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David Chan
MemberHi all,
As most of you know I am a photographer by trade and FEAT dad by well by…….., In any case I had a job to shoot some condo complexes in New West, I really didn't think too much of it, I was walking on the site, and I noticed some derilect buildings. They were labeled Gymnasium, and other things; It was really creepy looking, like a Stephan King movie set. Then I realize that was the old Woodlands site. Well need I say more.We did what we had to do with Auton, and will continue to fight for our guys and gals. It's the only course of action that we can take.
Like Yoda says,and modified my yours truly a little bit,….."When it comes to doing the right thing by our children, there is only DO, or Do not, there is not try"
Keep up the good fight people, our children are depending on us.
Mr.P's Dad
David Chan
MemberHey all,
Check this song out, it was written by Mr. P's aide and friend, the song is called Mr. P
Mr. P's Dad
David Chan
MemberHi All,
I thought I would just chime in, as a long time FEAT'er, Mr. P is now finishing grade 9 going into Grade 10, in an independent school.
At the end of the day, I will once again quote Blanche Dubois, "We have always relied on the kindness of strangers".
From what I gather from Peter's post, he does have diagnostics, and paperwork. Truth is, it depends on the folks that you are dealing with. If they have the intent to help, then the paperwork is secondary.
Lo those many years ago, when Mr. P started in grade 3, the scenario that we presented to the school was that our kid will come to school armed and ready; which is to say, there was no expectation on our part from the school to provide any intervention on our kidÕs behalf.
Think about it: your kid already has a program and consultant. Why would you need input from the school as to how to implement his or her integration ?
That said, our kid arrived at the first day of school armed with a full time aide; namely, ME. We implemented his programs from home and also integrated him into the classroom programs. This whole process went on for more that 2.5 years till we found the right person to replace myself in the middle of grade 5.
I don't recommend this to any parent out there; it was just not a fun thing to do! However, my point is that my skill set is not unique; it can be taught to an aide. Granted, I was more vested that anyone I could possibly hire, but none the less, the process is the same. Skilled aide with kid, then slowly integrate into classroom activity….That at least in our case was the key.
Truth is after one year of success, and then the second, pretty soon your kid becomes a fixture in the school. Your kid becomes an asset, rather than a problem THEY have to solve. You've already done the problem solving in advance, from home. The school is a venue for you to implement your kid's programs, and for him/her to learn school and social stuff.
You have to start off successful– there is no other option. Once a kid goes south in a school setting, it will take almost an insurmountable amount of work to bring it back, it's almost better to start fresh.
We also know this from painful experience because our guys K and Grade 1 year was less than stellar, and grade 2 lasted 21 days before we pulled him out of school, and home schooled and LovaasÕed at home for a year. What fun!
Success begets success. All situations are great till they are not. You never take the good moments for granted. Just because he had a good year this year is no guarantee that next year will be as good or the wheels may come falling off. This after 6 years in the independent school system.
Again, we are always relying on the kindness of strangers.
On a much happier note, we are preparing a science 9 exam, and and english 9 exam. Hell on wheels to teach that stuff to any kid, let alone one on the team, but wow when he gets it, what a buzz it is.
Best of luck to everyone, and just 3 more years in the secondary school system for us.
Keep us in your thoughts too, Ôcause always remember, Òit's great until it's not great any moreÓ.
Slugging it out in High school,
Mr. P's mom and dad
David Chan
MemberHi All,
Just got word that Jean Lewis and David Marley will be on Bill Good Program tomorrow, May 16th at 11:00 a.m. to discuss the FEAT BC GOES COSTAL tour. The tour will start in Halifax continue by way of Ottawa and Toronto. So tune in tomorrow at 11:00 am on the Bill Good program on CKNW 980.
Tune in, Call in and show your support.
Mr. P's Dad
David Chan
MemberHi All,
Just got word that Jean Lewis and David Marley will be on Bill Good Program tomorrow, May 16th at 11:00 a.m. to discuss the FEAT BC GOES COSTAL tour. The tour will start in Halifax continue by way of Ottawa and Toronto. So tune in tomorrow at 11:00 am on the Bill Good program on CKNW 980.
Tune in, Call in and show your support.
Mr. P's Dad
David Chan
MemberHey all,
Long time, things are going well Mr. P is now in Grade 9. I can hardly believe it. The other night he brought home some science homework. Chemistry, yuck ! How am I going to teach this kid Chemistry, when I suck at it.
Well, we will be ABA'ing the problem, we will break down the task in small steps and teach it one step at a time, I have a feeling it's going to work, actually, I have more than a feeling.
This is the same way we taught him how to tie his shoes, ride his bike, read……so why not chemistry.
Then another thought occurred to me, what a pain the a–, this is going to be hard…..(thank god for his mother who is a whiz at this particular branch of the sciences)….but wait, look at this kid
You all remember who he was,this has not been a easy journey for any of us, and yet, here we are.
His mom and I reflected for a moment, and realized how really blessed we really are, and what ABA therapy, and hard work has brought. I wish every single one of you on the board this kind of pain in the A–
Keep going, fight the good fight
Mr. P's Mom and Dad
P.S. Mr. P was in toys r'us and he asked his mom,"hey, where the he– is my dad ?" don't all grade 9 boys sound like that ?
Before I forget I made another slide show for FEAT, and I have posted it on Youtube, and here is the link
Check it out
David Chan
MemberThere is free speech in this country, I guess you can say what ever you want. Q&Q needed to fill some dead air. I'm so mad I won't even mention that woman's name.
Everywhere I look in the media, I am told that there is an Autism Epidemic. Not to digress, but Jon Stewart is holding a fundraiser in the US on comedy central tonite to raise money for Autism education programs.
So obviously someone thinks that Autism is a disorder, other than bitter parents that went to the Supreme court of Canada.
Does any one have any ideas as to mount a rebuttal to that interview in a national way?
And does anybody really listen to the CBC
a livid Mr. P's Dad
David Chan
MemberSometimes you ask yourself, what the H-ll you're thinking, The boy had watched a movie about go kart racing last year, and had harrassed us about going in a go kart. I'm thinking We are going to let this child operate a motorize vehicale, like sure.
It was a nice day today,so His therapist, mom, sister and I all went to the go kart track.
The first circut, Mr. P rode shotgun, and His Therpist did the driving.
Next circut, 10 minutes later. Therapist riding shotgun, Mr. P at the helm. They rode for 10 minutes around the course. In the beginning, His therapist was holding on to the wheel, part of the time, but by the end, it was all Mr. P. I have photos.
Every time we take on something, whether is driving a go Kart, Math, swimming, it 's with a sense of hesitation, and a modicum of doubt. But sometimes you just have to say, "what the —-" and dive in anyway.
No guts No glory.
Who knows what he will try next, The things that he and all of our kids can experience is limited only by our imagination.
Onward and upward; next week we start Grade 9
what the —- were we thinking.
Mr. P's DadDavid Chan
MemberWell the boy and I and one of his tutors finally did it, and we've been talking about it for a couple years, so we tried it. We did the Grouse Grind. Ya, know, he wanted to race ahead of both of us. Frankly, I was ready to quit after the first 25 minutes. but sure enough we made it to the top. And the reinforcer for this ardous task, Cheeseburgers all round. Wow, way to go kid. Dave Mr. P's dad P.S. what the he– was I thinking when I decided to do it with them, just about killed me D
David Chan
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