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  • in reply to: Room Three: Discussions about Government Topics #1453
    Mike & Jean

    During the last week we have heard about the huge cost burden of providing our children treatment –

    In BC there are approximately 4500 indivuals under the age of 19 who have autism based on the lastest census data and incidence rates

    4500 times $60,000 = $270,000,000

    This is not the 'billions and billions' I heard the AG reference last evening. Without even getting into the argument about whether everyone would spend $60,000 this puts the 'we cannot pay' argument into the light of day.

    I recall Michael Campbell saying the other day our Prov Health budget was somewhere between $10-11 Billion.

    If the budget were then to go from say $10.5 billion to $10.77 billion (assuming $60,000 for each of the 4500 children) that is an increase of 2.57%

    Am I really supposed to believe anyone who says we either can't save or can't cover another 2.57%.

    Try again, this argument is obviously not about money.

    in reply to: Room Three: Discussions about Government Topics #1495
    Mike & Jean

    I would encourage anyone posting ideas, suggestions etc regarding Auton and how to move forward to also post to the Autism Society discussion forum (you need to be ASBC member who has activated this function), the greater our reach the better.

    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #7187
    Mike & Jean

    ATTENTION ALL PARENTS!!! The next F.E.A.T. of B.C. discussion group is on Monday, November 15th at 7:30 p.m.

    Our guest speaker is: Sharon Baxter, M.A., BCBA. Behavioural Consultant. Many of you know of Sharon's excellent work in the field of A.B.A. We are extremely fortunate to have Sharon as our guest.

    Her presentation will be on behaviour using the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis. Topics will include the ABC's of behaviour – the antecedent, behaviour, and consequence; functions of behaviour, and the use of positive reinforcement and other behavioural tactics to produce behavioural change.

    We will start at 7:30 p.m. and conclude at 9:00 p.m.

    The meeting is at St.Francise-in-the-wood Anglican Church in West Vancouver. Download a map from this web-site.

    This meeting is open to parents, therapists, consultants or anyone else who works with children in Lovaas A.B.A. programs.

    Admission is by donation. Please email to reserve a seat.

    See you on Nov. 15th


    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #7210
    Mike & Jean

    Attention all parents the next F.E.A.T. of B.C. discussion group will be on Monday, November 15th at 7:30 p.m. This month we will have a guest speaker: Sharon Baxter, MA,BCBA
    Behavioural Consultant

    We are extremely fortunate to have Ms. Baxter as a quest. Many of you know of Sharon's excellent work in the field of A.B.A. Her presentation will be on behaviour using the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis. Topics will include the ABC's of behaviour – the antecedent, behaviour, and consequence; functions of behaviour, and the use of positive reinforcement and other behavioural tactics to produce behaviour change.

    This presentation was made to the ASBC's Surrey/White Rock parent group and was extremely well received.

    The Presentation starts at 7:30 p.m. and concludes at 9:00 p.m.

    The meeting is at St.Francis-in-the-wood Anglican Church in West Vancouver. Download a map from this website for directions.

    This meeting is open to parents, therapists, consultants or anyone else who works with a child in a Lovaas A.B.A. program.

    Admission is by donation. Please e-mail to reserve a seat.

    See you on Nov. 15th.

    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #7219
    Mike & Jean

    Following is some very interesting information about Bridget Taylor, who is coming to speak in Victoria on Friday, Oct. 22nd., which happens to be a provincial professional development day for the schools. I would highly recommend attending this one day workshop. This information was sent to me by the organizer, Arbutus Coast. The registration information is at the end of their post.

    If you don’t know who Bridget Taylor is, or her importance to the field of autism therapy, then here are some points you might be interested to know –

    1. Bridget was the therapist to Catherine Maurice’s children.

    2. Catherine Maurice is the author of Let Me Hear Your Voice.

    3. Let Me Hear Your Voice is probably the single most important book in the advancement of Applied Behaviour Analysis for children with autism.

    4. If you have seen The Child Who Wouldn’t Play, from the David Suzuki series – The Nature of Things, then you will have seen Bridget as both one-to-one therapist and consultant.

    5. In addition to obtaining her Master’s degree, Bridget also earned her Doctorate, and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.

