Forum Replies Created
Andrew Kavchak
ParticipantHi Folks,
Well, it looks like something is going to be announced by the federal government at York University (northern Toronto) on Monday.
Do you remember a couple of years ago the Tories announced a five point autism plan on the eve of one of our demonstrations on the Hill? The five point plan (if creating another autism website can be called a "plan") included the funding of a research chair at a Canadian university. If I recall correctly, a million bucks was put aside for it and the designated university was Simon Fraser. Regrettably, it seemed that no one applied or no one was qualified (I heard that a candidate ended up going to the U.S. instead) and if I remember correctly, the money lapsed. So much for the plan.
However, now they will be announcing something along the lines of "autism treatment and care". Could this be another "research chair"? We'll just have to wait and see…
Autism Speaks Canada, the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance, Health Canada, NeuroDevNet, the Sinneave Family Foundation
andDr. Colin Carrie, Member of Parliament for Oshawa and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health
Mr. Mike Lake, Member of Parliament for Edmonton Mill Woods Beaumont
are pleased to invite you to an announcement on
Autism Treatment and Care
Monday, November 5, 2012
9:00 a.m.York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, OntarioLife Sciences Building, Lobby
6 Thompson RoadRSVP by November 2, 2012 to Gabrièle Caza-Levert at
Andrew Kavchak
ParticipantHi Again Folks,
Well, I think the World Autism Awareness Day Bill actually received Royal Assent today. If that is indeed the case, then by law, April 2 shall be known in Canada as "World Autism Awareness Day" and will give our community an opportunity to get some attention. If the Bill is indeed now law, then I believe it would be fitting and proper for as many members of our community as possible to send Senator Munson a message thanking him for his efforts.
You can find his email at and on his own website.THANK YOU SENATOR MUNSON!!!
Andrew Kavchak (Ottawa)Status of the Bill
World Autism Awareness Day ActSponsor
Sen. Jim MunsonLast Stage Completed
Royal Assent (2012-11-01)Text of the Bill available at:
The Bill started off in the Senate last year.
First Reading
Introduction and First Reading
2011-10-04Second Reading
2011-10-26Referral to Committee
2011-11-24Third Reading
2011-11-29House of Commons
First Reading
2011-12-01Second Reading and Referral to Committee
2012-10-17Report Stage
Concurrence at Report Stage
2012-10-23Third Reading
Royal Assent
Statutes of Canada: 2012, c. 21
2012-11-01Andrew Kavchak
ParticipantHi again Folks,
This is actually rather astonishing. The committee reported back to the House after its clause by clause review (between second and third reading of the bill in the House) and made no recommendations for amendments. Given how much Mike Lake expressed opposition to the provisions of the Bill when it was first tabled in Parliament (e.g., one of his complaints was that the reference to the prevalence rate was not appropriate, even though the figures used were outdated compared to the latest from the CDC), I find it a heartwarming that Senator Munson's tenacity paid off!House of Commons
Wednesday, October 17, 2012.
Hansard DebatesCommittees of the House
HealthMrs. Joy Smith (KildonanSt. Paul, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the 11th report of the Standing Committee on Health in relation to Bill S-206, An Act respecting World Autism Awareness Day. The committee has studied the bill and has decided to report the bill back to the House without amendment.Andrew Kavchak
ParticipantHi Folks,
I just came across this transcript of one of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health meetings relating to Senator Munson's bill declaring an Autism Awareness Day.
There are several interesting things here that I think are worth exploring. First, as a matter of context, getting autism on the agenda of the Standing Committee on Health is huge. When I was protesting on the Hill back in 2004, 2005 and 2006, this was one of the objectives. Generally speaking, getting the House Standing Committee on Health to do a study and issue a report with recommendations would be a potential big boost for the cause. Although I wrote to their members and the Chair on more than one occasion, they did not consider autism worth studying at the time. At least Senator Munson managed to get the Senate committee to do a study and issue a report recommending a national strategy. Of course, a Senate committee is not composed of elected politicians and its weight in Parliament and influence on the governing party is limited, particularly when the governing party is loaded with people like Mr. Clement (I remember one autism advocate who met with Mr. Clement when he was the health minister saying to me afterwards that "it is difficult to do great things with small people").I think we all understand that a bill to declare an autism awareness day is not really doing much to help get our kids access to the medically-necessary treatment they need. So let's see whether there is at least some benefit we can get out of this development. When one reads the transcripts of the meeting, one sees that they are not just talking about awareness. Other issues are being raised. Imagine what would happen if every family with a member who had autism now wrote a short letter or sent an email to the committee saying that these hearings are sweet, but not remotely close to addressing the serious gaps in policy and programs and that we need a full-scale study and serious report by the committee with recommendations to the government on action that is required starting yesterday? I think we need to be able to find good quotes in this transcript and use them in a strategic manner. I have often found that our community misses many opportunities. Of course it takes energy, and our supplies are short for obvious reasons. But I remember when Senator Munson's committee report came out that one autism blogger in New Brunswick gave the report a very critical review and summarily dismissed it, rather than giving some thought to how we may make use of it in a manner that incrementally advances our interests. I was surprised by the negative approach towards something that was ultimately supportive of our cause.
