Forum Replies Created
Nancy Walton
ParticipantHi Dee Dee,
Here's my take on things.
A Bona Fide Lovaas consultant is someone who has been properly trained (ample supervision and instruction) by Lovaas himself, or by a descendent of Lovaas. This type of consultant is well versed in Lovaas protocal. Decisions about the programming are based on an indepth understanding of the Lovaas ABA principles.
Why do I chose a Lovaas consultant over a consultant who has some other ABA type protocol? Because it is the Lovaas protocol that has enough scientific research to back it's effectiveness. While my consultant may incorporate non-Lovaas influences into my childs program, she does so with sites on the big picture…how will this affect his overall behavior? These decisions are made based on her experience and training in Lovaas ABA.
In short: A consultant should have a Lovaas foundation of principles, upon which he or she can continue to expand his or her repetoire of techniques.
That is just my opinion. Anyone else, feel free to jump in or correct my understanding.
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantHi Kerry
Welcome aboard.
We have had success finding therapists both from our local newspaper (ads in help wanted and even in the career section) and by advertising at the local colleges/universities (Kwantlen College, Trinity Wester University and Fraser Valley University College).
When advertising in the newspaper, say things like "3 hour shifts ideal for college students" and "must have good play skills with young children" or "training provided".
If you have time, put "send resume to box #…" so you can weed out the people looking for a "job".
You will probably start with a completely green team, but if at all possible, try to get at least one experienced therapist to help train them. That, you can try advertising on feat for.
Take up the offer of other parents who invite you over or attend one of the feat meetings, or an ASBC meeting (West Vancouver and South Surrey have good ABA support) to get to know other parents. Through these meetings, I feel very connected to other people doing ABA therapy and it is a comfort.
Feel free to let the Chat know where you live, as you may then get a reply from a "neighbour". (I am lucky to have ABA neighbours and have shared many therapists over the years)
Nancy Walton
ASBC Surrey facilitator
(and Casey's mom)
wiklo@shaw.caNancy Walton
ParticipantI realize we are all pretty tight for money, but if anyone is considering buying a new camara, I strongly recommend a digital camara. I finally got one after two years of taking photographs and having them printed up, only to find them too dark or not close up enough.
I can now take pictures, edit them on the computer and print them up on regular paper in any size I need. I also just bought a laminator. I know, maybe I'm gadget happy, but I really think I am now much faster at getting pictures for my sons program ready. No more travelling to STaples to have them laminated. No more travelling to the store to drop off film and go back and pick up pictures.
AND the best part, is I can take hundreds of pictures of my son and delete the millions of pictures of him staring off into space and print up the one picture of him smiling into the camara. By the way, I put my pictures on disk and have them printed up by the store when I want good photographs for the album. They are just as good, if not better than pictures takent with a film camara.
Nancy Gadget Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantIt's me again
While some other person had exception to Joyces letters, that was not what feat had problems with. Feat simply does not want people to advertise their services.
Feel free to put your letters after your name if you want. Just don't advertise pay-for-service.
Nancy Walton BSc, BEd, MA
Nancy Walton
I receive both ASBC chat and feat chat postings. Just want to be clear that I don't prefer one over the other. They just have two different uses.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantTo anon Sun 1:14 am
I was trying to make a quick a post but ended up going into a long explanation. So for the short answer, just skip to the bottom.
The feat board is to discuss science-based treatment. Definition of science-based is peer reviewed large group studies (comparing results with a control group).
The reason feat has done this, is because when parents get a new diagnosis, we feel it is important that they hear about what treatment has been proven effective. When I first went to ASBC ( 3 years ago ), I asked them what I should do and they showed me a miriad of treatments and it was up to me to try to sift through and figure out what was best. People at the ASBC office were trying to convince me to do Sensory Integration because they "thought" it was good. They had no science to back these thoughts. When I talked to feat people, they didn't tell me what they "thought" was good, they just showed me research and I decided that Lovaas protocol was the only treatment backed by research not opinion.
Feat is open to any other treatment that is proven to be effective through a science based study (and not just a case study). The feat admin regularly review research that has been done and I am sure that if you were to put on the chat "has anyone heard of blah blah therapy" the administration would look up the research on blah blah to see if it is a new, effective therapy. Feat admin has looked into fluency and has not found sufficient evidence to warrent swaying parents towards using it. Therefor, they do not appreciate parents opinions on it since opinions can be misleading. This is NOT an "OPINIONS" based chat board.
If a parent choses to use a treatment that is experimental (though may have merits), that is fine, but please don't mislead parents into thinking this is a scientifically proven treatment. Please use the ASBC chat board to tout your "discovered" treatment, not the feat board.
ASBC: chat about anything
featbc: chat about science based autism treatment
Nancy Walton (stickiing with Lovaas, which has been individualized for my son and is working great)
Nancy Walton
ParticipantAnd for those south of the river, Paul Vigoren and I extend a warm invitation to attend our Autism Society group meetings. I have been doing ABA therapy with my son for 3 years (my son is 5) and Paul has a 16 year old involved in an ABA program. We have a diverse range of experiences with ABA, but we share common frustrations with the government.
Our meetings are in South Surrey at the Semiahmoo House society building, 15306 24th Ave. Meetings are the second Thursday of each month, 7-9 pm (although we tend to hang out until 10pm chatting). Feel free to just show up.
I would also be happy to answer any ABA type questions. I can be reached evenings and weekends at 604-538-8021. My e-mail is .
Nancy Walton
PS I am fierce with beaurocrats, but soft on parents.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantI was once on a volleyball team that had two coaches. One was fierce, pushing us to our limits and the other would pick us up and dust us off, give us some soft words and send us back out there to train with the fierce coach. The team often won provincial champianships.
I like to think that we have fierce coaches and soft coaches on this board. Both are necessary to make us winners. Stephen's comments to timid parents are tough to take, but I want to stress that he is giving you the truth. I have never had a feat member not give me the truth.
When I first came to this autism world, I wanted to be nice. I love negotiation and mediation. But three years later, the only thing that ever got me anything for my son was sheer anger and strong willed determination.
If you are a parent, your child needs you to be strong now. You need to confront the social worker, the school personelle, politicians…who ever gets in the way of getting your child the best treatment. (believe me, they will get in the way) If you are tired, take a little rest and then get up, put the boxing gloves back on and get out there.
Hopefully, with the work of feat members, there will be a day when you can rest and focus on your family and your child's treatment.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantHi Everyone,
Just a reminder of the Early Autism Project presentation "Theory of Mind" that will be presented Thursday, Sept 11, 7-9pm at the Surrey/Delta ASBC meeting. Our meetings take place at the Semiahmoo House Society, a lovely two story building at
15306 24th Ave, South Surrey.
To get there go south on 152nd towards White Rock, turn Left on 24th Ave and right on 153rd Street. Parking is off 153rd. However, I have had almost 50 people tell me they are coming (I have seating for 70) so I recommend you carpool. There is parking on 24th in front of the building and along 153rd Street. People coming west on 24th Ave will not be able to make a left turn on to 153rd, so you might try parking in the London Drugs parking lot across the street.
see you there. If you haven't told me you are coming, please e-mail me. Those who already have, I have contacted you.
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantRe: Gluten/Casein free diet. I wrote on this a while back. See my old posting in General Topics, Sept 24th and a follow-up posting on Oct 1st.
Nancy Walton (Casey's still calm mom)