Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOn the contrary, there is no new evidence and this is just a last ditch attempt to smear Andy Wakefield's name.
For those of you who are not familiar with Dr. Andrew Wakefield, he is fighting for our kids.
He has been dealt harsh critism in an attempt to discredit his reputation, endured many death threats to himself and his family, has had to leave his home country because of this and through it all, has stood by my child, your child and all the other children with autism in the search for the truth.
I have had the honour of meeting Andy and these allegations could not be further from the truth.Please read the links at the bottom of this post to bring yourself up to date.
Five years after launching a campaign to discredit the work of Dr Andrew Wakefield, freelance journalist Brian Deer and the Sunday Times in the UK made additional allegations on Sunday 8th February 2009. Three pages of articles while offering no new evidence accused Dr Wakefield of having 'fixed' research data. These allegations have no basis in fact and have been fully addressed during Dr Wakefield's response to the GMC prosecution, now well into its second year.
This petition will bring attention to the scientific evidence in support of Dr Wakefield's position and demand a formal enquiry into the activities of Brian Deer, the Sunday Times and their connection and co-operation with the vaccine industry.
Throughout the 1990's Dr Andrew Wakefield, a research scientist at the Royal Free Hospital and his colleagues, were contacted by parents of a large number of children suffering from a form of inflammatory bowel disease with a regressive developmental disorder. Many of the parents who brought these children to the hospital reported that their children had become seriously ill after receiving the MMR vaccination.
In February 1998, a press briefing was organized by the Dean of the medical school at the Royal Free Hospital to coincide with the publication of a peer-reviewed case series in the The Lancet. At the press briefing, Dr Wakefield suggested the precautionary alternative that there could be a return to single vaccines whilst concerns regarding MMR were investigated. This signalled the beginning of an orchestrated and oppressive campaign to discredit Dr Wakefield.
In 2004, Brian Deer lodged a complaint against Dr Wakefield, with the General Medical Council (GMC) of the UK. Since that time Deer has been supported in his drive to discredit Dr Wakefield by influential lobbyists and lobby groups supported by major pharmaceutical companies. No parent has ever complained to the GMC about Dr Wakefield, or the other doctors whose cases are only now being heard.
The GMC took more than three years to frame their charges against Dr Wakefield, Professor Simon Murch and Professor Walker-Smith, none of which questioned the underlying scientific and medical findings in the original paper.
The 'trial' of these three doctors – all co-authors of The Lancet paper – began in July 2007 and although this hearing was due to finish within four months, it is still continuing, almost two years later.
In the attempt to discredit Dr Wakefield and the other defendants, the prosecution, employed and paid for by the GMC, has suggested that none of the children referred to the Royal Free Hospital were actually ill. In order to support this suggestion, they have had to ensure that none of the parents of vaccine damaged children appear at the hearing. Meanwhile, in the background, Brian Deer has mounted significant attacks on these parents, accusing them of manufacturing information about the illnesses suffered by their children, and about its cause.
The GMC panel finished hearing the evidence and, at the time of writing, has been in recess awaiting the closing speeches of counsel, due to begin in March. The prosecution, during presentation of evidence from witnesses to fact and the cross examination of the three defendants, has consistently failed to make a case out of Deer's allegations. In the last weeks of the hearing, it became clear that this failure was disturbing Deer. As his case collapsed, he resorted to writing to the GMC re-affirming his views about Dr Wakefield's unproven guilt and instructing the GMC in how they should have conducted the prosecution.
So upset was Deer by the evidence of Professor Murch who claimed that Deer might have breached the Data Protection Act and gained access to patient records, that he allegedly confronted and attempted to intimidate the professor in the foyer of the GMC hearing rooms while Professor Murch was giving evidence.
In the new attack on Dr Wakefield that appeared in the Sunday Times on February 8th 2009 Deer cited no new evidence. Furthermore, if allegations relating to altered records held any merit at all, they would have been included in the hundred odd original GMC charges that the prosecution pored over for three years, whilst preparing its case.
The current attack comes five years almost to the day after Deer first began his campaign against Dr Wakefield in February 2004. It also comes as a clear indication that the government, the vaccine industry and the Sunday Times are fearful of losing 'their' case at the GMC. There is a transatlantic aspect to this fear, as more legal and medical decisions are made public in the US, which endorse the clinical and research positions taken by Dr Wakefield and his colleagues in Britain.
This fear of losing is generated by the fact that if the GMC do not find the three doctors guilty of the charges against them, the voice of the parents will finally be heard and the scandal of over one and a half thousand unrecognised vaccine damaged children in the UK and many, many thousands worldwide will be brought to the attention of the public.
Deer's new attack on Dr Wakefield is equally an attack on the parents and children who sought treatment at the Royal Free Hospital and represents a new low for British journalism. The parents of vaccine damaged children will not be silenced and research into possible causes and treatments will continue. Members of the public, parents, doctors and scientists worldwide are now calling for a formal enquiry into the activities of Brian Deer, the Sunday Times and their connection and co-operation with the vaccine industry.
In the following weeks, the organisations endorsing this statement will join together in providing clear documentation in support of the science to date. Please follow the links given in the right hand panel for a progress update.
Here is Dr. Andy Wakefields response to Brian Deer's attacks –
You can catch up here at hese links –
A preview from Andy's presentation at the AutismOne 2008 conference – the true story explained in his own words (the entire presentation can be purchased from and well worth it) –
ParticipantFor joining yahoo groups:
Go to and get set up. You will only have to do this once. Then you can join any group. For autism groups type in autism, and all the groups will come up including BiomedicalTreatmentforASDinBC.
Then pick one and join.