On the committee there are several interesting characters. Colin Carrie has a child with Aspergers' Syndrome. I met with him after the Tories formed the government. Unfortunately, although he came to our rallies when in opposition, once he was on the government side, he seemed to have developed ADD or something. Then there is Massimo Pacetti. He is the MP of the area where my parents in law live in Montreal and they met with him years ago. Apparently he is a former school administrator and was very sympathetic and understanding. But that's as far as it went (tabling the petition). Then there is Mike Lake. Gag. This guy has for the past few years made his opposition to the bill quite clear. His alternative is not. Yes, he speaks a lot about great researchers in Canada, but seems to want to do everything to sabotage discussion about treatment in Medicare now.
I found Margaret Spoelstra' referral to Autism Ontario as an advocacy organization rather bizarre. What advocacy have they done? I never saw them on the Hill. Moreover, they and the ASC repeatedly kept telling me that they could not advocate for fear of losing their charitable status.
Anyway, it sounds like the Bill got passed this Committee stage. I still have to confirm the status, but it seems that it is farther in the legislative process than Shawn Murphy's National Autism Strategy Bill when it was killed by Lake, Carrie, etc. at second reading a few years ago. So, who knows? Maybe this Bill has a chance to become law some day in this session of Parliament. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that one more step will be taken in the right direction and contribute to a momentum that will ultimately bring us to the promised land.
Best regards,
Andrew Kavchak, Ottawa.House of Commons
Standing Committee on HealthNUMBER 057
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]The Chair (Mrs. Joy Smith (KildonanSt. Paul, CPC)):
Could we ask the members to please be seated. We will begin.I would like to welcome Senator Munson. Thank you so much for being here today.
Pursuant to the order of reference of Wednesday, June 20, 2012, Bill S-206, An Act respecting World Autism Awareness Day, I want to welcome you, Senator Munson.
We will begin.
Hon. Jim Munson (Senator, Lib., Senate):
Thank you, Madam Chair. It is really a pleasure to be with my parliamentary colleagues this morning. It's Tuesday, October 16. It has been a long journey, but a very positive journey for me, my team, and my office, and for senatorsConservatives and Liberals on the Senate sidein working with the autistic community.As we know, this bill deals with An Act respecting World Autism Awareness Day. This bill has had quite a journey. We've had a number of prorogations and one general election among the events that complicated what I believe should have been a straightforward passage. But this happens in politics. Being a former journalist and covering the HillI can't believe itin the 1970s and 1980s, I understand that in a democratic system elections do get in the way from time to time.
I'm here as a parliamentarian. I've been tremendously encouraged by the reception this little bill has received at various stages and from all parties throughout its circuitous journey. It would not be where it is today, attending consideration by your committee, were it not for all the individuals here on the Hill and throughout this country who recognize the implications of and the need to address the mounting autism crisis.
On October 19, 2011, almost exactly one year ago, I stood in the Senate chamber when the bill was moved to second reading. I felt it was important on that occasion to recognize some of the people who have supported the bill in efforts to help Canadians become more sensitive to the realities of autism.
In the Senate we've worked together with Conservative Senator Keon, who's been a great supporter, along with Senators Oliver, Eggleton, Mercer, and Trenholme Counsell. I have to say at this particular point that one of the good things about working in Parliament is working with politicians from all sides. It has been a pleasure working with Mike Lake, and in particular, Jaden, who has been an inspiration in all of our lives. I'm also heartened by working with my colleagues from the New Democratic Party, from Peter Stoffer to Glenn Thibeault and many more who have supported this particular bill.
Dany Morin, who brings so much to this committee, I understand, covered the key strategic issues related to autism. These include the necessity for all levels of government to support research on the real causes of ASD. Jacques Gourde reminded those present of the Canadian adolescents and adults with autism who did not have the benefit of early diagnosis and prompt treatment, illustrating just how important it is to have easy access to reliable information. Monsieur Gourde described their experiences this way: Teenagers are all too aware of their limitations and differences, which can make them feel marginalized, vulnerable, and isolated.
For me it's been 10 years. I walked onto the Hill. I was appointed in 2003. There was a gentleman on the Hill who was wearing a billboard. He said, Munson, you're not going to walk by me. You used to work at CTV. You should see this as a news story. I looked at him and saw that he had a billboard saying, Please help my son. I was not that familiar with autism, and I said, okay, let's sit down and chat.
So it was because of that gentleman, Andrew Kavchak, and many others that I said, What should I do about this? I made a statement in the Senate. We're not televised, so people don't see our statements very often. Then somebody said, Well, why don't you launch an inquiry? I said, How do I do that? Well, that's a longer statement, so I did that. Then I said, What happens now? They said, Well, you haven't built up enough support yet. I said, Well, damn it, how far do I have to go on this?
