Generously Provided by the
Association for Science in Autism Treatment
Hi, our daughter was diagnosed last August and we have several questions.
Our main question is a unique one. Our daughter is toilet trained but literally holds back all of her bowel movements causing long term problems. Is this something that an O.T. may be able to help with? I have even looked into hiring a private one with no luck if someone has a recommendation on this. Is this something that someone else has possibly gone through as well? We have seen many medical proffessionals but still no solution.
We have a team set up that we are somewhat pleased with other than the actual main company that runs the whole deal. We feel that we are trapped because we love our manager consultant and the therapists but we feel that the main business behind them is ripping us off and only thinking of themselves along with always changing thier stories. Is there somewhere we can go to question this without harming our daughters progress? After questioning them we feel a bit of a threatening tone coming from them.
Finally are there any program suggestions for a high functioning 3 year old?
Thank you,