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  • #5286

    Hi everyone,

    Next in the North Shore ASBC Parent Support Group series: Social Skills / Bullying

    Michelle Shilvock, a local ABA Consultant, will give a presentation on Social Skills groups for both preschool and elementary school aged children. The topics will include how to facilitate peer interactions, strategies for providing opportunities during the school day, and other tips on successful peer plays. Also, there will be an opportunity to discuss bullying – how to avoid it and looking at information at what to do if it happens.

    This meeting is open to parents, school aides, teachers and others with an interest in social skill groups.

    Date: Tuesday, January 23

    Time: 7 -9 p.m.

    Location: Peters Room in the West Vancouver Memorial Library, 1950 Marine Drive in West Van. (between 19th and 20th Streets). The library is easily accessible via Highway #1 Upper Levels), taking either the 15th Street or
    20th St. exits.

    Coffee/Tea and snacks provided.
    Donations are greatly appreciated.

    Please RSVP to Andrea at andreafinch@shaw.ca or to Eva at 604-218-3298

    Looking forward to seeing you there.


    Eva, Andrea, Janet and Debra

    Barbara Rodrigues

    Thanks Nicole – that is very helpful – I passed it along to the mom. Very interesting – I wish they had something like that here in B.C.

    Thanks for taking the time -it's appreciated.

    Thanks also to you Dave – unfortunately her Ped. isn't too responsive and mom has some Infant Development involved who don't see 'it' but she mentioned they didn't see 'it' her son who was later diagnosed (go figure).


    Dave Collyer

    Hi Barb,

    I have nothing specific re Ontario services… but I would like to offer the following observation…

    Sometimes talking with "professionals" and doctors can be a bit of challenge. Prior to a visit to any "professional" many parents have found it critical to do their "homework" (as I know you know). This site covers the basics but it might help the parents prepare (although I suspect that they have already got this covered as their first child already has been diagnosed…):



    There is a baby sibs program going on in Ontario and they would probably be more then interested in taking a look at their family. I cannot remember the contact information but its on one of the Autism research sites. These are the people doing the study:

    Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, M.D., Susan Bryson, Ph.D., Peter Szatmari, M.D., Wendy Roberts, M.D.
    McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)
    "Identifying Early Markers of Autism: A Longitudinal Study of Infant Siblings

    Here is the site address:

    Hope this helps!!

    Barbara Rodrigues


    For anyone from Ontario on list:

    Do you know of a specialist that a mom can take her baby girl (8months) to for an evaluation? Her son has autism and now she is seeing some disturbing signs in her baby. Her Pediatrician is of no help. Is there a Psychologist or someone else you could recommend out there?

    Email me at bartist@canada.com pls put Ontario in the subject line.



    Deleted User

    I work at the Poco Art Knapps owned by Wimm Vander Zalm and they have the CD there. Art Knapp also raises money for children with Diabetes and holds events for Breast Cancer. We also collected alot of money and food for the food bank. Wimm donates his time and money for alot more also like Theatre organizations and even church groups. He has been very supportive since my son has been diagnosed with Aspergers and even let me have a car wash in his parking lot to raise money last summer. Art Knapp stores care and do alot for the community.


    Hello Everyone,

    An interesting article is in the Vernon Morning Star: 'Art Knapp owner aids autism with Sounds of Christmas CD … benefiting Families for Early Autism of B.C.'

    The piece states that, "the results so far have been positive with 1,500 copies selling within the first three weeks …"

    The article is at this link: http://tinyurl.com/yxhhkd


    Super Dad

    Dear Rosario,

    Please be very careful. Joining the wrong group can do a lot more harm than good. The autism community has a dark side. Please contact one of the following people:

    Andrea Finch <andreafinch@shaw.ca>
    Eleanor MacDonald <elledubois65@shaw.ca>
    Stella Hui <shui@autismbc.ca>
    Tony Tamer <tony.tamer@yahoo.com>



    I am the aunt of a 6 year old diagnosed with autism. I have seen his parents go through great difficulties trying to get help as their son was finally diagnosed at approximate age 4.
    I would like to find a parent support group in Richmond amd Langley (parent's home).



    I am the aunt of a 6 year old diagnosed with autism. I have seen his parents go through great difficulties trying to get help as their son was finally diagnosed at approximate age 4.
    I would like to find a parent support group in Richmond amd Langley (parent's home).


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