The social affairs committee in the Senate sat back and said they'd have a limited study, but it turned out to be a pretty darned good study, called Pay Now or Pay Later, Autism Families in Crisis. That was in 2007. That's a bit of the background. The words pay now or pay later came from a gentleman from Fredericton, New Brunswick, who was one of our witnesses with Asperger's. He said, folks, if we don't do something more in terms of recognition and paying more for science and research, you're going to pay now or you're going to pay later. And is he correct about that.
We have so many national strategies in this country dealing with heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, so why not autism?
With each passing day, the need for a greater federal commitment to address this health crisis becomes greater and greater. At the very minimum, I believe the federal government has a role in the lives of aboriginal children who have autism. I think there is a place for more leadership.
I have to congratulate the government for what it has done thus far in helping set up a surveillance and monitoring system, which I think is extremely important. I also believe that with one in 88 children in this country having ASD, what the Minister of Finance did is extremely important. He has been very good to some of my causes, including the Special Olympics. He introduced the registered disability savings plan a few years back. It is an excellent, sensitively crafted savings vehicle for parents who have children with disabilities.
This bill about World Autism Awareness Day is more than just an act respecting World Autism Awareness Day. It's an act respecting those families that have to deal with autism every day. Isolation is, of course, one of the principal characteristics of autism, but the disorder also isolates the families and friends of people. Constant care is often required.
As we all know, and as you folks in this committee knowyou've studied it and you've talked about it in Parliamentthis could mean that in a two-parent family, one person stays at home full time and looks after the child with autism. It's a heavy burden. Simple activities such as birthday parties, play groups, play dates, trips to the library, and even an afternoon in the park can be exhausting and demanding.
For me, it comes down to one simple thing. It was said when I was in Halifax last week. I was handing out a Diamond Jubilee Medal to Dr. Susan Bryson at the IWK, the children's hospital in Halifax. The minister's deputy of the government in Nova Scotia said that what's so important is that we need to have the things others have so that a son or a daughter, through whatever therapy helps, can have a sleepover, just like any other child. I think we have to think about that. Some of the natural things that we accept do not happen naturally with an autistic child.
This bill to respect World Autism Awareness Day will not change many realities, but it will send out a message that these families deserve to hear. It will say that Parliament, parliamentarians, are thinking of these children and that we have more to do to help these children, as the preamble to my bill states. It will say to these children and their families that they are not alone. It will show these families that their plight matters and that the people of Canada respect and admire them for doing the best they can in the name of their children, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.
World Autism Awareness Day will help build awareness among Canadians about autism, its symptoms, the people who are affected by it, and the need to address the crisis it has become.
Just as this day would engage individuals and society, so too would it empower governments to do even more. It would be my wish to see the federal government increase its involvement. We have taken major steps, but we have to go further, in my view, where the need is greatest, such as in funding and programs for aboriginal children, as I said before.
My former colleague, Dr. Keon, had good advice for me. He still knows so much. He told me to keep pushing for a federal role in science and research. World Autism Awareness Day would be the ideal opportunity to get this message out. So I sit here humbly before you. And I'm grateful to all of you, Madam Chair, and vice-chair, and all the esteemed members of this health committee, for the consideration you are giving this bill and the people who represent its purpose.
I'm here to answer any questions to the best of my ability.
Thank you very much.
The Chair:
Thank you, Senator Munson.I would ask the rest of the witnesses to approach the table and take your seats in front of the microphone so we can hear your presentations.
Now we're going into the second part of our witness presentation.
Thank you so much, Senator Munson, for your presentation as sponsor of the bill. It was very insightful to hear your presentation. I thank you for that.
We have, from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Jane Aubin, and Nathalie Gendron, assistant director. Welcome.
From Autism Society Canada, we have Richard Burelle, executive director. Welcome.
From Autism Ontario, we have Margaret Spoelstra. She is the executive director. Welcome. I'm glad you could come.
On video conference, joining us soon from Autism Speaks Canada, we will have Suzanne Lanthier. She is a member of the board of directors. I assume she will be joining us very shortly.
Can we begin, please, with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research?
Will you be sharing your time with Nathalie, Ms. Aubin?
Dr. Jane Aubin (Chief Scientific Officer and Vice-President, Research and Knowledge Translation, Canadian Institutes of Health Research):
I'll give the speech and Nathalie may also participate in answering questions.The Chair:
You know that you have a five-minute presentation.Thank you.
Dr. Jane Aubin:
Thank you very much, Madam Chair and honourable members, for the opportunity to address you today regarding the work of the federal health portfolio on autism spectrum disorders, or ASD.Let me say at the outset that I am not an expert on ASD. My own research through the University of Toronto deals with musculoskeletal health and arthritis. But as the chief scientific officer for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, or CIHR, I am pleased to bring you information about federal ASD-related projects. My colleague, Dr. Nathalie Gendron, is with me today as a subject-matter expert.
