Forum Replies Created
Laurie Guerra
ParticipantIf you go to the ASBC website you will see the "criteria" set out for being a "service provider". This "criteria" is set out by the MCFD who also fund these services, not the ASBC. You will also note a rider on every page of the service providers list stating that the ASBC does not endorse or recommend any specific individuals on the list.
If the ASBC had the power to "scrutinize the list" as you put it, it wouldn't have enough money to be posting the list on it's would-be non-existent website.
Your social worker knows what the gov't, their employer, tells them about the ASBC, FEAT of BC, or for that matter anything to do with autism.
Now don't get me wrong, in some ways I couldn't agree with you more!!! I have said the same words myself!
BUT you need to understand, the ASBC has been around for years and it takes time to change things. Rest assured, things are changing!
Laurie Guerra
ParticipantThe ASBC doesn't necessarily approve the service providers list. The Gov't gives the ASBC funding to post their list on the ASBC website. As a matter of fact the ASBC is trying to come up with a "checklist" so readers of the list will be able to compare services.
Instead of feeling sorry for parents, Ursula just help them as much as you can. My son has been on an ABA program for less than 3 years (he didn't start until he was 6) and has nearly recoverred!!! I too felt sorry for uninformed parents so I did something about it.
Just to let you know…..
Laurie Romey, director ASBC
Laurie Guerra
ParticipantJust to clarify, the ASBC does not necessarily "approve" the list of service providers. The Gov't gives the ASBC funding to post their service providers list on the ASBC website. As a matter of fact the ASBC is trying to come up with a kind of "checklist" so the readers of the list will be able to check to see how different service providers compare.
Don't feel too sorry for people, Ursula, my son has been on an ABA program for less than 3 years (he started when he was 6) and he has near recoverred!! I too felt sorry for parents who were uninformed so I set out to do something about it.
Just to let you know…….
Laurie Romey, director ASBC
Laurie Guerra
I assume the Sunday school you send you child too is a Christian one????? How ironic that the one place that is supposed to be accepting and non-judgmental to all can be just the opposite. I too send my autisic son to church. My husband and I attend the adult service and our kids attend what they call "children's church". The whole thing is geared for the kids; music teaching; fun; food! We have been atttending the same church since my son was a baby so in all fairness to your church you might need to forfeit your time (or find a teenage boy) to attend with your son at first. Church's are just made up of the people that attend so hopefully you'll have as much grace for them as you want them to have for your child. I attend a church in Surrey called Victory Christian Center where there are a number of autistic children. Most of the parent's have at one time or another gone into the classes with their children as class helpers or teachers themselves. Once the other teachers and kids get to know your son they won't be so standoff-ish and will learn what works best for your son.
Just my two cents……
Laurie Guerra
ParticipantBarbara, Michelle and all of the Parents of autistic kids on this board,
My son is one of the children who has lost most of the symptoms of autism. I wanted to say thank-you to all of you who have gone before me in this fight because if it wasn't for you he wouldn't be where he is today. You all have taught me how to give my child the best treatment there was and still is!!!!
I now have given my life's passion back to this cause and solely for the reason that I have to tell other parents just what you told me. The TRUTH!
To those of you on this discussion forum, "hope for the best, be prepared for the worst, and sleep well at nights knowing you've done all you could."
Have a blessed holiday season!! You are amazing individuals.
Laurie Romey
Laurie Guerra
You seem to be saying that Sabrina and FEAT are one in the same. On your last post you referenced a phone conversation that you seem to feel contradicts Sabrina's role as FEAT's Executive Director.
I don't see it that way.
I too was at the "fluency-based" wkshp by Michael Fabrizzio and thought some of the info. he had was very impressive. Some of it, I thought might even benefit my child currently on a Lovaas-ABA program. Whether or not I choose to switch would be completely my business. As would it be for me to go to a SI approach or any other let's call them "non-science based treatments".
However, that wouldn't change the fact that THIS discussion forum is specific to Lovaas-ABA (until such time as any other treatment forms can match the criteria to be "science-based")
I have had many conversations with Sabrina about all of the above, but that doesn't change the fact that this chat forum is for the dicussion of Lovaas-ABA. I too wish that all consultants were "certified" but once again that doesn't change the parameters of this discussion forum.
Laurie Romey
ASBC Director, Chair-Community Networking Committee, Lovaas-ABA user, but most importantly "MOM" to Wesley
Laurie Guerra
ParticipantI guess my first point would be, "What choice do you have?" It's not as though there is any other treatment that is even proven to work let alone not have reinforcements.
Secondly, don't we all learn by being reinforced? Would you study to be a doctor if you only made minimum wage? How about enterring into relationships if there were nothing in them to gain?
Just my thoughts………
Laurie Guerra
ParticipantFacilitator's Wanted!
The Autism Society of British Columbia sponsors Parent Support Groups within communities throughout B.C.. If you are interested in becoming a group facilitator please e-mail
Laurie Guerra
ParticipantAmy and Jonathan,
I am not sure what area you are in but if you wanted to e-mail me at I would be glad to put you in touch with a parent support group. I am curently chairing the ASBC committee- Community Networking and was a facilitor of one myself.
Laurie Guerra
ParticipantZane's mom,
Of course you attend the conference! Do you think that if you don't use the funds allocated for you to attend that the MCF will use it in a better way? Not likely.
The idea is to attend these things as informed as possible with lots of questions and informed, knowlegeable statements. It is a very refreshing thing when people who know what they are talking about actually challenge these people publicly.
I won't be attending because I won't pay out of pocket for this stuff and my son has reached the ripe old age of 7. You can be sure that I would if it were paid for me.
You posted, "What is a mother to do?"
Wesley's mom, who is doing just that!