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MemberWow, Linda! — good on you for your success in bringing Fran and Kim Peek here; lets hope the impact is significant enough to move this govt toward positive, inclusive policies for "children" of all ages.
Hi Norrah; I think what you are doing back east is imperative, keep it up! I also think that if govt is going to restrict meetings to "one-on-one" encounters, that you enter those meetings with all of the required source-materials, including a tape-recorder to place between yourself and the Minister (or whoever) — after all, there is no one else there to take "minutes" for you, and a tape-recording of the meeting would ensure an accurate account of the meeting, avoid misunderstandings, and maybe even lead to further follow-up meetings if, upon listening to the recording afterward, there are "points of clarification" that need to be addressed. Certainly you would have to be non-confrontational, and even positive about recording such, because it shouldn't be a tool of intimidation, it should be a tool representative of the good faith between yourself and the govt agency whose mandate is to resolve existing challenges for autistic children — a copy of the tape ought to be offered to the ministry as well, for the accuracy of their records too….just a thought.
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Memberre: " I
spoke to a Laurel worker one time and his attuide was that parents don't know how to handle the kids most of the time." –
this means when the child has behavioral difficulties. I also know that's why we go to consulants because their is no training manual. That said Laurel in my opinion is not where I would want my consulant.Same anon as 845 am, just wanted to clarify.
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I am the anon from yesterday and I wanted to say a few things to you. I agree with you as well and your son will do fine with a mother like yourself. I know it's hard and keep going. Well the good news is that if people don't want funding they have a choice. I know in the world of autism so many people jump at MCFD funding to only wish they hadn't. The problem is if you don't have someone who is a expert it can create more behavioural difficulties in the child.
Also, if we want our children with us til we die that's our right. We don't have to take who the government says we take, and they don't want to give it. I spoke to a Laurel worker one time and his attuide was that parents don't know how to handle the kids most of the time. Well my thoughts are these
First of all- all other disablities in this province get way more support then us. There is no real support centre set up, even the ABA consulants agree with this. Also, who wants the babysitters which can do my harm then good. Then there are all the school issues as they age. The school system is no better then the Laurel group in my opinion. They aren't set up to handle autistic kids. It's sad. My thoughts are if you get sick of the school system homeschool. Parents that do this have less stress. It's not the autism that is stressful it's the way unexperienced people handle them.
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MemberLinda ,
That is distressing to hear, however sadly not to surprizing that your Provincial Government did that to the Commission. It never ceases to amaze me that we both live in the same Country yet seem to come from two different planets with respect to our provinces.
Our former MFCS ( MCSS- you can change a name but that doesn't mean the attitude changes) Minister , also the Minister Responsible for Children, publically said that he wished parents of disabled children in Ontario were more like the ones in the states ( referring to proaction), and actually equated us to the terrorists of 9/11, no I am not kidding wish I was. This at a downtown Toronto speaking engagement. I guess he doesn't like the fact that I know where the former Minister Responsible for Children vacations and what kind of explaining publically he would have to do with that one. One day dear Johnny one day.
Not two months ago, we went to Queen's Park, and I will be the first one to admit that day I lost my cool or what little there is of it left after four years of listening to false promises and lies. The newly and conveniently appointed Minister for MFCS promised to have a sch. meeting with us, after meeting with a group of us on spot due to the massive media coverage that day. SHE offered us the meeting, and we have compiled a multi-disciplinary team to go to the table, mostly health care professionals, well respected people in this province to show the government in a proactive way ( see that Johnny B) on how they can get themselves out of this mess they have burried themselves in. We have very methodically and carefuly with proper consultation from various fields come up with a plan to implement ABA into the school system, although it is 100% independant of school contract employees and it works with policy's already in place. We have done careful financial projections, and have gone so far as to find where money could be rerouted to deal with the peak costs which would hit in three years and then start to decline in ten.