Your deliberations are about ways to raise awareness of ASD, and I submit to you that the research and surveillance activities supported by the health portfolio provide the facts on which to build this new and growing awareness. At the same time, drawing increased public attention to ASD serves to highlight the impact of research and to generate more support for it.
If we are to do justice to this issue by raising more public awareness about it, one of the most important things we can do is to continue to build our knowledge base and to apply that knowledge to ease the path of people with ASD and their families. The Government of Canada supports a number of activities aimed at doing just that. For instance, my colleagues at the Public Health Agency of Canada are developing a national surveillance mechanism to systematically collect essential data to better understand how many Canadians are living with ASD, and their circumstances.
To ensure that the surveillance system is robust and useful, the agency consulted with provincial and territorial governments to determine priorities and data availability. It has also established an expert advisory committee to review information collected from the provinces and territories and to help identify indicators and appropriate models. This committee includes representatives from government, universities, health care, and community groups.
With respect to advancing the science of ASD, the Government of Canada has made significant investments through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Since its inception in 2000, CIHR has invested nearly $44 million in autism-related research, with $5.8 million invested this year alone.
Our work in the area of ASD is led by our Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, but several of our other institutes are also involved. This helps to bring to bear many academic disciplines and perspectives on this very complex problem.
Through CIHR, the Government of Canada has recently established a chair in ASD treatment and care research. The purpose of the chair is to support an early career investigator to bring innovative approaches to the treatment and/or care of ASD. Partners for the chair competition are CIHR; Autism Speaks Canada; the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance; Health Canada; NeuroDevNet, which is one of the national centres of excellence; and the Sinneave Family Foundation.
We are delighted that Dr. Jonathan Weiss of York University has accepted the chair appointment, following a rigorous selection process that was administered by CIHR. Dr. Weiss is a licensed clinical psychologist and a rising star in ASD research.
In addition to this new chair position, CIHR is supporting a range of other research projects into ASD and activities through our regular granting mechanisms. People like Dr. Adrienne Perry at York University, Dr. Susan Bryson at McMaster, and Dr. Isabel Smith at the IWK Health Centre in Halifax, among others, are all contributing to the ASD knowledge base.
Other CIHR research programs are aimed at health services. For instance, the CIHR signature initiative in community-based primary health care encourages researchers to investigate the ways in which health care services are structured, regulated, managed, financed, used, and delivered. For people living with ASD and their families, better service delivery could make all the difference.
Finally, in our convenor role, CIHR supported the international meeting for autism research and a stakeholder-focused workshop held in Toronto in May of this year.
CIHR is also pleased to reach out to stakeholders and interested members of the public regarding ASD. We'll be doing this again on October 29 in Edmonton, when the CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction hosts a Café Scientifique on ASD. This will be a great opportunity for raising awareness and sharing the latest in scientific research on ASD in an informal and comfortable setting.
Madam Chair, honourable members, I would like to close simply by emphasizing the fact that the efforts I have outlined are not solutions in themselves. Rather, they are interdependent activities that get us closer to a solution. Our approach must continue to combine work on causes, treatments, and care with surveillance and sustained efforts at raising awareness.
I thank you very much for the opportunity to speak to you today. I'll be happy to answer questions later.
Thank you.
The Chair:
Thank you very much, Ms. Aubin.We'll now go to Autism Society Canada, to Mr. Richard Burelle, please.
Mr. Richard Burelle (Executive Director, Autism Society Canada):
Good morning. My name is Richard Burelle, and I am the executive director of the Autism Society of Canada.Madam Chair, committee members, Senator, members of Parliament, and guests, I want to thank you for allowing me to represent Autism Society Canada as we give our wholehearted support to Bill S-206, An Act respecting World Autism Awareness Day.
Last night I sat down, pen in hand, ready to make some notes about what I wanted to speak to you about today regarding our support for Bill S-206. I gathered my notesthey're all right here beside meincluding the number of committees the ASC has; the challenges and successes we have gone through; the news on advances we have made at the federal level; and the list of hurdles that are still ahead.
But I hesitated, because what I really want to talk to you about is people. I especially want to talk to you about family members and caregivers, those very people who are challenged on a daily basis to support and care for loved ones living with an ASD, an autism spectrum disorder.
Let me share with you a story. A little while ago, Autism Society Canada received a memorial donation for someone who had, I suspected, wanted to send a gift to a charity in lieu of flowers. We're always appreciative of those who think of us at a time that must be extremely difficult.
The next day we received a few more donations in memory of the same person. Her name was Susan.
A couple of days passed, and yet a few more memorial donations came in for Susan.
This is not totally uncommon. Our organization may receive quite a few gifts in memoriam during the course of a year. However, I thought to myself that Susan must have been a pretty special person to have so many friends and family members who cared about her. I felt as if Susan herself was sending us all her flowers.
