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I would like feedback on Dr. Kysela and his associate with regards to ABA therapy treatment. He was involved with the Delta and Kelowna EIBI programs and also with the Ministry in Alberta. Please call 604-4512720 ext 2259. Thanks.Deleted User
MemberDeleted User
Parents should realize that provincial funding for homeschooling a child adds up to very little per year. A few thousand at most. School Districts may receive considerable amounts of funds per year ($15000 +)for enrolled children with a diagnosis of Autism. Parents may be able to persuade School Districts to utilize this additional funding to support a childs treatment program as it gradually transits to school. This type of cooperation usually requires extraordinary amounts of effort on the part of parents to educate district administrators and advocate for their child ahead of school time. This additional funding is not there for homeschooled children to my knowledge.
Deleted User
MemberHi Everyone,
I am posting for a new familty seeking any information anyone may have on a new Consultant located in Qualicum Beach. She works for a consultant group called Inter-pares. She has been suggested by a local social worker to set up a program and to train therapists. Any information you may have would be greatly appreciated.
Deleted User
MemberI am sending this link about homeschooling. I know that some of you are in a position to consider this. I am not homeschooling, but if I had too I would. Here is the link for those considering it.}
I don't believe at all that if a person homeschools a child with autism -that it's not good as they aren't woking with peers. If a person makes sure their child is social, it can be just the same. With bullying in schools and children trying to adjust to school, it maybe worth considering.
I called the Autism society a couple of days ago, I swear I spoke to a government robot. She sounded like a robot reading about the new IEII program. Also, when I asked her about homeschool "she said it goes against our policy". She isn't a parent of a child with autism, just a robot. She also said most kids with autism in BC have a negative experience in schools in the next breath.
I realize this is all off topic, I just wanted to share a few things. I believe as parents we need all to work together very strongly in Education to make it the best way for our children. We have the legal right to homeschool.
Is there a chance that the Ministry of Heatlh will be doing the IEII program as of next year?
Deleted User
MemberHey Avery…
kind intentions they were my friend
pls contact me privately , I do not have your email addy
pls contact me at
hope to hear from you soon
norrahDeleted User
MemberI just wanted to thank Nancy Morrison of Ontario.
Nancy actually organized Monday at Queen's Park in Ontario. Shelley Martel NDP who has come to the aid of my own child on more than one occasion delivered her question to Health Minister Tony Clement with such emotion her voice was shaking, that does not come through in the transcript. Although, Autism treatment is a non partisan issue, I would personally like to thank Shelley for giving the children the opportunity to sit face to face with the party denying universal effective and proven science based ABA treatment.
I would also like to thank Sabrina Freeman. Everything I know, I know because of her. She has not only fought for your children in BC, but she has and IS fighting with us here. Her extensive knowledge of the issues extend beyond provincial boundaries. While we have a long road ahead, it is comforting to know we are now all fighting together for the children.
PS. Avery anytime you want to take on things over here you let me know :-) *&*& disturber
best to all
norrahDeleted User
Thank you for your opinion and advice.
Much appreciated.Allison Lillies.
Deleted User
Thank you for your opinion and advice.
Much appreciated.Allison Lillies.
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MemberI am having difficulty understanding the role of parents as 'employers' with regard to the new IEII funding rules. The package from the Autism Society states that a worker (therapist) is considered an employee if the employer (parents) set the required number of hours, supervise the work in any way, provide materials and set guidelines for the way in which the work is carried out. I would like to call my therapists 'contract workers' and set up contracts for each of them, therefore avoiding all the agravation of becoming an employer. The package from the Autism Society gave an interpretation of the government rules regarding 'employers' and 'self employed persons' but no mention of 'contract workers'. Are self employed and contract workers the same thing, or do they fall into different catagories and have different rules?
If indeed I do have to become an employer can I use the IEII funding from the govt. to cover my employers part of CPP and EI and WCB contributions? Of course I would rather spend this on my sons program, but I kind of like the idea of paying them with their own money, and using my cash to top up his program and buy the important things he needs.
Any opinions or info are greatly appreciated, either on the chat board or email caneng@columbiacable.netAllison Lillies
Matthews Mom. -