Forum Replies Created
Nancy Walton
ParticipantThe November ASBC South Fraser meeting is cancelled due to it falling on Rememberance Day. The next meeting is December 9th.
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantFor those sending in petitions:
Several people have asked me if they should put a cover letter with their petition. It is a good idea for two reasons. First you want to tell your MP who to contact for more information: Andrew Kavchak who has been protesting for over half a year outside the Parliament buildings in Ottawa (he's there most Tuesdays and Wednesdays 12-1pm) and Scott Reid MP who will be hopefully tabling the petition November 22.
Secondly, you should tell your MP a little bit about your own situation to put a personal touch to it.
Remember to contact me once you have sent in your petition with
1) how many signatures and
2) who they have gone to.Thanks everyone
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
Yes, go ahead and send them into your MP. I have already sent in my batch. Anyone who sends in petitions can either post on this feat board, so we can see our successes or e-mail me privately. I'll keep track either way.
This may be tabled in a couple of weeks, so send in what you have now and feel free to get more and send them in later.
Thanks to all those getting the petitions in.
Nancy Walton
wiklo@shaw.caNancy Walton
ParticipantCalling all feat members.
I have just sent 59 signatures to Chuck Cadman of Surrey. Four other feat members have contacted me. One has 42 to give to a Vancouver MP, 30 signatures have gone to Russ Hiebert in White Rock BC (conservative), 25 to Chilliwack's Chuck Strahl and 40 to an NDP MP in northern Ont. So that is 196 hard copy signatures.
PLEASE, participate in this petition ASAP. I am sure we can get more than 6 people in Canada to get 25 signatures and hand them into an MP. We have fought long and hard for our children and this is something you can participate in. YOU can make a difference here.
You can find out the address of your MP in the blue pages of your phone book under Govt. of Canada, Members of Parliament. You can send the petition to your MP (or an MP of your choice) FOR FREE, if you address it to
754 Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6Just put your favorite MP's name at the top.
Come on everyone. Lets do this. Lets make a difference in Canada.
Nancy Walton
devoted mother of CaseyNancy Walton
I few weeks ago, I put out a post asking everyone to get 25 signatures on a petition and send it to their MP (or an MP you have a connection with). This was galvanized by a man named Andrew who has been protesting outside the parliament buildings for half a year. He started this petition and has presented to a sympathetic MP. We want as many MP's as possible to receive similar petitions so that all parties are aware of our cause.
I have my 25+ signatures (more thanks to other parents who have given me theirs). BUT, I have not heard back from anyone else. Please get this done this week if you can and present it to your MP. If you have done this, or when you have done this, let me know and I'll keep track of how many signatures have been gathered and who they have gone to.
By ourselves, we are only one, together, we can have a voice. If you are frustrated with paying for your child's therapy or with the lack of qualified consultants in the area, THERE IS SOMETHING YOU CAN DO !! Get together with one or two other families. There are some parents getting relatives to gather signatures on more petitions throughout Canada.
I hope to be inundated with e-mails in the next week telling me you have sent in your petition. Thanks for helping our children.
Nancy Walton
wiklo@shaw.caNancy Walton
ParticipantTime for MORE action:
I urge EVERYONE to take some time to download the petition that Andrew has talked about on a previous post. We have hundreds of people across Canada reading this chat board. If each person gets 25 signatures at 25 addresses,and hands the petition in to their MP….think about the message this could send.
I am willing to collate how many signatures are going to which MP. Please e-mail me with the subject "PETITION to MP" and tell me how many signatures you got and who you sent them to. I will post our results (keeping your name private).
Please e-mail me AFTER you have sent the petition in to your MP.
I look forward to hearing from lots of people.
Nancy Walton
wiklo@shaw.capetition can be downloaded at
Nancy Walton
ParticipantIf you are coming to the South Fraser ASBC meeting, Thurs, Oct 14, I will have the Petition there to sign….BUT I will also make copies for anyone who wants to get their own 25 signatures.
Please call Roxanne at 604-541-1554 or e-mail her at to let us know if you want your own petition. We'll make copies for you.
Let's go get them folks!!!!
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantThe importance of the feat chat board is to learn about science based treatment. The most frustrating thing I experienced when my son first got diagnosed was trying to digest the mounds of information about theories and "therapies". Feat was the only place where I could go and find out what has been proven scientifically to work. I could look up the research articles on ABA and see for myself, the treatment group – control group study.
I can be assured that any other treatment that comes out with a study to back it will be supported by feat. We feat people would love nothing more than to find an easier way to treat our children.
I also appreciate that no "unresearch" treatment will be discussed on this board. So it is black and white. If you want a treatment with efficacy supported by science, come to this chat board. If you want to find out about non-researched therapies, feel free to visit other chat boards.
I am sorry if anyone is offended by our stand here. But we need to stay focused on what we KNOW will work on our kids.
Regarding parent testimonials:
during a treatment group – control group study on a drug to treat tourettes syndrom, two parents took their kids out of the study. One because her son has recovered so well, she felt he didn't need the drug anymore, and the other because the side effects from the drug were so bad, she didn't want her son taking the drug anymore. At the end of the study it was revealled who had the drug and who had the placebo. Both boys had been taking the placebo.Nancy Walton
South Fraser ASBC facilitator and momNancy Walton
ParticipantMy son has a Leap phonics board (where you push the "a" and is say the letter, etc) which has been a great learning tool and something to keep him busy when travelling.
I am now wondering about the Leap Pad and Writing Center, where you use the pen to not only point to words and they are read, but to also write out letters. I am wondering if anyone has used this and does it work well? They are $79 for the book-board and $21 for each book that goes in the board. Don't want to spend the money on more useless games.
Give me an e-mail or call 604-538-8021
Nancy Walton
wiklo@shaw.caNancy Walton
ParticipantI have been getting several calls and e-mails lately of people looking for therapists. I agree networking with each other is very valuable and can sometimes result in finding a good person to work on your team.
Lately, however, there simply is not enough experienced therapists to go around. It is necessary, VERY NECESSARY, that each team advertise in the local newspaper or at the local college or university to find new, green therapists. It is necessary to our ABA community that new therapists get trained so that we increase our pool of therapists.
Training a new therapist is not fun, I find it hard on my child and probably harder on me, because I worry. But MOST of the time, my pain results in gain. Within one or two months, my new therapist is up and running, feeling confident and appreciative that I gave him or her this opportunity to learn about ABA and be with my child. Often my therapists then go to work on other peoples teams.
Everytime you are out of your home, please look for good potential therapists. I have approached people in Chucky Cheese, at my daughters Choir audition, at the local pool, etc, and asked them if they would be interested EVEN WHEN I DIDN'T NEED THERAPISTS. I have sent these people to other teams, or got them to post on feat. IF EVERYONE DID THIS, WE WOULD HAVE LOTS OF WONDERFUL PEOPLE TO CHOOSE FROM FOR OUR TEAMS!
Please, for the sake of all our children, contribute to the therapist pool.
– look for and advertise for new people
– train new, green therapistsWe will all benefit.
And a special thanks to those people who hired and trained the therapists I have been able to later bring to my team.
Nancy Walton