As is often the case with memorial gifts to national organizations, I normally do not know the deceased personally, and I'm often unaware of their connection to Autism Society Canada. This case would be different.
A couple of weeks after that first memorial gift, I received a letter from Jan, who is Susan's mother. She wrote to me to tell me about Susan.
You see, Susan was the mother of a child living with an autism spectrum disorder. Jan told me about how Susan fought for five years with her local school board to get her child in an appropriate class. She told me how Susan's child did not have friends at school, nor in the neighbourhood. She told me how Susan felt: that she had failed as a mother and as an advocate for other children with autism. Jan told me that Susan had taken her own life.
Losing Susan should not have happened.
I have chosen to recount this tragedy, which is an extreme case, to illustrate a point. There's a misnomer out there that autism is not deadly. I would beg to differ. Autism awareness is clearly lacking.
I applaud Bill S-206, An Act respecting World Autism Awareness Day, which by definition takes on this issue. Ignorance of autism can no longer be an excuse.
For Canada, this act is essential to support the many autism organizations striving to work together on behalf of individuals living with an autism spectrum disorder and their caregivers across this great country.
Bill S-206 also gives Canada a unique opportunity to demonstrate leadership in this area to the international community.
In closing, I would like to reaffirm the need to raise awareness on autism spectrum disorders so that tragedies like Susan's never reoccur.
Autism Society Canada has a broad reach. Our member societies work in direct contact with families, caregivers, individuals living with an ASD, across this country. Our societies inform us that access to services from one province to another is indeed unequal. There exist glaring gaps in treatment and resources across this country. We believe it is time for this to be addressed. We believe it is time for a national autism strategy in Canada.
Madam Chair, I would like to thank you and members of this committee for your invitation to be present today. I would also like to thank you, Senator Munson, for your unwavering dedication to pursuing Canada's full support of World Autism Awareness Day.
Thank you very much.
The Chair:
Thank you for your heartfelt presentation. It certainly brings to mind how real the challenges are around autism. Thank you.We'll now speak with Autism Ontario and Margaret Spoelstra, executive director. Thank you for coming, Margaret.
Ms. Margaret Spoelstra (Executive Director, Autism Ontario):
Madam Chair and committee members, thank you very much for the opportunity to speak with you and the Standing Committee on Health.As a director at Autism Ontario, one of the largest advocacy organizations in Canada, it's my honour to be working for such an organization that is led by 300 volunteers, mostly parents, through 28 chapters throughout Ontario.
People with autism spectrum disorders and their families in Ontario have been waiting a long time for national recognition as full citizens of Canada. They have tremendous gifts to offer despite their significant challenges with social understanding, sensory sensitivities, and fitting into a neuro-typical world, a world that seeks out novelty and yet finds the novel, sometimes unusual mannerisms and unconventional social responses of people with ASD to be uncomfortable or, at worst, unacceptable.
For many years, the media has portrayed autism as a condition associated with children. In their early years, their parents are desperate to find clear, accurate diagnoses, assessment, and evidence-based intervention that will help their children to get the best possible start in life. Canadians need to know that far too many families are waiting for these services and intervention, and missing vitally important and comprehensive supports.
In school years, children and teens with ASD have unequal access to quality, individualized education that meets their unique learning needs. They are frequent targets for bullying by peers, and often fail to achieve their potential through kind, but untrained, professionals in evidence-based practices. It has been said that when you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism. ASDs are complex. In addition to the difficulties they face in navigating social environments and societal demands, over 50% of people with ASD will also experience mental health challenges in their lifetime, many already beginning in their youth. With quality individualized health and education supports and tailored environments, these children can grow up to have jobs, make friends, and enjoy their families and communities.
Children with autism grow up to be adults with autism. Their parents worry, What on earth will happen to my son or daughter when we're gone? Caregivers of children, young and adult, face enormous stress in raising their children across the lifespan. We can improve the experiences of these families through a day such as World Autism Awareness Day in Canada, so that there is greater understanding in communities across the country, and so that people with ASD might take their places as full contributing citizens of Canada.
In 2007, Senator Jim Munson sought a national strategy for supporting people with ASD and their families. The Pay Now or Pay Later paper identified the same points being made today. Such a strategy includes the funding of excellence in research, clinical services, education, and the creation of inclusive, welcoming communities. With one in 88 children being diagnosed in the U.S., and one in 100 children in Canada, in recent studies, the numbers are growing daily to crisis proportions. We must not fail to support people with ASD, our most vulnerable citizens. Autism Ontario strongly supports the passage of Bill S-206, An Act respecting World Autism Awareness Day as an important step in achieving acceptance and opportunities for all people with ASD.
Thank you very much.
The Chair:
I thank you very much for your presentation, Margaret.We are to have by video conference Suzanne Lanthier of Autism Speaks Canada, but she has not arrived yet, so we will go into our five-minute question-and-answer rounds. We want to make sure that we get through this bill, because we have committee business, as promised, and we have the clause-by-clause.
