Forum Replies Created
Nancy Walton
ParticipantAmazing Computer Game
I have discovered a computer game that is very exciting and uses discrete trial presentation of math questions. The game is called M & M's The Lost Formula. It starts with a car manouvering game where you avoid obstacles, moves into a car game where you have to either match numbers, add, subtract, multiply or divide, to drive through the correct answer. If you don't get it right, it asks again. It dummies up and dummies down as the child responds, adjusting the difficulty to the needs of the child.
The game only uses curser keys and the space bar. My son started this when he was 5 and at first just liked watching everyone else in the family play (it's very addicting). It took a few months to get him into using the curser keys and suddenly, voila!, he figured it out and has since been teaching himself all the other levels.
I highly recommend this game for anyone who needs to review math basics (in our case it's just matching numbers). It is also a great reinforcer for after therapy. It is also very handy to help keep an eye on your child while you get something else done.
WATCH OUT though. You may need to get another computer so that you can check out your feat messages
Nancy (Gadget) Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantMy son has been doing ABA since he turned 2 years old. While he did not recover, he just finished a successful year integrated in Kindergarten with a full time aide. During the year, he kept coming home with little "gotcha" awards (for demonstrating good behavior). I thought the teacher was just being extra nice since he is autistic.
But then, last week, he came home from day camp with an award for having the best sportsmanship in his group at day camp!! They noted his willingness to try all the activities no matter how difficult.
I am a proud parent today because, 4 years ago, I was told about ABA therapy. I want to thank Sabrina for bringing awareness of this science based treatment for autistic children to BC. And I want to thank Sabrina and Jean for their support and encouragement and wisdom as I struggled to start an ABA team and get my sons therapy paid for. I want to thank all of the Auton group for fighting for funding for this treatment. It is thanks to each one of you that my family has suffered less financially, and that my husband and I can be proud of our son.
Nancy Walton :)
Nancy Walton
ParticipantJust a reminder about the presentation on Behavior by Sharon Baxter at the Thursday ASBC meeting in South Surrey. I think this topic is extremely important whether you are a new parent to the world of autism or a seasoned parent. It is also great professional development for therapists and teachers aides.
The meeting is at the Semiahmoo House Society
15306 24th Ave
South Surrey
Thursday Aug 12, 7-9pmPlease call Nancy at 604-538-8021 and leave a message if you plan to attend. (My computer is down until Wednesday)
Hope to see you there.
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantJust a reminder of the ASBC meeting in South Surrey, Thursday August 12 7-9pm.
Our speaker is Sharon Baxter, MA, BCBA. Sharon will be giving a talk on "Behavior using the Principles of Applied Behavioral Analysis". She will discuss the ABC's of behavior (antecedent, behavior, consequence), functions of behavior and the use of positive reinforcement and other behavior tactics to produce behavior change.
This is a hot topic for most parents of autistic children so please e-mail me if you with to attend or call 604-538-8021 and leave a message, so that we can arrange sufficient seating.
The meeting is at the
Semiahmoo House Sociaty
15306 24th Ave
South Surrey (almost White Rock)Nancy Walton
wiklo@shaw.caNancy Walton
ParticipantCalling all Manderin speaking parents:
I am posting for a parent of a newly diagnosed four year old. Her name is Jing. She would like to get in touch with other Manderin speaking parents who have been running home based ABA programs for their children. Please give her a call, to give her some support. Even if it's just to talk.
Jing's phone number is 604-899-0896. Her e-mail address is
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantWe had no difficulty claiming the costs of our US consultant 3 years ago as a medical claim. We also claimed hotel and car rental. I recommend you get the consultant to bill you for these items on the consultant bill as this is a lot cleaner than trying to convince Rev Canada that a hotel bill is for your consultant.
By the way, is LIFE recognized by the MCFD list of providers?
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantThere WILL be a Surrey/Delta/Langley ASBC meeting Thursday June 10th, 7-9 pm. The location is the Semiahmoo House Society at 15306 24 Ave, South Surrey.
We will be having a discussion with the focus on running an ABA program at home. This may be a great opportunity for new parents or for those parents who must switch to workshop model programs. I have run an ABA program in my home for 4 years, 2 of these years were under workshop model.
We can discuss:
-where, who and how to hire therapists
-questions to ask a perspective therapist
-expectations for your therapists
-how to find or groom a lead therapist
-how to keep a tightly run programCall Nancy at 604-538-8021 if you have any questions. Otherwise, I'll see you there.
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantDo you have a non-verbal or pre-verbal child? One of the most important components of a good ABA program for younger children is "Manding". Manding is a way of eliciting speech (or sign language) from autistic children.
Amanda Raichelle-Clements will be giving a presentation on the Art of Manding at the next Surrey/Delta/Langley ASBC meeting, Thursday May 13.
Amanda has over 5000 hours of experience as an ABA line and lead therapist. She has attended numerous conferences on verbal behavior. I know from experience that she is one of the best "manders" in the province.
This presentation includes:
An introduction to Manding. (including video demos)
What is manding?
Why should I use manding with my child?
What about my child who doesn't talk?
How to get started.The meeting is Thursday May 13, 7-9pm at the Semiahmoo House Society. The address is 15306 24th Ave, South Surrey.
To reserve a seat, please e-mail Nancy at or call 604-538-8021.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantSorry Iouri,
You are on the wrong chat board. Feel free to post on the Autism Society of BC Chat board as it is not limited to autism treatment that is backed by science research. There you will find all the other treatments with wonderful "claims".
Who is to say what your child would have done with or without therapy. Many autistic children talk later than typical children.
My own child has been in ABA therapy since he was two and didn't start talking until he was 4. At the time, I was reintroducing wheat into his diet. Was it the wheat that made him talk??? Should I go out there and tell all parents to go wheat free and then reintroduce wheat at the age of 4 because that is what worked for my child?
As for the son-rise web page, that is a web page. Not a peer reviewed article from a reputable journal. Anyone can make a web page. Anyone can make claims. But only Lovaas has done research and that research has been replicated. So that is where the feat chat board keeps their focus.
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantNeed a timer??
Sharon Baxter discovered little timers with magnets on the back at Ikea for $1.99 !!!!!
They time forward and backwards. We have them and they work great. Come in great colors too.Nancy (gadget) Walton