Forum Replies Created
Nancy Walton
ParticipantThank you Barbara for replying to that. I agree, we should hit every MP. It sounds like the MP's are all commenting in parliament that they are receiving petitions. I think, pretty soon, an MP will feel left out if he doesn't receive petitions!!!
Deb, 50 is wonderful!! I could only muster up 38 at work. Everyone, keep up the good work. NO deadline, sooner the better. Get 25 in, then send more in later. Each time they receive more it will bring it to their attention anyway.
Remember to e-mail me with Totals and who you sent to. (area helps too)
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
Participant"Holy Cow, they Ruled Against Our Kids!"
Will be presented again in South Surrey, Thursday December 9th at the South Fraser ASBC meeting.
Address: 15306 24th Ave, South Surrey (almost in White Rock). 7-9pm
Easy access from Hwy 99, Take 152 Street South Exit 8a (after exit 8b), turn Left on 24th and right at 153rd. It's a big building on the corner.
If coming from Hwy 1, give yourself lots of time to travel south on 152 (over half hour drive).
Birgitta von Krosigk from North Shore Law will be talking about the Supreme Court of Canada's ruling in "The Attorney General of British
Columbia et al v. Connor Auton et al" and what that means to past, present and future autism medical treatment funding at home
in BC, and across the land.A limited number of copies of the judgement will be available; we
encourage you to bring your own copy of the ruling to follow along.
Judgements are available at: Walton
ParticipantPetition News
I have received confirmation of about 1100 signatures so far (waiting for confirmation on 800 more on the island). So we should be crossing 2000 soon. I'd like to see us reach 10 000. Keep up the good work everyone. I'm sure many of you are collecting signatures this week like I am.
Remember to let me know your number and who you gave it to.
Nancy Walton
wiklo@shaw.caNancy Walton
ParticipantThis is an e-mail I gave to my co-workers. Feel free to plagerize.
Dear collaegues
Last Friday, the Supreme Court of Canada made a decision against parents of autistic children, saying that the provinces do not have to provide
funding for therapy for these children. Our only hope now is to change the Health act to include autism treatment.In the staff room I have put a petition that will be tabled in the house of commons this Tuesday (stay tuned to your TV's that night). The MP's have 45 days to respond. Meanwhile, we hope to send a clear message to the Canadian government that Canadians will not stand for neglect of autistic children. Please sign the petition (if you are Canadian) and put your address. I'll be sending these in on Friday.
With this therapy, some autistic children recover to the extent that they are indistinguishable from their peers (I have met a few of these children). While other children do not competely recover, they continue
to learn how to socialize, do regular school curriculum and learn skills that would make them employable by the time they are adults. For some
autistic children, regular therapy prevents severe self-injury or violent
actions.Many parents have had to chose between their losing their home or losing their child. The therapy is very expensive and thus far, the government does not provide enough money to parents to pay for the therapy. For most
parents there isn't even a choice. If parents are not able to come up with the $1500 per month, they cannot provide therapy for their children. Many of these children end up institutionalized at high cost to tax
payers. Some are put into foster homes because parents cannot deal with
their difficult behaviors. The foster parent receives up to $3500 per month to take such a child into their home.If you would like more information on autism treatment and it's benefits, feel free to ask me about it on those rare occasions that I make it to the staff room.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantThe following was a paragraph Andrew had sent me and I want to pass this information on to the feat chat members:
"The rules of the House of Commons for the tabling of petitions are that the MPs must received petitions with original signatures and the full address of Canadians (no foreigners). The MPs must then pass the petitions on to the Clerk of Petitions who verifies them and certifies them as being OK for tabling in the House. MPs do not have to table the petition. Also, just because an MP tables a petition does not mean they personally agree with it. Some MPs apparently never table petitions (it makes you wonder what do they think they are there for). Once tabled, the government is require to respond within 45 days. If it does not respond then the matter is refered to a committee of the House of Commons (the most relevant standing committee). Thus, no faxes are allowed. Although we hope to make a splash in the media when the first ones are tabled on Tuesday, Canadians can keep the constant flow of petitions being filed with their MPs forever! Let's start a flood!"