Having said that, we will begin with Ms. Davies, for five minutes, please.
Ms. Libby Davies (Vancouver East, NDP):
Thank you very much, Chair.First of all, to Senator Munson, thank you very much for coming here today to present your bill, and to the witnesses who all did an amazing job of giving us a real sense of what this issue is about.
We're only spending one short meeting on this, and it's not enough, so I'll get into it right away. Obviously, we support the bill. To raise awareness is very important; that's a given.
I want to read out an e-mail that I received from a parent who has three daughters who are on the autism spectrum. Her name is Amy. What she wrote to me was that
'Autism Awareness' is done and advocated for with the best of intentions. However, it is not something that is actually for autistic people and their families. They are already very aware.
She's saying that awareness is not enough:
Awareness needs to be matched by meaningful action. It must lead to appropriate lifespan supports and services across this country that allow autistic people and their families to reach their fullest potential.
You've all spoken about that. I want to get at the issue of what more we should be doing.
Senator, your bill is about an awareness day. I know that the Senate committee you instigated in 2007 made a number of recommendations, one of which was calling for the federal government, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, to establish a comprehensive national autism spectrum disorder strategy, including treatment, supports, and so on. I believe the Conservative government, in their platform in either 2006 or 2008, also promised such a strategy.
I wonder whether you have had any response to the Senate committee report or whether any of the other organizations are aware of any further support. It seems to me that the awareness is very important, but that unless we follow through on the need for a strategy and the treatments and supports to families, we're not getting nearly as far as we must get.
Could you respond to that?
Hon. Jim Munson:
I'll talk briefly, and perhaps the other witnesses can say a few words.Meaningful action is what is extremely important. This is not the last step; this is the beginning of many steps, from my perspective, of what we're all trying to do in dealing with it.
As I said, the government's new surveillance and monitoring program is a good first step. Also, dealing with the issue of the disability payments, many grandparents and others have come to me and said that this is a really good step.
But those are only steps. I fully believe, and said in my statement about aboriginal youth, that, my goodness, children are slipping through the cracks every day in the aboriginal community alone. Why couldn't that be a second step for a national government's involvement?
I also believe that it's time to think outside the box. I know there are provincial governments that are delivering autism services as well as they can, but it's about time to think outside the box. We have the terminology that it's a provincial responsibility. It's Canada's responsibility.
I feel that whoever is in power should think outside the box and bring people together in a room like this, with scientists and researchers and other politicians from all spectra, to sit down to hammer out something that can work. I really believe thatand not only for autism, but for those with other severe intellectual disabilities.
I'm originally from Atlantic CanadaI'm from northern New Brunswickand I'm an Ontario senator, but I'm a Canadian. As a Canadian, I'm tired of hearing about people who are getting on little airplanes in northern New Brunswick and travelling to Alberta and other provinces to get treatment, which lasts from zero to the age of 18, with a diagnosis…. You name it.
We have to get there, and I think what we're all trying to do is get there. I think we have a moral, ethical, and a loving obligation to get there.
Ms. Libby Davies:
I totally agree with you, and let's hope that a federal strategy is coming, as promised.I want to raise the issue of gender. I don't know if any of the organizations here today have further information on the issue, particularly on young girls who are diagnosed a number of years later, so that they often miss out on the early intervention. Very little research is done on this, but there is some research.
I wonder if some of the organizations have looked at the issue of gender, of girls versus boys, and how we're falling behind in intervention, support, and treatment for young girls because they're often not getting diagnosed early enough.
Could you address this briefly?
The Chair:
I'm sorry, I'm trying to wind this up.Margaret, could you quickly respond to that?
Ms. Margaret Spoelstra:
Sure.You're absolutely right that girls are underdiagnosed. Part of the diagnostic challenge is because girls are socialized much earlier on how they should behave, and they often go under the radar. Unless there is a particular behavioural response, they tend not to be recognized for that, but underneath a very quiet or calm exterior are often significant challenges and mental health issues that emerge later on in their lives.
Autism Ontario runs girls groups, very specifically, and brings girls together to help them deal with significant social pressures. Girls are significantly at risk at school, for date rape, and for other social challenges, in relationships as they get older, and even as they become young women making choices.
The Chair:
Thank you, Margaret.We'll now go to Dr. Carrie and Mr. Lobb. They will share their time.
Dr. Carrie, go ahead.
Mr. Colin Carrie (Oshawa, CPC):
Thank you, Madam Chair.I want to thank the witnesses for being here. I particularly want to thank Senator Munson for all the good work he has done. People around the table know our family was one of those families that had to fight the school board. My wife put her career on hold to help with our son, who was diagnosed with Asperger's. We went for the private school, and I'm happy to say he started university this year. So with a lot of hard work and sacrifice…. The success stories are out there.
