Forum Replies Created
Mike & Jean
ParticipantTo All FEAT Members-
Just a reminder — the next FEAT discussion group meeting is Wednesday, April 17th at 7:30pm at St. Francis-in-the-Wood Anglican church in West Vancouver. We meet in the gymnasium.
We will be showing a video on peer-play within the context of an A.B.A. program.
If you need directions go to the FEAT web-page and click on FEAT Events and there is a downloadable map available.
See you then.
JeanMike & Jean
ParticipantFeat Discussion Group Reminder
To all parents;
The March 20th FEAT discussion group meeting has been cancelled due to Spring Break.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday April 17th at 7:30pm at St. Francis in the Wood Anglican Church in West Vancouver (map available for downloading under the FEAT Events tab on the Main Page of the web-site)
See you there.
Mike & Jean
ParticipantTo all FEAT members –
Subject: February FEAT Meeting Cancelled
Hello Everyone,
Just a note to let you know that the Feb. FEAT meeting is cancelled. Our meetings will resume on March 20th, 7:30 – 9OOpm at St. Francis in the Wood Anglican Church
Mike & Jean
ParticipantFEAT Meeting Reminder
Just a reminder – the next FEAT meeting is on Wednesday Jan. 16th at 7:30pm at St Francis-in-the-Wood Anglican church. (map available on this site to download if req'd).
Our guest speaker is Behavioutal Consultant Rachel Russell.
Her topic will be:
"Optimizing the role of the school aide in support of the child's ABA programme"
This is sure to be a very informative evening.
See you there.
Jean Lewis
Mike & Jean
ParticipantRe the Rachel Russell message – our apologies but the number for ABLE Developmental Clinic is 604-584-3450 (not 3540) Sorry!
Mike & Jean
ParticipantTo: All the List
Subject: Welcome Home Rachel Russell
It is with great pleasure that FEAT of BC welcomes home Rachel Russell.
Rachel will be joining ABLE Development Clininc as a Behavioral Consultant starting the week of Nov. 13th, 2001
For those of you who have not had the opportunity to know or work with Rachel, let me tell you a little bit about her.
She has spent the past 13 months working with the New Jersey Institue of Early Intervention (now the LOVAAS Institute of Early Intervention – LIFE East Coast office) in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. While there Rachel completed all the necessary training to qualify as a Behavioral Consultant in Applied Behavioral Analysis. She worked with a wide variety of children of different ages and levels.
Rachel has a BA in Psychology (1996) from UBC and a MA in Educational Psychology and Special Education majoring in Human Learning, Development and Instruction also from UBC (2000).
Prior to going to New Jersey to complete here training as a Behavioural Consultant, Rachel was a LOVAAS-style ABA senior therapist in home programe for six years in BC. She worked with a variety of LOVAAS style Behavioural Consultants in home programs during that time.
Rachel also co-designed and presented the very popular and successful one day Behavioral Therapist Workshops which focused on discrete trial training techniques for junior therapists working in home programs.
I have only briefly outlined Rachel's academic and ABA work experience history. Her CV lists many impressive achievements.
Our son had the great fortune and benefit of Rachel's skills, creativity, energy and ENTHUSIASIM before she went to the US, so I am confident I speak on behalf of all her previous BC families when I say BC is extremely fortunate to have her back!
Rachel can be contacted after Nov. 13th at ABLE Development Clinic at 604-584-3540.
Once again – Welcome home Rachel and best wishes for continued success!
Jean Lewis
Director – FEAT of BCMike & Jean
ParticipantEIBI Update
As many of you may already be aware the government has cancelled the second round of tenders for the "EIBI" program and are redirecting $4.7 milliom to an individualized funding program. The three already established "EIBI" sites will remain operational for the present time.
FEAT of BC applauds the government's decision to cancel further expansion of the made-for-court "EIBI" program.
FEAT of BC has always advocated for parent's right to choose their own service providers. The decision to reallocate money to individualized funding will finally allow parents real choice. It is a step in the right direction.
The Liberals still however have a ways to go on keeping their pre-election promises:
1) Moving the responsibility for autism treatment from MCFD to Health.
2) Funding autism treatment that the BC Supreme Court has found to be 'medically necessary' for as long as required.
I encourage all who want to hold the government to account on these promises to make an appointment with their local MLA to review the following:
1) The CIAT (Choices in Autism Treatment) available at and
2) The "Broken Promises" brief available at
Both of these documents were prepared by FEAT of BC. The CIAT has been reviewed with several senior government staff and the "Broken Promises" brief was sent to every MLA.
A group of parents of special needs children (MMM – Militant Mothers on the Move) are attempting to organize a protest in late October to protest a number of government initiatives apparently including the cancellation of the the "EIBI" program expansion. For clarity's sake please be aware that this protest IS NOT a FEAT of BC initiative.
To reiterate, FEAT of BC ENDORSES the EIBI cancellation and the move to individualized funding because ultimately it is the vehicle which will best serve all children with autism and their families.
Jean Lewis
Director- FEAT of BCMike & Jean
ParticipantJust a reminder about the next FEAT Parent group meeting on September 19th at St. Francis in the Wood Anglican Church in West Van (same place as always)
The Topic: School Issues
Mike & Jean
ParticipantJust a reminder about the next FEAT Parent Meeting which is September 19th from 7:30-9:00pm at St Francis in the Wood Anglican Church in West Vancouver (same place as always).
The Topic: School Issues
Mike & Jean
ParticipantAll Parents living in Richmond:
-who have children under 6 years old
-are currently in ABA programs
-sre intewrested in starting an ABA programPlease contact Nancy Walton at 604-538-8021