If you could get your 25 signatures in by the end of this week, it will take some time to get through the mail, and get processed. The sooner the better. Our timeline is really 45 days, but lets get the bulk of the signatures in this week while media is interested.
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantHey boys, your keeping me up. It's no wonder our kids don't sleep much…just take a look at their parent's behavior!!! (note the time on the last 4 e-mails for those of you reading this at an appropriate hour Sunday)
Love y'all
Nancy Walton
Petition can be downloaded at
Just type this in to your address bar, click go (or hit the return key) and there it is. Print up two copies as you need the wording on both pages and this version of the petition has room for 15 signatures per page.
Nancy Walton
ParticipantUrgent Attention: this is a take-action message. please read fully
We have appealed to the government and were ignored.
We have appealed to the courts and were turned down.Now it is time to appeal to the people of Canada. To our friends, neighbours, relatives, co-workers. To the other parents in the soccor club, to other parents at your children's school, to people in your local mall.
The Auton group has done a tremendous effort to lay the ground work (thanks to all of you). Andrew Kavchak has stimulated the interest in Ottawa (thanks to you to Andrew). People are angered by the Supreme Court of Canada decision. The media is focused on us right now. And YOU, yes YOU, each one of you reading feat chat messages, can make a difference.
On Tuesday, Andrew's petition will be tabled in the House of Commons. We have sent petitions to at least 11 MP's. I have record of about 600 signatures. This is good. BUT WE CAN DO BETTER.
Please download the petition from the Home page of the featbc website. Get 25 signatures and send it in to your MP (addresses are in the phone book. No stamp necessary). If you have the energy (and the anger), write a personal letter too. If you can, follow-up with a phone call. But at minimum, get 25 signatures and get them sent in.
There must be over 200 members on the featbc chat. 200X25 is 5000. Can we get 5000 signatures??? Lets try. We need to send a strong message to Ottawa, that Canadians are not happy with that court decision and we will not let the disabled be discriminated against.
Remember to e-mail me with who you sent your petition to and how many signatures you got.
Also, please make sure people do not sign the hard copy petition twice (electronic one doesn't count in parliament)
Nancy Walton
wiklo@shaw.caNancy Walton
ParticipantRegarding less than 30 hours of therapy
My son started therapy when he was JUST 2 years old. When he was 3.5 years old he was doing about 23 hours per week (not by our choice). My son had severe memory lapses. He forgot an entire program and we had to start all over again at the beginning. He would get some speech and then lose it again. Dr. Sallows recommended we increase his hours to well above 30 (we booked 44, but averaged 37 due to illnesses etc). From that point on, he never lost any information, his speech made steady improvements and his rate of aquisition greatly increased. He has never regressed since.
Regarding Dr. Smith's research: I don't have the exact numbers handy, but I remember that his treatment group averaged only 27 hours/week (as opposed to Lovaas' group getting 40 hours). Dr. Smith did not get as high a rate of recovery. He supposed that perhaps the rate of 47% that Lovaas got was unusually high, but other researchers disagree. Perhaps they are aguing that Smith's rate of recovery was lower because Smith's group averaged fewer hours per week. (or maybe that is my interpretation of what he said… Anyone is welcome to correct me if I am wrong on this).
Nancy Walton
Nancy Walton
ParticipantI have an update on the hard copy petitions being sent in to MP's throughout Canada.
30 to Russ Hieber, Cons, White Rock BC
40 to Tony Martin, NDP social crit, North ON
60 to Chuck Strahl, Cons, Chilliwack BC
50 to Barry Devolin, ON
60 to Stephen Owen, Lib, Vancouver
125 to Ramond Chan, Richmond (from 2 sources)
60 to Chuck Cadman, ind, Surrey BCTotal is 425 plus what ever signatures Andrew has been able to get to Scott Reid, while protesting in Ottawa.
Keep up the good work. Lets see if we can get 1000!!!! As Andrew said, as soon as you get 25 signatures, hand them in to your MP, then you can give more to your MP as they come it. Just keep me up to date on what you have sent in.
Nancy Walton