Also, remember that after you join a yahoo group, click onto files and links in the groups left corner and you will find a wealth of information there. I would suggest just spending time reading the posts and files.
Also, some of these groups have a lot of traffic so when you join a group make sure you click on NO EMAIL so that you can go to the group and read the latest posts rather than have them sent to you (and fill up your mailbox).
Others such as BiomedicalTreatmentforASDinBC are not high traffic so setting that group to DIGEST or EMAIL would be fine.If you need any more info you can email me at
ParticipantHi Rina,
Please go to
and we would be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you have in regards to immunizations.take good care,
ParticipantHere is another view of this study and what it's outcome really means.
ParticipantThanks Dave,
Who is this board 'comprised of community members' or is this still in the initial electorial phase?
My concerns with this is there are at least 10,000 parents in BC with kids on the spectrum who all have a voice as to what they would like this money spent on.
Not all have a computer or are on internet boards…
It's not like the Premier does not have our contact info to send us a questionaire or even a vote for who would be responsible for the process of development… they send us a cheque every 3 months – our address is on there.I am very concerned about the many voices not being heard and I'm sure they are too…
Thanks for the info,
ParticipantWell… my questions would be… why was it private and what was the criteria for being invited???
Does anyone know what the heck this is about?
—–Original Message—–
From: Dawn Steele []
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 3:28 PM
To: Moms on the Move
Subject: Survey re $20 million in new Provincial Autism FundingPLEASE COMPLETE THIS QUICK SURVEY & PASS IT ON TO OTHERS IN YOUR NETWORKS
We were invited to a private meeting held in Vancouver July 24 to hear about plans to build a new provincial autism centre in the Lower Mainland with $20 million in provincial funding promised by Premier Gordon Campbell. Varying views and questions were noted about the proposal under development. We are seeking community feedback so that we can offer advice on the best possible use of these public funds.
Please assist us by taking a moment to complete the brief Web survey at the following link:
ParticipantUnfortunately Laurie, the only time you post on this board is to diss other parents choices. That is restirring the pot.
What makes you think that the topic of Larry Kings show was not close to my heart or any other parent of a child with autisms heart? How would you suggest Larry go over the science of anything in just one hour?
I am simply glad for the much needed airtime autism received. Cant you be?Congratulations on your childs near recovery, you are one of the lucky ones whose child falls into the subset of kids with autism that are not sick.
My child is not so lucky because after many, many hours of good therapy, he still cannot verbalize most of his needs.
Hes also one of the subset of kids that is sick and in reoccurring pain.
Do you think that ABA would have helped this childs ASD due to Mito disorder triggered by vaccines? What would be the science behind that?
But if she had been diagnosed properly and treated with the appropriate medical care, then ABA would most certainly have helped her catch up to her peers and yes, we would have wittnessed another recovery.
This is not news to anyone who researches biomed. DAN! Docs have known and been treating Mito disorder in kids with autism for years, with excellent results.
Does anyone really know for sure if the autism their child has is not caused by an underlying condition, not diagnosed? Especially, if after years of good therapy has provided no results?
What would be your choices then?Im pretty sure everyone on this board wants the same thing for their child.
Recovery for their child.
To be able to salvage some of their lost childhood.
To hear them speak again.
To have a friend.
To be out of diapers.
For the child to have a dream that you can happily help fulfill.
And for some, just to know their favorite color or see them smile instead of cry from the pain.
We are a lot stronger as parents when we stand together in Solidarity, rather than as Separatists.It makes me very sad to have made the right choices for my child based on the research I have studied late every night, while my family sleeps, to have a few uninformed parents of kids with autism slam those choices at every chance they can.
Parents have enough on their plate every day. They dont need to feel bad too. Especially, by people in their same situation. Thats just terrible.As for knowing the difference between science and technology Ive been at this for almost 6 years and probably know the difference better than you Jemma. As for proof, have you ever looked for it? Online and basically everywhere? Have you every gone to a conference? Have you ever met any recovered kids? Are you even aware that these conferences have Lovaas speakers too?
Proof I could attach to this post a heck of a lot of proof. But after 6 years of the Separatists not listening why bother.
I know the science I know all the sciences.I would much rather help those that want my help, than convince those that dont.
I help new parents every day including home programs, Dr.s, taxes, support, etc.
Oh yes, and free hugs lots of them and a very tired shoulder to cry on if they need it..
This IS an ABA Lovaas board and I truly respect that.
It is not a diss biomed board.
This board has quite a few members that are doing ABA treatment and biomed treatment together for their child and as of right now, there are not too many other local boards out there that cover both. We will be hoping to change that soon.
Then you will never have to hear from any of us again.In the meantime, by not making the kind of post that was originally made, we can respect all on the board.
ParticipantGee Laurie, what show were you watching?
I saw Tony speak about her sons home therapy program and how he is starting to talk due to it.
I saw Dr. K talk about medical therapies for his son and others.
Doug spoke about both as did Holly.
I don't think they were lying…If you meant to say that you wished it was a program competely on the science of Lovaas ABA treatment and not on the science of the other treatments, then you should have said so.
Otherwise, you are just restirring a pot on an ABA board and me thinks I'm not the only one getting bored of that.
ParticipantHi Kam,
I just had to say thanks for caring so much for our special kids. There are way too many hoops us parents have to jump through to get the help our kids need.
You don't help because you have to… you help because you want to.
We thank you for that.You said "to the parents of these amazing children…you are every day heroes!!!".
Well Kam, so are you.
ParticipantDoes anyone know where I might find Youth cloth pull ups (40 to 50 lbs) at a decent price? The ones I have seen are 16.00 – 20.00 each so far.
I have no problem ordering online if anyone knows a place.
They have to be the cloth/washable ones.