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  • in reply to: Room Four: School Related Topics #3380
    Deleted User

    Hello everyone!

    Has anyone out there been trying to deal with another child that possibly has special needs? We are in contact with a 9 yr old and he is very difficult to be around. The parents are clueless and the teachers agree. They have had yrs of meetings and only found out just on Tuesday that the parents are clueless their child is in a modified program. They now think the school is against them and refuses to let their son to any assessments. They refuse to see any doctors which missed the diagnosis (kept saying he is ok).

    To date this child has little or no friends, people just don't want to be around him, he has bullied, physical manipulation is happening and my child is one of the victims.

    If he were not bullying my child I would not be involved anymore. When the parent did not discipline the child, I admit I did not want to be involved because you can only say so much. We are hitting a brick wall. Until they are ready to face this…besides maybe he is not autistic but has anger mgt? It is the right of every child to acccess all services available to help him succedd. What a sad case of denial this one is.

    Any opinons would be appreciated. Thx
    Yipee mom

    in reply to: Room Two: Behavioural Treatment Topics #391
    Deleted User

    Anyone interested to help their child swallow tablets or pills…….a new product for them.

    see this link:

    Hope that helps. Only $12.00 US and looks really good. I may get one for my son and if it works I will be posting again.

    We are getting it to help him swallow dietary supplements such as vitamins, etc.

    Any advice or success with any of your children?

    in reply to: Room Four: School Related Topics #3382
    Deleted User

    Peter, Christine and Dave

    I was reading on your all writing about the school funding for private schools. I agree with Dave and I believe it is a matter of going to the right people. But more importantly is that I also believe as Dave quoted that once the diagnosis is in — none of you should have to go through the "re-assessment" part again. Diagnosis is good from now till they turn legal adults.

    From what I know the Ministry of Health, Education and the Family & Child Developoment (MCFD) do not have a policy that echoes equally. What is going on is the people at BCAAN, FHAN, SunnyHill, Ministries above are trying to come up with something to be able to help parents filter through this cross jurisdiction issue. I am caught in it myself with no answer just yet. But start by contacting the Ministry of Education and look for the Special Needs department and perhaps they can tell you more about the funding for private or religious schools. I do know of a case that my girlfriend put her autistic son in a private school and they also cut her funding. I am not exactly sure if they have appealed or not.

    I am not sure the comments help but I just wanted to express that as another parent of a child with special needs I am really supportive of all you parents advocating and fighting for the best your child can be. Keep it up.

    God bless parents of special needs children!

    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #5175
    Deleted User

    Hi everyone – I am looking for some research articals on Autism for my biological psych class this semester – can anyone pass somethings on to me?

    in reply to: Room Five: The FEAT BC Classifieds #9936
    Deleted User

    Re: Monarch Pediatric Dental

    My son is 7 years old now and he literally freaks out and pees if he has to go to the dentist. We have extreme difficulty trying to clean his teeth since this incident.

    Some of you may have better experience than us but I feel strong about this to post this so that you are aware. I know I would have wanted to know if there are any complaints about a business or clinic's practice.


    in reply to: Room Five: The FEAT BC Classifieds #9937
    Deleted User

    I am posting a msg to warn all of you of Monarch Pediatric clinic. DO NOT GO THERE.

    My son who has autism spectrum disorder went there (Metrotown, Burnaby) after he accidently knocked his two front teeth off a chair.

    The clinic was horrible. They refused to let us have any say in what kind of pain relief to give him. I asked if we could not put a needle in his mouth after the trauma of just falling of the chair. they said no.

    they forced him into the dental chair, put straps on him and put the needle in while he screamed and pee was all over his pants.

    afterwards one of the snarky dental assistants said that we could have had general anesthesia but the drugs would have cost us $500 a shot and besdies the anesthisiolgist was on vacation.

    so they stole my chance of offering him help in any way. they took my rights away from me and him for choosing the best method of removal for his bent teeth.

    I will NEVER recommend anyone and would strongly advise you go and take your own risk.

    Not so yipee mom about monarch

    in reply to: Room Five: The FEAT BC Classifieds #9946
    Deleted User

    Looking for timers and clickers…

    I am looking for vibrating timers and electronic clickers if anyone has ones in good condition that they are no longer using.

    Please email:

    in reply to: Room Two: Behavioural Treatment Topics #396
    Deleted User

    Hello Heather Burke

    I just read your message and realized your doctor is the same one as mine. I am the one that posted the info on getting your family doctor to refer you to a pediatrician and from there he can diagnose your child for ASD (6 years and older of course).

    How old is your child and was your experience straight forward?

    My pediatrician is also Dr. deLevie and my son was diagnosed July 25, 2007. Wow….nice to know that Dr. deLevie helps people everyday. for anyone interested you can ask your family doctor to refer you to him. His office number is 604-266-1874.

    Take care.

    in reply to: Room Three: Discussions about Government Topics #1732
    Deleted User

    Hi everyone

    for all of you in bc not aware, the MCFD (Ministry of Family and Child
    Development) has on page 17 of 28 page procedure and policy manual
    that children that are 6 and older do NOT require a multidisclinary

    A multidisciplinary team consist of a pediatrican, psychologist and
    speech language pathologist.

    If your pediatrician is experienced with the ADOS and ADI-R testing
    tools, you can be referred to them by your family doctor and MSP can
    fund his private assessment for you. NO NEED TO PAY.

    My funding has been approved as of August 16th so this is put out
    there for all of you looking for help and can't afford it.

    You can reach me at my private email if you need more information or
    discuss further.

    Each case is unique so it is necessary to go over the details but I
    would be glad to share my experience with anyone interested.


    Yipee mom

    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #5183
    Deleted User

    Hello everyone

    I wanted to ask if anyone out there has Autism Spectrum Disorder to talk to their kids about death? My son asks me since we went to the Titanic Exhibit in Victoria.

    He is not scared but he seems to want to know where do they go after.

    any opinions?

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