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  • #73
    FEAT BC Admin

    In this topic area, discussion is on all issues relating to setting up and running a home-based intervention program. Please feel free to bring up any problems or suggestions. Parents can help each other greatly by sharing information and giving suggestions.

    In addition to parents helping parents, A.B.A. professionals on in the Discussion Group can also help provide insight and guidance.

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  • Author
  • #200
    FEAT BC Admin

    A few people have enquired about the room number for the upcoming lecture on Saturday, February 28 ('HOW TO EVALUATE AUTISM TREATMENTS: Make sure your child gets what works!').

    The room is in S.F.U.'s Academic Quadrangle, Room #K9500 (which is the Math Dpartment). The lecture begins at 2:00 PM. Navigation suggestions are below:

    From the East:
    Trans-Canada Highway (Highway 1) —
    take the Cariboo Road exit (north). At its
    intersection with Highway 7 (Lougheed
    Highway) continue north onto Gaglardi
    Way. Lougheed Highway (Highway 7) — turn
    right at its intersection with Gaglardi Way.

    From the West:
    Trans-Canada Highway (Highway 1) —
    take the Cariboo Road exit (north). At its
    intersection with Highway 7 (Lougheed
    Highway) continue north onto Gaglardi
    Way. Lougheed Highway (Highway 7) — turn
    left at the Gaglardi Way intersection.
    Hastings Street (Highway 7A) — take the
    right lane exit at the traffic light at Barnet
    Highway (just past the pedestrian
    overpass). Continue on Burnaby Mountain
    Parkway to the intersection of University
    Drive and Gaglardi Way.

    From the South:
    Highway 99 — take the King George
    Highway (Highway 99A) exit. Cross
    Patullo Bridge and turn right onto
    Columbia St (becomes North Road). Turn
    left onto Lougheed Highway; then right
    onto Gaglardi Way.

    FEAT BC Admin

    This is a reminder note regarding the upcoming lecture entitled ‘HOW TO EVALUATE AUTISM TREATMENTS: Make sure your child gets what works!’

    The lecture is at S.F.U. on Saturday, February 28, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. A registration form can be downloaded at this address:

    FEAT BC Admin

    Hello everyone,

    The correct web address to download a registration form for the FEAT BC Intermediate Therapist Workshop is below:

    –> http://www.featbc.org/downloads/ibtw.pdf

    The form can also be accessed via the FEAT BC web site's 'Events' page.

    IMPORTANT: the form labeled 'abtw.pdf' is NOT the correct form to use for this workshop. If you have already downloaded the form, please discard and replace it with the correct form labeled 'ibtw.pdf.' To recap, please click below to download the form for the Intermediate Therapist Workshop:

    –> http://www.featbc.org/downloads/ibtw.pdf

    Questions? Please call FEAT BC at 604-534-6956 or E-mail info@featbc.org.

    Thank you.

    Volunteer Board Admin.

    Deleted User

    To All Those Parents stuck on an ABA Program wait-list, **where-ever** You Live:

    Great News — the Lovaas Institute (http://www.lovaas.com/) has a "no wait list" policy, their consultants are fantastic and they are willing and able to fly to you to supervise your child's program!

    Pricing seems to be on an "a la carte" basis (no flat fee: the more you require (i.e. visits/frequency, extra reports, weekly telephone consults, emails, etc.), the more you pay…) but accessibility and availability AND most importantly **quality** is there, no matter where you live.

    LIFE Director of Operations: Scott Wright (now based in LA Clinic I hear); LA Clinic Directors are Scott Cross and Tanya Gamby.
    Sabrina: Do you have more background information/history on these folks?

    How to get started -> Email Meghan Brearley for intake information: mbrearley@lovaas.com

    Good Luck to you.


    Anna Dougans

    I was very keen in attending the lecture being presented by Sabrina Freeman in West
    Vancouver, but I became waylaid by the traffic 'problem'(More like a nightmare)!
    I wanted to know whether or not Sabrina will offer another workshop in the
    near future?
    Also, where can I purchase her book "Teach Me Language" and it's companion
    (I had exact change ready and everything!!)
    Thanks for any info.