With the system we have in Canada, there are challenges with provincialfederal jurisdiction. Dr. Aubin, you mentioned the steps the government has taken. Senator Munson said we have to start thinking outside the box, that we have to start working on science and research.
Could you talk about the role of the federal government and the role of the provinces and territories in delivering health services for people with autism spectrum disorder in Canada?
Dr. Jane Aubin:
Thank you very much for your question.Let me start by reiterating that CIHR, as a federal funder, funds the best research across the nation. It covers the most basic research on the genetics behind susceptibility to autism, to help with early diagnosis and early intervention. At a national level, we are funding across the country.
We play a very important convenor role as well. What I mean is that we don't just convene researchers to share their research findings and build upon them; we convene partners. We convene provincial partners. We convene the policy makers with researchers, to share and act upon the evidence we require. It's at a multiple level that CIHR and its other health portfolio partners coordinate our activities and bring together the information with partners.
I hope that speaks to some of what you're interested in knowing, and I'm happy to speak further.
Mr. Ben Lobb (HuronBruce, CPC):
Ms. Spoelstra, grandparents in my riding have a grandchild in the Niagara region. I want to run through their scenario briefly and explain if that is in fact the situation, and how we could improve the timeframe.They knew their grandson, at 12 months, had a problem. It took 16 months for him to be diagnosed as severely autistic. They want their grandson and their son to be in the intensive behavioural intervention program; they've been told it takes three to five years to receive that treatment. They are number 750 on the list, so if that's the present-day scenario in Ontario, obviously that's unacceptable.
What can we do to get that number down to what is realistic? What else can we do? I'm sure there are hundreds of families in Ontario in the same situation.
Ms. Margaret Spoelstra:
You're absolutely right, that situation is unacceptable. We hear that story from families across the province on a daily basis, and they despair. To have a number like 700, or whatever, just says that child is not going to receive the best intervention we have to help him or her at this stage in their life, and to know that window is closing at a time when the plasticity of the brain is at a stage when it can accept lots of information and change. We know, in fact, that this treatment can have a significant influence on how that child develops for the rest of its life.First of all, my heart goes out to those families. They should not feel that they're competing with another family whose kid did get on that list. All of those children should have accessall of them, not only the ones who are eligible for the serviceto that early assessment and intervention at a time when it makes the most difference in their lives.
It is at least, in part, a funding matter, but it's also a policy matter and thinking about some ways to adjust the system, so that there is fairness for more families to have access to that. Also, it takes training, not only in those early years…. One of the biggest fears families have is exiting that system and moving into the school systemwhere the training for the professionals is not as it should beso that families can feel confident that those same strong evidence-based practices are being implemented in the school years, and into adult life as well.
The Chair:
Thank you, Ms. Spoelstra, for your insightful comments.Now we'll go to Mr. Pacetti, please.
Mr. Massimo Pacetti (Saint-LéonardSaint-Michel, Lib.):
Thank you, Madam Chairman.Thank you to the witnesses.
We all have stories about autism, so I don't think we need to get into that. You've got support around the table, so I'll try to focus more on educating myself on certain aspects.
Mr. Burelle, you referred to the fact that there's inequality in the services between provinces. Can you give me a couple of quick examples, if possible?
Mr. Richard Burelle:
I believe there's no study currently comparing the services across the country. What the Public Health Agency of Canada is trying to do is put in a surveillance program to actually get Canadian data on the prevalence of autism across Canada, which is a first step. We'll then be able to identify if are there pockets, if there are areas of the country where perhaps we need more services.The Autism Society of Canada has proposed a pilot project in order to create a needs assessment across Canada. If we could create this needs assessment where it would actually be a study across Canada to figure out where the services are, in what areas, and if we could superimpose that upon the surveillance program, the gaps would clearly rise to the top.
Mr. Massimo Pacetti:
I don't mean to interrupt you; it's because we have limited time.If the bill were to be passed, would this help that particular cause?
Mr. Richard Burelle:
Keeping autism in the forefront is always a good thing. As Senator Munson said, the fact that we're piggybacking on World Autism Awareness Day is great. Any kinds of forward steps we can take in order to keep autism in the forefront, to create that awareness, are steps in the right direction.Mr. Massimo Pacetti:
Again, to educate me, maybe, Senator Munson, you can answer the question.If we already have World Autism Awareness Day, wouldn't that already be officially recognized by Canada?
Hon. Jim Munson:
There has been a ministerial declaration, and that's a generous act on behalf of the minister, but that's a declaration from a government. What this does is set up a legal framework where Parliament, where you, as a member of Parliament, are speaking on behalf of Canadians; all of you parliamentarians are speaking on behalf of Canadians. Putting it into a legal framework…whatever government comes into power has to respect this day; 192 countries already do.Remember, this only began in the United Nations in 2008. What it does here is empower every MP from every party to stand up and be counted. So it's about Parliament, which I think is extremely important.
