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MemberDear FEATBC Members, Parents and Professionals,
I would like to make a statement on behalf of the Early Autism Project regarding our conference held on February 2nd, 2002.
There have been some concerns based around the presentation of Lynn Hamilton, primarily about the mercury detoxification. I think it is best if I clear up our position on this matter.
The Early Autism Project was established on the foundation that we are an ABA Lovaas trained clinical staff and our objective is to provide high quality services for families here in B.C. Although Lynn shared her thoughts on biomedical intervention and we highly respect her as a parent and author, our work with her son was done only in Applied Behavioural Analysis. We had the honor of working with Ryan, and are proud of the young man that he has become.
We, at EAP are not able to endorse anything but ABA, as this is where our formal training lies. We appreciate the support that we have received from families here in Canada and will dedicate ourselves towards working with your children.
Bohdanna Popovicwz-Kvam,
Clinical Director,
Early Autism ProjectDeleted User
Memberfor those of you who have school age kids, have you made a decision to follow an "adapted" curriculum, which is the standard curriculum the rest of the class follows with adaptations or supports for the special needs student or a "modified" curriculum in which the student receives an academic program tailored to their abilities. i beleive my son can do the standard curriculum with adaptations but it will take nearly all of our therapy time to teach it. hard decision and now that he has hit grade 4 it really matters because this is the year they get letter grades and not just anectdotal report cards. please post any of your thoughts to this list or privately to me if you prefer at
and, by the way, i do know how fortunate i am to have this "problem" of making a choice between the standard or modified curriculum. i am aware that for many there is no choice to make.Deleted User
MemberCheck tommorrows Province paper their will be a story regarding Autism.
Deleted User
MemberI heard on the radio today that the early intervention funding for autistic kids went through today in BC. Did anyone else hear this? Is this the individualized funding that I have been waiting for? Any confirmation or information would be muchly appreciated.
Lisa Luoma
Nathan's momDeleted User
I am a second year psychology student at UBC hoping to become an ABA therapist. I currently don't have any experience, but I am looking for a family who is willing to train someone like me. Ideally, I would like to work a few shifts a week, until May when classes end and I would be available for a lot more hours. If you live in Vancouver (not greater Vancouver…I don't have a car) and are interested in training a new therapist, please either call me at 225-2221 or email me at
Kristin Szklarz
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MemberPhonics and ABA.
We have recently started teaching phonics in our sons ABA program. We are having great fun building a program using methods, activities, and exercises out of a recently published book "Reading reflex" by Carmen and Geoffrey McGuiness of Read America Inc. I highly recommend it to anyone trying to teach, or thinking of implementing a phonics based reading program. The methods in this book are easy step by step and build confidence quickly because they allow for lots of early success which is important to the learner. Just had to share it.Deleted User
MemberI just wanted to thank Dr. Sabrina Freeman for getting on board and lending a helping hand to the children here in Ontario today. I only wish it could have been a longer show and
I wish we were as fortunate as BC…
Thanks again on behalf of many families here Sabrina, your time and help were greatly appreciated.
With deep Respect,
Norrah WhitneyDeleted User
MemberIn regard to the posts on MMR vaccines.
First, Doctors can advise but have no authority to order parents to do anything in regard to vaccination.
Second there is ample evidence that current vaccination policies are doing harm throughout North America.
The MMR vaccine has been singled out as a catalyst triggering the onset of autism by many parents whose children were typical in development until receiving the vaccine, however experts in the vaccine controversy point not only to the MMR but the many vaccines repeatedly administered proceeding it.
Many of the vaccines given contain mercury as a preservative but the mercury is labelled as Thimersol (Thimersol is 50% mercury). The Rho Gam shots given for RH blood incompatibility also contain Thimersol. As a childs blood brain barrier is not complete until after 6 months of age it is not difficult to imagine the health implications of injecting one of the most neurotoxic elements known to man into infants. Many "experts" believe that it is an aggressive schedule of thimersol and non thimersol containing vaccines that preceed the MMR (which does not contain thimersol) that damages the immune system and neurological system and overwhelms it upon the administration of the MMR thus triggering the onset of autism.
This has received so much attention in the USA that the US FDA looked at the evidence and ordered that all thimersol containing vaccines be removed from vaccination schedules permanently by January 1st, 2003. The date they set was to prevent the companies who manufacture vaccines from sustaining major financial loss.
I have heard of no such order by our Canadian governments which should be cause for concern. In many parts of the USA local health care jurisdictions have already taken steps to remove these neuro-toxic vaccines from use. Non-Thimersol containing vaccines are available.
A very active website on this issue is: this is a large newsgroup it has some controversial opinions and non- sccientific proven treatments discussed. Specific info on which vaccines contain thimersol can be found on this website under the "FILES" heading or try the address shortcut to go directly to the file:
This list of Thimersol containing vaccines is also available through:
Immunization Action Coalition1573 Selby AvenueSt. Paul MN 55104
E-mail: Web:
Tel: (651) 647-9009Fax: (651) 647-9131Scientific evidence of the role mercury plays in causing neurodegenerative disease is available at this university of Calgary site in the form of an excellent streaming quicktime video, a must see:
Lastly there has been a roughly 700% increase in autism (diagnosed) in the last 15 years in all areas of North America. We have also seen the number of vaccinations a child receives increase to 22 from 8 in that same period.
It is unfortunate that our Provincial Health care system is blind to the harm it may be inflicting upon our children as well as refusing to play a role in remedy through the only proven effective treatment, ABA.
If you wish to contact me in regards to this post feel free to contact me at – – instead of continuing this thread on this site.
Deleted User
MemberMaking a Difference : Behavioral Intervention for Autism
by Catherine Maurice, Gina Green, Richard FoxxPublished in 2001, available through the publisher, Pro-Ed and I saw it on
Deleted User
IF SOMEBODY CARES…After my child was hit at school by the SEA and teacher…..
we started a formal report and investigation
the results fromthe school side are"there is no case
The SEA and teacher denied the "allegation"and are back to the classroom
My child is out of school for almost amonth now
and is not safe for him to go back to his school anymore……..
The schoolbaordisgiven the sugesstion we cahge himtoanother school where there is roomfor another child ,have offered to provide transportation because is far .from our home
I feel like a fish that is being tempted by agood
My thought about the injustice commited towards my child is that he might attend another school
and we willprovide therapy to help him heal fromthis terrible incident(AS IF HE NEEDED ANOTHER WOUND!)
if Dean alonzo was your child,what would you do?
…………………Mariah -