Forum Replies Created
Nancy Walton
ParticipantYOU can help bring quality ABA to all of BC. Please fill out the survey mentioned below:
MCFD is circulating a survey to assist in the development of a new Outreach Program for Young Children with ASD. Directors of featbc and the ABA Support Network have discussed ideas for this program, based on input from parents we have assisted throughout the province. We feel that there are two very important strategies to put in place in BC and we would like parents and professionals to focus on these two goals when filling out the survey:
1) To give scholarships to 5 ABA therapists in BC to complete a Masters degree in ABA with a focus in autism at a university where there is clinical supervision, with the proviso that these therapists return to work in the Interior BC, Northern BC or on Vancouver Island for 3 years. If all students attended the same program (such as the CABAS program at Teachers College Columbia University in New York City), then they could support each other upon returning home, and provide training to further increase capacity.
2) To establish a Masters and Doctorate ABA training program that includes clinical supervision at a university in BC.
If you would like to see what CABAS program is, you can go to CABAS is a comprehensive ABA training program based on the principles of VERBAL BEHAVIOUR.
We strongly recommend you complete the survey (see details below) and suggest the above recommendations,
Two surveys are also available NOW through the Autism Community
Training website
Or Direct Link:
Survey for Parents and Caregivers:
Survey for Autism Service Providers Walton
Participant$500 Gift Certificate for Pebblecreek Furniture up for auction!!
Proceeds from the auction will go to the ABA Support Network. Highest bidder gets the certificate.
To place your bid, e-mail Nancy at wiklo (at) shaw. ca. and say how much you want to bid.
On Dec 4th, I'll post the highest bid so far, I'll do it again Dec 6. The bidding will close at 7pm on Dec 7th. First e-mail with the highest bid will get the certificate. I'll make arrangements for delivery via private e-mail.
Please pass this on to your friends.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantAnother idea for the training and then losing therapists problem:
Do not pay for initial training. When we provide training from a lead therapist under the direction of a behavior consultant, that is like taking a college course with guaranteed work once finished. With the money you save, you could pay them a little more when they start with you (or after 3 months).
In my experience, therapists who are willing to train for free are the one's who are in it for the kids and the career, not for the money. They tend to be devoted to the family and usually stay longer.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantMeeting Cancellation:
ABA Support Network Meeting is cancelled tonight due to the snow. We will try to rebook the talk on another date. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Topic: Social and Friendship Skills
Guest Speakers: Michele Shilvock, M.Ed. and Bohdanna Popowycz Kvam, B.Sc.Nancy Walton
ParticipantMeeting Cancellation:
ABA Support Network Meeting is cancelled tonight due to the snow. We will try to rebook the talk on another date. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Topic: Social and Friendship Skills
Guest Speakers: Michele Shilvock, M.Ed. and Bohdanna Popowycz Kvam, B.Sc.Nancy Walton
ParticipantMeeting Cancellation:
ABA Support Network Meeting is cancelled tonight due to the snow. We will try to rebook the talk on another date. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Topic: Social and Friendship Skills
Guest Speakers: Michele Shilvock, M.Ed. and Bohdanna Popowycz Kvam, B.Sc.Nancy Walton
ParticipantAbbotsford – Chilliwack parents
We have 4 parents in Aldergrove, Abbotsford and Chilliwack who would like to attend an ABA Support Network small group meeting, but we need someone to host and organize such a group. Anyone interested in getting to know your fellow parents in your area? I think networking is very important to the health and welfare of an autism family.
If you would like to organize this group, e-mail the ABA Support Network.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantPlease pass on to BI's and Consultants
If you are a therapist or consultant who has not received payment from AFU within a 30 day period, we urge you to write to Minister Mary Polak (MCFD) who has assured us that everyone is now getting paid on time. She will probably deal with this personally if someone out there is having a problem.
You need to clearly state when you worked, the date you submitted your bill (or asked for forms) and any other details (when you called the AFU office but couldn't get a hold of someone, or nobody knew where your forms were, etc etc).
You can e-mail her at and please Cc the ABA Support Network. I strongly recommend you also Cc your own MLA. You can find your MLA's e-mail at You are a constituent in your MLA's riding and your MLA is supposed to follow up on any problems that you have. This will further push Ms. Polak into action.
The ABA Support Network wrote a letter to Mary Polak expressing our concerns (see below). Her response is that since August, they have hired new staff and there is no more backlog. She is convinced that there are no more problems.
ABA Support Network The Voice of the ABA Community in BC
Improving access to quality ABA services for children, youth and adults with autism
Date: September 27, 2010
Dear Honourable Minister Polak,
Invoice Funding through the Autism Funding Unit is not paying BIs and consultants within the 30 day period. While MCFD is reporting to you that payments are occurring on time, we have received reports from more than 50 service providers who are not receiving payments on time.
On September 20th, 2010, Arif Lalani called Dione Costanzo to explain the deterioration of the AFU. He said that six staff members have suddenly left the AFU, leaving no one to keep up with the paper work of the Invoice Payment Method.
It is doubtful that MCFD office employees had to go without their paycheques that month while FIFTY of our BIs and consultants did in July and August.
MCFD and your office were aware of our concerns when Direct Funding was eliminated. On October 30, 2009, you assured a group of autism parents and professionals that this would not happen any more. The past 6 months should have been a time for demonstrating confidence that Invoice Funding could work. Instead, the AFU has demonstrated that it is dysfunctional and incapable of ensuring that our service providers get paid. We do not have confidence that things will improve.
We now have BIs and consultants talking about leaving the profession so they can pay their mortgages and monthly expenses. It is a travesty that autistic children will lose their support system, because of the Liberal governments actions. Please insist that MCFD find a way to fund our autism treatment so that payments are made in a timely manner.
Nancy Walton
Director ABA Support Network
Cc: Honourable Kevin Falcon, Minister of Health
Honourable Margaret MacDiarmid, Minister of Education
MLA Gordon Hogg
Louise Witt and Roxanne Black, FEAT BC
Nancy Walton
ParticipantI have a friend who is interested in using Pacific ABA Academy for consultant and therapy services. If anyone has previous experience with them, please e-mail me at wiklo(at)
Nancy Walton
ParticipantHi Stacey. Give us your e-mail please. I'll be in touch soon.
Nancy Walton