Generously Provided by the
Association for Science in Autism Treatment
Hello Nick
I have a son in WVSD, he is now in grade 1. I will be happy to answer all your questions. You can call me(6049260260) or send me an email at
Therapists needed in West Vancouver to work with 3 years old boy.
Our consultant is Mariko Okano from Lovaas Institute from Los Angeles.
Experience is not required.
Therapists needed in West Vancouver to work with 3 years old boy.
Our consultant is Mariko Okano from Lovaas Institute from Los Angeles.
Therapists wanted now!!!!
I'm looking for therapists.My son is 3,6 years old and need ABA therapy.My consultant will came from UCLA LOvaas Institute in August.Therapy will take place in West Vancouver.Salary negotiable, mileage or public transportation reimbursed, flexyble hours.