F.E.A.T. of B.C. -- autism and discrimination in British Columbia, Canada


The NDP Party did not allow this autismresolution to come to a vote.



1998 NDP Party of British Columbia convention -- resolutions




WHEREAS years of scientific researches andfield studies have shown

that with Intensive Early Intervention (IEI) treatment, such as Lovaas-type

treatment, Children with Autistic Disorder could reach school age with

normal language and social development, able to participate in an

integrated regular school. It is also known that IEI effectiveness increases

with earlier intervention, that infant and pre-schoolers do compensatefor

neurological anomalies much more completely than do older children;



WHEREAS such treatment has not been incorporatedinto, or even

formally evaluated by Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education nor

Ministry of Social Services. Families without the financial resourcesare

outside the health care system with grave consequences for their

families and affected children.


WHEREAS all children are citizens of Canada,and the right to

Medicare must extend to medically necessary autism treatment for all

children who require it.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, BC NDP,urge the British

Columbia government to make funding available for the treatment of

autistic children, and education to provide treatment professionals,to

ensure that an autistic child's access to the health care system be solely

based on need and not individual ability to pay.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that BC NDP and theBC government

strongly urge the federal government to develop federal guidelines to

ensure universal, comprehensive autism treatment is made available in

a consistent basis nation-wide application.




Full text of NDP '98 resolutions is available at http://www.ndp.wimsey.com/resolutions/res-mainpage.htm


F.E.A.T. of B.C.

20641 - 46 Ave., Langley, B.C., V3A 3H8 Canada
Ph. (604)534-6956 Fax (604)534-9527

Director: Dr. S.K. Freeman
Phone: 534-6956
Fax: 534-9527
e-mail: SKFREEMAN@aol.com

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