for $75.00 and it had a money back rebate for the whole thing if you bought a pack of sleeves, although i am going to try mac tac now. its called the gbc creative laminator , only thing is that it only does up to 8inches wide.
Louise Watson
Memberjust to add to grahams post i have also got to thank joyce and i too have called my social worker and she too sais she is getting a hold of her supervisor for further assistance. i will also keep updating you on my progress Louise(liams mum)
Louise Watson
Memberto anon at 5:13pm. First of all ABA is not a dog trick it happens to be medically neccessary treatment for our children.Second you obviosly do not have a child with autism. its posts like yours that make my blood boil, how can you judge what we teach our therapists when obviously you dont even now what the therapy is.As for the comment about our children regressing bla bla bla I feel sick right now to think there are people out there as close minded as this. We are the ones living this every minute of every day and obviosly its just a job for you so dont come on this board and post such crap. I sure hope wherever you are its nowhere that my son is going to be. I would rather train a dog to do ABA than someone with your attitude.I understand you may have qualifications but none are worthy of my son