Forum Replies Created
Paul Thibodeau
MemberDear friends and colleagues:
For the past 10 to 25 years, the efforts of many parents of autistic children have yielded more frustration than results. However, now we are achieving some positive and noticeable results:
a.. The media is providing increased coverage of children issues including those of autistic children.
a.. The Federal and Provincial governments and the school boards are presently committing large amounts of money to this issue.
a.. The courts are ruling that governments are failing to meet their constitutional obligations.
Now we have reached a cross roads and we must make a choice if we are to proceed:a.. We can be complacent, do nothing and let others do whatever they want to do on their own. (I believe this will likely cause a reversal of our progress);
a.. Some of us, on our own, could do something. (In all likelihood this will produce lovely response letters but nothing more for autistic children);
a.. Join forces once again (all of us this time, with no exceptions) and intensify the political pressure).
ACTION NEEDED.It seems clear that the actions initiated by governments and bureaucrats are more political in nature than for addressing the specific needs of young and autistic children.
Thus, since we seem to have finally obtained the attention of the media and politicians, quick action on our part is needed if this issue is ever to be resolved quickly and satisfactory for the well being of autistic children and their families.
For this reason, I ask of you, once again, not to give up too quickly. Let's all combine our efforts and (I mean all with no exceptions this time) send the following e-mail (as is or modified to reflect your own concerns and situation) to the Health Minister (Currently, the Hon. Allan Rock. Rumors are that he could be replaced soon. If this is the case, you may have to send it to the new Minister and make minor adjustments before sending it).
Please also send copies of your e-mail to at least 10 other politicians (mainly opposition leaders and Health critics, Federally and Provincially, your own M.P., M.P.P./M.L.A., and the media.)
I also request that you ask 5 friends or relatives to do likewise. If we all do our part, this time, it means that the politicians' offices will, collectively be flooded with some 6,000 messages. Since, according to available statistics, there are over 10, 000 autistic children in Canada, this represents about 1 letter for every 2 or 3 Canadian autistic children. I am sending this e-mail to over 100 families.REMEMBER!
a.. Collectively, politicians are very sensitive to concerns expressed by a large number of voters in a relatively short period of time.
a.. Send your e-mails now and ask your friends and relatives to send theirs without delay.
a.. Remember, we are doing this for our autistic children. Do they deserve anything less?
– – – – – – – –ADDRESSES.
The Hon. Allan Rock, Federal Health Minister,
Brooke Claxton Bldg., Postal Locator 0916 A,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
Minister@www.hc-sc.gc.caThe Rt. Hon. Jean Chretien, Prime Minister,
Room 309-S; Center Block, House of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
pmo@pm.gc.caThe Hon. Paul Martin, Finance Minister,
Room 515-S; Center Block, House of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
Martin.P@parl.gc.caThe Hon. Martin Cauchon, Revenue Minister,
Room 515-S; Center Block; House of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
cauchm@parl.gc.caThe Hon. John Manley, Attorney General,
Suite 211;1883 Bank St., Ottawa, Ontario, K1V 0W3 Manlej@parl.gc.caMs. Marlene Catterall, M.P.,
Room 451-S; Center Block, House of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
catteM@parl.gc.caMr. David Pratt, M.P.
Room 325; Confederation Bldg.,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6.
davidpratt@lgs.netThe Rt. Hon. Joe Clark, Leader (P.C.),
436-N; Center Block, House of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
Clark.J@parl.gc.caM. Andre Bachand, Health Critic (P.C.)
BachaA@parl.gc.caMr. Joe Peschisolido, (Mr. Day's office)
peschisolido@canadianalliance.caMs. Diane Ablonczy, Health Critic (C.A.),
ablonczy@cia.comMs. Alexa McDonough, Leader (N.D.P.),
Room 442-N; Center Block, House of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
ndpadmin@fed.ndp.caMs. Judy Wasylycia-Leis, Health Critic (N.D.P.),
wasylj@parl.gc.caM. Gilles Duceppe, Leader (B.Q.),
Room 533-S; Center Block, Hoyuse of Commons,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6. gduceppe@block,orgM. Real Menard, Health Critic (B.Q.),
MenarR@parl.gc.caThe above (all Federal M.P.'s) require no postage for regular mail.