    Mike & Jean

    *** An important lecture not to miss ***

    'HOW TO EVALUATE AUTISM TREATMENTS: Make sure your child gets what works'

    This post is about an upcoming lecture at SFU by Dr. Sabrina Freeman,
    regarding how to navigate your way through the maze of autism treatments out there
    and to ensure that your child (and wallet) are safeguarded from quacks and
    opportunists that exist in abundant supply in the autism treatment universe.

    Over the past eight years, Dr. Freeman has had the opportunity to speak with
    a great number of parents about autism treatments and the state of the science
    in the field. Many parents have asked whether a given treatment they are
    considering is hopefully effective for their child – or not. Dr. Freeman has
    described ways in which parents can obtain this important information so as to
    arrive at their own opinion. After many years, she has concluded that it is
    just not good enough for parents to rely solely on the opinions of others about
    one treatment over another. What every well informed parent needs to know is
    how to evaluate — on their own — the science behind any given autism treatment
    method. In other words, rather than relying on the opinions of others, it is
    far better for parents to know the basic scientific principles that make for
    a truly informed and savvy autism treatment consumer and advocate for their
    child. This is especially important in the world of autism treatment where
    there seems to be an annual crop of purported autism treatments. Without a
    reference point that is grounded in the fundamentals of the scientific method,
    parents are essentially traveling without a compass. How can parents choose
    treatments that are most likely to be effective, rather than those most likely to be
    a waste of precious time and resources?

    To this end, and to empower parents in their dealings with so-called autism
    "experts," Dr. Freeman will present a two-hour lecture at Simon Fraser
    University. The presentation is free of charge to ensure that everyone who needs this
    information is able to attend. The lecture date is Saturday, February 28th,
    at 2:00 PM, Lecture Hall K9500. Everyone who attends will receive a free copy
    of the lecture video for his or her home library — the lecture will be

    Parents: We encourage you to suggest that your team members consider
    attending this lecture if possible. This is a very valuable learning opportunity for
    parents, therapists and consultants.

    For those planning to attend, please send a confirmation E-mail to
    lectures@featbc.org, or fax a registration form to 604-534-9527. A registration form
    can be downloaded at this address:
    https://featbc.org/downloads/freemanlecture.pdf). Please E-mail or fax your registration soon to guarantee a seat.

    Jenny Obando

    Hello everyone

    I wanted to let people know Dr Gutstein is coming to BC, he will be in Kamloops April 6-7.
    Dr Gutstein illustrates how people with autism can create friendships, have emotions and interact with other people. Dr Gutstein has also writtern several books.

    you can get more information on http://www.connectionscenter.com


    Hello everybody,

    It's Janet again.
    I have been looking, e-mailing consultants for an opening for my daugher. But to no avail. Everybody is booked up.

    If anyone knows and can recommend any good consultant, and a senior therapist, that would be highly appreciated.

    Please e-mail me at Jnarukami@shaw.ca
    Thank you so much in advance.

    Deleted User

    Hi, I am seeking to change my behavioural consultant but I need contact information to get on waitlists. I am already on EAP's waitlist, but I would appreciate contact information for any other ABA Lovas consultants.

    If you like your consultant, I would very much appreciate getting her/his contact information so that I can get on on the waitlist.

    If you can help, please either e-mail me at katzalay@hotmail.com or post the information on this chat board.

    Much appreciated!

    Deleted User

    My daughter has a moderate to severe "Verbal Behavior". She is in Kindergarden and will turn 6 next month. I am desperately LOOKING FOR A GOOD CONSULTANT AND A SENIOR THERAPISTS as soon as possible.
    We had an EIBI program before but are now changing to ABA program.
    Please, if anyone know/ or who can help me find a consultant, please e-mail me asap.
    We live in South Burnaby area, (close to 22nd St. Skytrain Station)

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