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  • in reply to: Room Two: Behavioural Treatment Topics #1081

    There is a mistake in one of the web sites, its :
    there is another excelente web site its:

    Diana Sabbagh

    in reply to: Room Two: Behavioural Treatment Topics #1079

    I have received many calls on my cell phone (604) 722-3473 from families and therapists asking info about verbal behavior. Applied Verbal Behavior (AVB) addresses difficulties in the development of communication seen in most individuals with autism and other related disabilities. AVB has been popularized through the successes of certain professionals, notably Drs. Sundberg, Partington, Carbone, McGreevy…
    For more info:
    and in the following groups:


    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #4342

    Hi List,
    I am posting to ask about toothpaste for my daughter since she will swalow the toothpaste, so I heard about " Tom's of maine" flouride free silly strawberry for kids, but I look everywere and in london drugs or safeway they have just tom's of maine toothpaste flouride free with menta flavours for adult they don't have for children flavour so I buy it and I try it to my daughter but she doesn't liked the flavour is realy strong , so please if someone know about the tom's of mine flouride free strawbery flavour for kids, you can e-mail me I will appreciate any help.Thanx alot

    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #4329

    Hi list,
    We are cleaning my daughter's teeth with an electric toothbrush ( without toothpaste ) I would like to start using toothpaste with her, but we know that she will swallow it because she does not know how to spit. So, my question is: What kind of toothpaste would be best to use for my autistic child?
    I would appreciate any suggestions.
    Diana ( Jenny's mom )

    in reply to: Room Two: Behavioural Treatment Topics #1058

    Hi List,
    I heard about the DAN treatment is a biological treatment protocol which addresses the
    reasons why a child might have autism.
    Did anyone make this treatment for his child?? and if someone can tell me please where can I do it ????.
    My e-mail is:
    Thanx .
    Diana ( Jenny's mom )

    in reply to: Room Two: Behavioural Treatment Topics #1048

    Hi List,
    I am looking for a good speech language pathologist with knowledge of sign language and good in communication skill. Please contact me at
    Thanks for any help.
    Diana (Jenny's mom)

    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #5983

    I think it's especially hard at Christmas time, because we are
    "supposed" to be feeling happy. Families "become whole" again by
    going on trips to visit each other. They can go away and forget their
    worries for a day or two.
    But with autism, it is present at ALL times. Or perhaps I should say,
    many children have a "lack of presence" at ALL times. So it hurts
    even more on this special day when we are all supposed to be "tuned
    in" to one another.
    This is a point well worth reminding the those of you who work with
    our children. As much as you think you understand what parents are
    going through, and as much as you may think you are empathizing,
    unless you have walked a mile in our footsteps, you just can't
    possibly know what it is like for us. That's because you ALWAYS HAVE
    THE OPTION OF WALKING AWAY. You may never do that, but the option is
    always there for you. And believe me, it makes a BIG difference.
    I've been on both sides of this, and I can tell you that before I had
    a child with autism, I thought I understood, but I didn't really. So
    please try to be careful about making judgments about why parents do
    or react to things in the way they do. And try to understand that
    although you may think you are under stress because of the work you
    do, until you've lived with a child like this, you haven't experienced
    anywhere near the amount of stress that parents do.

    in reply to: Room Two: Behavioural Treatment Topics #1043

    Este mensaje es dirigido a Jenny Obando, yo ya habia leido tu anterior mensaje gracias por escribirme ,suerte con lo que estas haciendo por tu hijo, espero que el gobierno nos empieze a apoyar en esta dura causa la verdad el programa del ABA es costoso aparte tambien tienes que pagar a therapistas, juguetes etc.
    La verdad que pobre de nosotros al tener hijos autistas en este pais nadien te apoya y la dura realidad es que nadien absolutamente nadien entiende el dolor de una madre, el sufriemiento que pasamos dia a dia por tener un hijo enfermo mentalmente.
    la verdad te felicito jenny tu ya empezastes a curar a tu hijo a temprana edad 3 anios es excelente edad para empezar el tratamiento, yo empeze el tratamiento a mi hija cuando ella tenia 4 anios ahora ella tiene 5 anios per todavia no habla comunica un poco con senias y ya ha empezado a hablar ya dice 2 palabritas estoy contenta con su progreso pero todavia espero mucho de ella necesita mucho todavia que aprender.
    Espero que simon tu hijo no tenga autismo, cuidalo mucho hablale siempre y juega siempre con el ahora es chiquito asi que si empiezas a sentirle que tiene autismo empieza desde ahora a tratar de curarlo con el mismo consultant que tienes para tu hijo mayor.
    Feliz navidad para ti tambien tambien yo espero mucha prosperidad para el anio entrante suerte en todo, y si necesitas algo cualquier cosa escribeme yo siempre estare aqui para responderte.
    Diana ( Jenny's mom )

    in reply to: Room Two: Behavioural Treatment Topics #1039

    Hola a todos .
    La verdad es que escribo en espaniol porque es la lengua que mas domino.
    Tengo una ninia de 5 anios diagnosticada autista , es una ninia preciosa que todavia no habla pero todavia tengo las esperanzas que algun dia pueda hablar, le estoy haciendo el tratamiento de ABA y me gustaria muchisimo hablar con padres y madres de familia que tengan hijos autistas y que hablen mi mismo idioma para poder intercambiar con ellos expriencias .
    Muchas gracias.
    Diana ( madre de una hermosa nena llamada Jennifer pero de carinio le decimos Jenny)

    in reply to: Room Two: Behavioural Treatment Topics #993

    Hi,Iam looking everywhere to find BIG FOAM BLOCKS but it is unsucceful, can anyone tell me in which store can I found them?
    Thank you for any help.
    My e-mail is :

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