Forum Replies Created
Nancy Walton
ParticipantRegarding Worksafe BC :
Mine says "Hiring or Providing Domestic Childcare" and the rate is .64% of the gross payroll.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantQuestion for Ontario, Interior BC or Vancouver Island (outside the lower mainland):
If someone has lots of ABA experience, and has been working as an ABA aide in school, how likely is it that they can be hired to work in the school in your district if they don't have Special Education Assistant training courses?
I am asking on behalf of one of our therapists. Please give me any information you can about your district regarding hiring practices.
Please reply to Nancy at
Nancy Walton
ParticipantThere is a new BC website, created by the Family Support Institute, for finding support workers called "Support Worker Central".
The website is is not specifically ABA, but it might be we can find workers who didn't know about ABA and workers can learn about us through our posts.
I'd like to encourage everyone to give it a try. Just make sure to put "ABA" in the title of your post. I have already asked if we could have our own category (as opposed to clicking ASD, which is not necessarily ABA), but they would like us to try it as it is. Notice you can ask for someone trained in ABA, but you don't want to click that if you are looking for a green person (besides "trained" is a relative word).
Let me know what you think of the site: Depending on your feedback, the ABA Support Network may link with this site, so potential therapists can more easily get connected with us families. As well, I think the Family Support Network can help attract people to the ABA profession.
The feat classifieds will, ofcourse, continue to be a great posting site as well.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantThere is a new BC website, created by the Family Support Institute, for finding support workers called "Support Worker Central".
The website is is not specifically ABA, but it might be we can find workers who didn't know about ABA and workers can learn about us through our posts.
I'd like to encourage everyone to give it a try. Just make sure to put "ABA" in the title of your post. I have already asked if we could have our own category (as opposed to clicking ASD, which is not necessarily ABA), but they would like us to try it as it is. Notice you can ask for someone trained in ABA, but you don't want to click that if you are looking for a green person (besides "trained" is a relative word).
Let me know what you think of the site: Depending on your feedback, the ABA Support Network may link with this site, so potential therapists can more easily get connected with us families. As well, I think the Family Support Network can help attract people to the ABA profession.
The feat classifieds will, ofcourse, continue to be a great posting site as well.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantHi Barbara,
There are representatives from featbc, ASBC and the ABA Support Network all working to reclaim direct funding. It would really help if feat members contacted their MLA
and get them to ask Mary Polak to reverse the decision. Perhaps if 30 MLA's go to Mary Polak, she will get the message.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantOttawa featers:
Please contact me. My family is coming to Ottawa in August and we'd like to find a therapist in Ottawa to help us out while we visit.
Also, anyone interested in a house exchange (your Ottawa for our White Rock, sea side resort, house).
wiklo(at) shaw.caNancy Walton
ParticipantABA Support Worker needed in White Rock
1000 hours of experience in ABA is required. No other certification needed.
For September 2010. Our 11 year old son will be needing an ABA Support Worker this September. He is a delightful child who has a great sense of humour!! He is very well liked by his classmates who have been with him since grade 2 and are avid Junior ABA therapists. His school is VERY supportive of his ABA program and his consultant, Sharon Baxter, visits regularly.
The position will be to support him through grade 7 and you can apply to continue working with him in high school.
This is an excellent opportunity to work with Sharon Baxter who has a MSc in ABA.
Please e-mail Nancy at Walton
ParticipantHi Carmen,
Tell us where you live and give an e-mail or phone number for contact.
Good luck
Nancy Walton
ParticipantHi Jaswant and other parents,
Please e-mail me at to get an electronic copy of the Eikeseth study which can be presented to the school board.
Also, if you go to the top of the Government Topics feat posts (just click on the blue line below and it will take you there) and there is great advice on how to keep a paper trail. Very important.
Here is the Hewko decision:
I think it is extremely important for all new parents to read Hewko, to get an understanding of the history of ABA in schools and to understnad your child's rights. However, paragraphs 361 (especially #7), 369 and 381 are important. You can quote these paragraphs when making your arguement for help.
In summary, your school should partake in meaningful consultation with the parent (and the home team) regarding how best to ensure the child is under instructional control.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantAh yes Tony, true, true….but we'll have chocolate!!! AND we have a surpise guest appearance!
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