Generously Provided by the
Association for Science in Autism Treatment
Hi Everyone,
Ok, how do I word this appropriately.. I know of a little girl, she was born premature, because of this I feel her primary caregiver has "neglected" to face some serious warning signs. I joined because I want to have such a large network of knowledgable people to ask questions to. I am not claiming to be an expert, but the child is definitely in need of someone on her side.
More to come on this.
My first question is, have any of you faced a family Dr. that may not be familiar enough, or too busy, to notice red flags for ASD or Asperger's?
Second, is anyone familiar with the 'KLST 2" screen test for Kindergarten? I have a few questions on the "%ile", raw score, and stanine scoring.
PLease note I am not just a nosy person, but someone that genuinely cares about a little girl I know of.