The Rt. Hon. Roy Rominow, Head,
Commission of the Future of Health Care in Canada,
Phone:- 1-800-793-6161,
Room 304; 123 2nd. Ave. South,
Saskatoon, Sask., S7K 7E6.
NO E-MAIL ADDRESS… you must record your concern on the web at– – – – – – – –
To the Hon. Allan Rock, Health Minister.This is for your information and consideration by the Liberal Government.
Last Fall, the Federal Government has announced that it was committing $ 21.1 billion to strengthen Canada's Universal Health Care System. Over $ 2.2 billion was allocated for services to the youngest of our children. I also note that, you would like a better integrated health system that expands services to areas now falling between the cracks, and that you would like these medical services to fall under Medicare. (Ottawa Citizen, January 27, 2000). You also stated in the House of Commons on April 25, 2001, that Canadian Citizens have the right to get the best medical treatments available.
You and the Liberal Government deserve to be congratulated for this initiative. Of course, I assume that this is to include, under the Canada Health Act System (services currently falling between the cracks such as) specialized Intensive Early Intervention (IEI) therapy treatments for autistic children by properly trained and qualified medical practitiomners/providers.
As you probably already know, autism is not a rare medical condition. It is one of the most severe developmental disorder of childhood, occurring in at least 1 in 1000 children and reportedly to be on the increase. Many autistic children can be dramatically improved when they receive "IEI" therapy treatments (by properly trained and qualified therapists.(Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services).
For all practical purpose, in Canada, properly trained and qulaified practitioners to deliver the necessary "IEI' therapy treatments to autistic children are relatively non-existent. (confirmed, in writing, April 5, 2000, by former Ontario Health Minister, the Hon. Elizabeth Witmer, and on July 26, 2000, by the BC Supreme Court, Docket C984120).
Yet, these specialized medical practitioners have been available in the U.S. and many other countries, including England, Norway, Iceland, and Israel, for some 30 years.
Numerous cost-benefit studies indicate that the cost to society of untreated individuals is seven to ten times greater than of those who receive essential "IEI/ABA" treatments. e.g. Jacobsen/Mullick, Behavioral Intervention, 1998, Journal.
Consequently, a small number of families, with proper financial means, enlist the services of U.S. based consultants and train their own therapists. This is very costly. These costs are rarely, if ever, covered by provincial Medicare plans. Thus, most Canadian autistic children are denied access to the necessary medical treatments for their condition. Briefly, they are denied their constitutional rights.
The new CC&RA (Revenue Canada) randomly reassesses taxpayers who claim medical expense tax credits for the provision of intensive behavioural therapy to children. This is inconsistent with the prupose of the Canada Health Act and the income tax Act's medical expenses tax credit. The Government of Canada should immediately investigate whether the medical expense tax credit should be overhauled to prevent the failure of provincial governments from living up to the principles of the Canada Health Act from depriving Canadians of the tax relief the medical expense tax credit was designed to provide.
I suggest that what is currently lacking and badly needed is:-
1)- Availability of "IEI/ABA" therapy services by properly tained and qualified therapists to deliver the necessary specialized medical services required by young autistic children;
2)- Availability of properly trained and qualified teacher assistants for autistic children of school age;
3)- Availability of properly trained an qualified speech therapists specialized in the treatment of autistic children;
4)- Availability of special training schools to train the above-mentioned medical providers/practitioners, and
5)- The costs of the above to be covered by the federal and provincial government under the Canada Health Act.
Several Canadian courts have ruled that the federal and provincial governments are failing to meet their constitutional obligations.
Here are four instances:
1)- BC Supreme Court, Docket No:- C984120, July 26, 2000.
2)- The Tax Court of Canada (Informal Procedures); 98DTC 3353.
3)- The Chief of Appeals, Halifax Tax Services Office (Objection filed April 22, 1998).
4)- The Alberta Court of Queens Bench (1996) No 760; Action No:- 961-05499.
I also want to point out that autism is not a Social Services issue nor is it a Social Services area of expertise – it is clearly a health issue. (Dr. Sabrina Freeman, Director, FEAT of BC; Me. Justice M.J. Allan, July 26, 2000, BC Supreme Court, Docket C984120, Vancouver Registry).
So Mr. Rock, as Canada's Health Minister, I urge you to live up to your promises to help our autistic and other children with developmental disabilities.
Yours truly
Your name Address phone number your e-mail address.
c.c. The Hon. Roy Rominow