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MemberAs a line therapist of a sweet little boy, I am very interested in the different discussions to do with autism cures and causes. In regards to the discussion surrounding MMR, I have am excellent website to point interested people towards. The Britsh Medical Journal Online is a wealth of information. It's editorials are interesting and easy to read. There are in-depth full-length texts for anyone to peruse. A healthy debate is also shown, as most to the articles have responses posted, and all articles are peer-reviewed.
The address is
Interestingly, you do have to watch the credentials of some who post responses. The guy who is an accupuncturist holds less medical knowledge than a GP in my book!
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Member Here is an article from a Parents magazine about autism and a family.
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MemberThis was from one the ABA mailing lists I am currently on. I know some may disagree with MMR links to Autism, however this article is interesting. Read below.
Fri 9 Aug 2002 3:05am (UK)
New Research Suggests Autism Link to MMRBy John von Radowitz, Science Correspondent, PA News
Campaigners were calling for more research to be conducted following new
evidence from the United States suggesting a link between measles, mumps and
rubella vaccine (MMR) and autism.Scientists at Utah State University in Logan have found a strong association
between the vaccine and an autoimmune reaction thought to play a role in
autism.David Potter, head of information and policy at the National Autistic
Society, said: The NAS would be keen to see further independent research to
replicate these findings, which might provide a way forward in understanding
and treating the condition.Keith Lovett, of Autism Independent UK, said: Parents have been suspecting
this for many years now but research was needed in the area to back it up or
put it to bed.Its certainly not going to go away until its done properly. Proper trials
are needed. Supposed research has been done by the Government but there are
different weights of research as you know.This research has to be replicated by other researchers to get the full
weight behind it. We have to sit and wait a little while longer so people can
back it all up with more evidence.The team led by Dr Vijendra Singh analysed blood samples from 125 autistic
children and 92 children who did not have the developmental disorder.The researchers found a significant increase in the level of MMR
antibodies in the autistic children.Part of the measles component of the vaccine caused an unusual anti-measles
response in 75 of the autistic children, but not in the normal children.More than 90% of the autistic samples which showed an immune response to MMR
were also positive for antibodies thought to be involved in autism.These antibodies attack the brain by targeting the basic building blocks of
myelin, the insulating sheath that covers nerve fibres.Dr Singh has suggested that this autoimmune response may be the root cause of
autism.The US scientists, who report their findings in the latest issue of the
Journal of Biomedical Science, concluded: Stemming from this evidence, we
suggest that an inappropriate antibody response to MMR, specifically the
measles component thereof, might be related to pathogenesis of autism.Dr Singh has published previous work indicating a link between MMR and
autism. He has argued for years that autism can be traced to an autoimmune
reaction centred on the brain.David Potter of the National Autistic Society said: This current research
offers a plausible explanation of underlying pathophysiology in some children
with autism.Although the National Autistic Society has yet to see the full paper it
welcomes such studies into the underlying pathophysiology in these children.The new study will fuel more controversy over MMR fears, which have been
blamed for downturns in the number of children being vaccinated.MMR vaccine uptake in the UK for 16 month-old children dropped from 76.2% to
70.1% between December and March, but then rose to 72% in April.Immunisation for 24-month-old children fell from 85.8% to 84.4% over the same
winter period and then increased to 85.9%.The Public Health Laboratory Service said the dips were probably due to
intense adverse publicity about MMR over the Christmas and New Year period.The PHLS, Department of Health and British Medical Association have all
consistently driven home the message that the vaccine is safe.Public health experts have warned that low uptake of MMR could increase the
risk of measles outbreaks.But the pressure group Jabs (justice, awareness and basic support), which
believes parents are right to be worried about MMR, said the new research
strengthened its case.Jonathan Harris, the groups West Midlands spokesman, said: The evidence is
building up tremendously. I really feel theres a very, very strong case now
for suspending MMR use while further investigations are carried out.We have said all along that it affects only a certain subset of children,
causing a new type of autism in children whose immune systems have not really
been tested fully.He stressed that Jabs was not anti-MMR but wanted parents to be allowed to
choose single rather than multiple vaccines.At the moment parents only have the choice of MMR or nothing, he said. We
think thats irresponsible of the Department of Health.Keith Lovett, of Autism Independent UK, said the Government had bullied
parents into using the MMR vaccine, making it harder for them to get access
to single vaccine.Certainly the Government has gone out of its way to make sure you cant get
singles. You have to have inoculation of the triple or nothing at all.There are lots of questions which now come into play, like: What are they
(the Government) hiding behind?, is the Government in hot water if there is
an association?, will there be claims against the Government?.Both the BMA and the Department of Health said yesterday they could not
comment before allowing experts to look at the full research paper.Deleted User
MemberI have been working as an ABA Therapist for a few months, and my husband may be getting transfered to the Okanagan. I was wondering if anyone had any general information on the potential for work in the region (Kelowna, Vernon, Salmon Arm, Kamloops). Nothing is certain yet, but if you are a therapist, or a family in the area, I would love to know whether I could possibly look forward to continuing this rewarding work in the future! Thanks so much!