    6. Dr. Bridget Taylor is the co-founder of the Alpine Learning Group, an educational centre for children with autism.

    7. If you are a parent, educator, trainer, therapist, consultant, interventionist, or other professional dealing with children and adults with autism, this workshop will add to your skills.

    Arbutus Coast Presentations, Inc.

    1691 Lands End Road

    Sidney, British Columbia

    CANADA V8L 5L5


    250-655-4989 FAX

    250-882-1116 CELL

    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #7220
    Mike & Jean

    Attention all parents!

    The F.E.A.T. of B.C. monthly parent meeting for October is cancelled. I will be presenting on, "I.E.P.'s and School Advocacy" at ASBC's Surrey/White Rock parent meeting on Thursday, October 14th. and in Nanaimo on Monday, October 25th. See the school issues room on this chatboard and the ASBC discussion board for more details.
    The next regular monthly F.E.A.T. of B.C. meeting will be on Monday, November 15th at St.Francis-in-the-wood Anglican Church in West Vancouver. I will post the details of that meeting in early November.

    Thankyou for your attention.


    in reply to: Room Two: Behavioural Treatment Topics #154
    Mike & Jean


    Dr. Bridget Taylor is coming to speak in Victoria, on Friday October 22nd. Dr. Taylor is a pre-eminent authority in the design and implementation of A.B.A. programs. This is a rare opportunity for us in B.C. to see someone of this calibre. I have seen Dr. Taylor speak a number of times and cannot recommend strongly enough that parents, therapists, consultants, speech paths and any school personnel involved with children in A.B.A. programs attend. October 22nd is a provincial professional development day for school personnel in B.C. Parents – make sure your teacher, S.E.A., resource teacher etc. attend this workshop. This is true professional development.

    For registration information, please contact:

    Arbutus Coast Presentations, Inc.
    1691 Lands End Road
    Sidney, B.C.,
    V8l 5L5

    Telephone: 250-655-4999
    FAX: 250-655-4989
    Cell: 250-882-1116

    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #7256
    Mike & Jean

    The next F.E.A.T. parent meeting is on Monday, September 20, 2004.

    Our topic is: Individual Education Plans, (I.E.P) This discussion is timely for anyone with children starting or returning to school.

    The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. It is a St. Francis-in-the-wood Anglican Church in West Vancouver. Download a map off this web-site for directions.

    I would also encourage any parents with newly diagnosed children who are planning to start a Lovaas-style A.B.A. program to attend.

    Please e-mail me at if you have any questions.

    See you on the 20th.


    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #7276
    Mike & Jean

    On behalf of F.E.A.T. of B.C., I would like to take this opportunity to thank those parent and professionals who donate money to our organization.

    F.E.A.T. of B.C. is a 100% volunteer organization who receives no funding from any source. The time and talent is completely unpaid. As an example, we are able to provide highly effective, yet inexpensive workshops, parent groups etc. due to the committment of our volunteers. We are able to produce and mail-out our very popular and sought after new-parent packages and videos due to the generous donations made by parents and professionals. We received a donation today of $100.00 from a parent with a newly diagnosed child who wanted to thank F.E.A.T. for the help received. That money will allow us to mail-out ten parent packs/videos to new parents.

    I know this acknowledgement comes a little late but, a big Thankyou to Lisa Wincz, Behavioural Consultant for donating 100% of her fees and registration fees to F.E.A.T. from her last two workshops.

    Once again, thanks to everyone who helps F.E.A.T. help children.

    Regards, Jean

    in reply to: Room One: General Topics Discussion #7287
    Mike & Jean

    The monthly F.E.A.T. of B.C. meeting for June has been cancelled or rather amalgamated with the
    Autism Society's North Shore Branch parent meeting for this month.

    I will be reviewing the Auton hearing which was heard at the Supreme Court of Canada on June 9th.

    The ASBC meeting is on Wednesday, June 23rd. at the West Vancouver Public Library at 7:00 p.m. My remarks will be in addition to their regular agenda. See the ASBC's website for more info.

    The next regular F.E.A.T. of B.C. meeting will be in September.

    See you on the 23rd.


Viewing 10 posts - 311 through 320 (of 382 total)