And what of their PROMISE to meet. They now refuse to meet with more than ONE person, well you know too many witness's yadda yadda…and oh another whole host of stipulations. And to add injury to insult they are prepared to offer 30 mins of the Minster's time…for the life and welfare of children, of which by the way she is now responsible for as her dual role as Minister RESPONSIBLE for children ( dear Johnny's former post). I wonder how long Mrs. Elliot takes for Lunch?
The Minister of Health whom she PROMISED she would invite to the table, I mean sheesh if they are all that busy we thought getting them all to the table at once was being very prudent, I mean after all we thought he was concerned being that he in his campaign promises for the recent Premier Election we had, said he was going to re route funding sources to provide ABA to children over the age of six…. but he can not make the meeting, he is alledgedly too busy working out at the U of T gym during the business day because after all we are just talking about children, nothing important of course. Certainly not as important as a firm stomach.Well elections are coming up and with the mess our educational system is currently in , government taking over school boards, because boards refuse to make further cuts to children's futures, all while the government sings their favorite rendition of " children are our highest priority la la la and look at what we have done la la la we are wonderful people la la la for finally recognizing the needs of children struggling with autism la la la 40 million we have given for christs sake la la la…" excuse us we must pre-empt our song, we have to go and build a 10 million dollar tennis center now to host the tennis championships.
G_d help the children, truly.
thank G_d for Sabrina Freeman and FEAT of BC…
its often the only chance I think our precious highest priorty children have.truly sad, so very truly sad.
Deleted User
Memberthe great debate…
long standing contract vs an individuals rights, the same rights afforded to other Canadians.file a Human Rights Complaint
if it were me I would base it on " handicap" discrimination
if it were me I would claim discrimination as against other non handicaped individuals but more so as against other handicaped citizens.
read the definitions of the Code… handicap refers to something very particular.
if the person who posted re their child and Laurel group would like further information on this process pls contact me privately.
Norrah Whitney
pls include a subject line with ref to this, I skim through a great deal of mail
fight4aba@hotmail.comDeleted User
I think it stinks. My child isn't over the magical age of 7 but because a team didn't diagnose the child we don't qualify. I am going to say this very honestly, I think it's better to have no funding at all then go with the service providers from the MCFD. Paid babysitters is all they are (as in Laurel or whomever).
We pay taxes yet they have the say in who provides behavioural support to our children? I think that the government lackes have been trained in only one way, and that's the not the way it should be. MSP should fund whomever we choose whenever we choose it. Doctors are qualified to make medical treatment referrals, MCFD is not. I don't want anything the government has to offer.
Deleted User
MemberCould someone please fill me in as to how the government determined that the magic number "7" was the cutoff age for individualized funding? Do our kids wake up on the morning of their 7th birthday magically cured? We have been trying to secure funding for our "over 7" child and have been told that Laurel Group and Gateway are our only two options. When we told the hierarchy of MCFD that we have tried both of these organizations with less than satisfactory results (to put it very diplomatically – and we have documented evidence of this) we were told that the government has global contracts with these service providers and that they can't break the contracts to provide us with individualized funding for therapies that do work.
Any comment?Deleted User
MemberI am wondering if any families are contracting extra services from the school district for their child, ie, slp, ot, pt, beh consultation, aug comm, one on one therapy, etc.
please reply to
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MemberThe subsidy for the Mainstream conference is only for parents of autistic children who are six and under. When I phoned them to ask why, I was told that the conference is geared to early intervention programs and so only those parents would be subsidized. The rest of us with older children would have to pay the entire $235 fee. Another example of discrimination by this government and their service providers.
Deleted User
MemberA quick ABA/GST question:
Our ABA Consultant/Service Provider currently charges us GST for monthly services rendered. We applied to the federal government for a "GST exemption" as it is for "medically necessary treatment" under the supervision of a clinical psychologist. We were told by Rev Canada that if the service provider has to pay GST, then we have to pay GST to them. However, any services through a "government body or institution" are GST exempt. Does anyone know how to get out of paying the GST for medical treatment for ABA therapy? Please email me at taml@telus.netthanks,