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MemberIn response to Michelle's posting:
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend last night's meeting; can someone who did attend, please post an update on the ASBC 'special' meeting/proceedings/results, and perhaps explain the implications of last night's events? Thanks!Deleted User
MemberA reminder to all to attend the ASBC meeting tonight.
FEAT members have been accused of being radical, single minded and out to destroy the ASBC. We have also been accused of not representing the many parents of children with autism who are members of the ASBC. These accusations sicken and anger me.
Our situation today is unique. Today families of young children with autism are receiving funding to provide scientifically proven treatment – due to the actions of the Auton et al decision as well as the hardwork of parents and various organiziations – more and more parents are choosing ABA, these parents MUST be represented as well.
The "friends of the autism society" argue that the current board does not represent the makeup of parents of children an adults with autism. I would strongly disagree. The current board is split, if my memory serves me correct, of an equal number of feat and non-feat parents. To me this sounds like an excellent spread of representation. The new board is by no means "dominated" by one special interest group.
every single member of that board is a parent of a child with autism and whether we are providing aba, whether we attend FEAT meetings, is irrelevant. WE all want what is best for our children and for the children who are yet to come and very importantly for the people our children will become.
I would argue that the previous board was DOMINATED by a group of parents who were not of a mindset that represented my family or the hundreds, perhaps thousands of families who believe strongly in ABA and individualized funding. We believe so strongly because it works and because we feel that everyone MUST have the access to this treatment IF THEY SO CHOOSE!
It sickens me that one special interest group has chosen to try to overturn this board without giving allowing these members a chance to prove their dedication to the families of B.C.
I will end there before I completely express my disgust. I hope to see all of you there.
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MemberHi Everyone, We are very new at all of this and are looking for some guidence on how to interview and hire therapists. Where do you generally hold your interviews? Is your child present for the first interview? What kinds of questions do you ask and what types of responses are you looking for? I've never interviewed or hired anyone so I am a little nervous about the whole process. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, are there any questions I shouldn't be asking?
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MemberJust a few quick points.
SEA's can be a difficult choice as therapists for other reasons too.
They cost the District around $26+ per hour to employ. You will lose them on Pro D days (there are many) and holidays. Their scedules are inflexible. In the school setting the SEA is controlled by the teacher not the parent. It is not really their mandate to deliver medically necessary treatment. I would suggest you have your Doctor prescribe an existing trained therapist(with strong interpersonal skills), or better yet a trained parent, to ensure your child receives treatment in an appropriate manner. We found that having an SEA work with our child in our home enviroment a positive experience but with many drawbacks. We would never use one in the school enviroment though because there are so many obstacles and conflicts for an SEA to deal with as a union employee. For example the SEA may be instructed to implement a particular behavioural intervention in a certain situation ,however if the teacher tells the SEA to do something else like remove the child or do some photocopying that is what they have to do.
It would be far better , and more cost effective, to have your District direct the funds to your ABA treatment provider. It is not unheard of for Districts to be able to do things like this. (Heck in my District they spent money in the past on Sensory Integration stuff that was so off the wall you didn't know whether to laugh or cry and those charlatans were contractors not union) Get your Doctor to support you that you need trained, competent therapists with above average skills as the school enviromennt is a busy place where things can get out of control quickly. Remember that bad therapy can be far more damaging than no therapy.Deleted User
MemberSince the school and HR would be aware that your child has autism it isn't necessary to go into the details of it. The letter should be clear and concise. As an example I requested a male ea for my son. He needs personal care and at age 10 he was aware that he shouldn't use a woman's washroom so why was this woman helping in a male washroom. The letter stated that a gender specific ea was required for personal dignity. This request was granted. Interestingly, I asked why it was necessary for the letter as if the roles were reversed we wouldn't allow a male ea in the washroom with a female student. Reverse discrimination! The letter for aba would say that the an aba trained therapist is required to carry on your child's progress at school. Think of the letter more like a prescription rather than a request. They then HAVE to fill it regardless of seniority, etc. This is from someone who is very high up in the CUPE provincial board. I wouldn't hold up hope that they will hire the person you want but I know in our district there are aba trained ea's…. That may not be so in other districts. Another hint, have the person you want put in an application on the day of the receipt of the letter! I know of many ea's who have been hired by such a coincidence!!:-)
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MemberAs an ABA therapist on several teams, and a school teacher, I just wanted to say that I appreciated the poem posted by annon. a few posts back.
Thank you. -