To briefly answer your question, and I talked about this in the other questions, we can provide statistics for you to show you how different it is in different provinces. For example, in Nova Scotia it's wonderful what's going on. They have nine areas now in the province where you can go and get intensive behaviour treatment. Before, you went to Halifax. As I mentioned, in Alberta and other provinces the programs last longer. But at the end of the day, it's about us as Canadians, as parliamentarians. That sets a legal framework to recognize this in a legal bill.
Mr. Massimo Pacetti:
Let me challenge all of you. As members of Parliament we're asked almost on a daily basis to make a declaration or a statement on a certain day, and they're all valid causes. Tell me why World Autism Awareness Day has to be ranked up there?Hon. Jim Munson:
I think World Autism Awareness Day should rank with the bills that have already been passed by Parliament. You have to mean what you say, right? You can't just get up and say, I have to do this because this is a good little press release and my constituents will like it, and so on. You have to be behind it, and show some spunk behind what you do with the bills.We've passed a national seniors day in Parliament. We have passed a day to increase awareness about epilepsy, a national flag day, a peacekeepers day, and a blood donor week. What do they do? And by the way, my wife would be very upsetmon épouse est acadienne. There's an act respecting a national Acadian day. That's a great thing in our family, for a Scot like me.
In essence, what we're doing with these things is we're saying to every one of these communities that we're there and we're going to do more than just stand up in one day. This is about carrying this message forward. The surveillance and monitoring you're talking about would be a unique opening for the federal government once they have enough data to say, okay, provinces, come on, let's sit in a room like this and analyze it together with those who understand the science and research. That'll be another stepand I'm not going away.
The Chair:
Thank you very much.Now we will go to Mr. Lake and Mr. Brown.
Mr. Lake has been a tremendous support to the autism initiative, and we're very familiar with his wonderful son Jaden.
Welcome to the committee, Mr. Lake.
Who would like to begin? Mr. Brown? Okay, thank you.
Mr. Patrick Brown (Barrie, CPC):
Thank you, Madam Chair, and thank you, Senator Munson, for putting this proposal forward. I think anything that brings awareness to autism is a step in the right direction. Thank you for all the comments here today.On Sunday in Barrie we had our annual autism walk, and that's why I said to those who attended that this brings awareness and attention to the issue. For the hundred families that came out, it does. It raises the flag and expresses an intention that we want to do more. We want to raise it, we want to talk about it, and we want to have it in the public dialogue.
On November 10 we're having our annual gala in Barrie for the same purpose, to fundraise and to raise awareness. I think this is something that would be appreciated by families and friends who have loved ones who have autism.
My question is actually for Jane. I know there is a patchwork, in a sense, a variety of different services, depending on where you live in Canada. I know I've had families in Barrie tell me that it's fundamentally different in Alberta, for example. Could you explain the breakdown or the division of provincial, federal, and territorial jurisdictions when it comes to services for those with autism?
Dr. Jane Aubin:
Let me answer your question by really talking about CIHR's strategic research priorities, one of which is the strategy for patient-oriented research. This is a case where as a federal agency we're working in partnership with the provinces and territories to do exactly what's been commented upon, to bring together the knowledge from different parts of the country, to share collegially together, to work together, to harmonize, and to share best practices.One of the particular initiatives under the strategy for patient-oriented research that I commented upon in my opening remarks is the community-based primary health care signature initiative. Within that initiative we're looking to roll out a national network to bring together the bits and pieces that exist in different provinces, to accelerate the sharing of what works within particular jurisdictions, and try to harmonize it at a national level. It's not only individual researchers, but working federally to convene the provincial policy-makers and health care professionals to deliver on best practices.
Mr. Patrick Brown:
I know Mr. Lake has a question.Hon. Mike Lake (EdmontonMill WoodsBeaumont, CPC):
I'll be quick. I probably won't get time to ask a question, though.I want to start by thanking our colleagues from all parties. You guys have been amazing. I have a 16-year-old son with autism, as I think just about everybody in this room knows. He's like a three- or four-year-old in a 16-year-old's body. He comes here every year and gets a chance to meet all of the MPs, and he tries to raise awareness in his own way. I have to say the response from colleagues, regardless of party affiliation, has always been amazing. I thank you for that.
Jim, thank you for your tireless work on this. You and I may not always agree on exactly what the answer is, but we agree that what we want to do is help people with autism, not just autismpeople who need help in a lot of areas. On this specific issue, I thank you for the work you've done.
Stakeholders, we've had many, many conversations over the years. Kathleen, thank you for the work you've done. We've had the opportunity to bring you together with the officials. We have the officials sitting here at the table to talk about some of the issues that we've been talking about today.
I know I'm going to get a chance in a few minutes to actually ask some questions, but I'm going to use my time right now to say thank you for the work you've done, and to let you know how important this is to my family.
I think, Marg, you made the point that if you meet one person with autism, you meet one person with autism. That's what it's like with Jaden. The challenges Jaden has aren't the same challenges that everybody else has. Hopefully over time we'll get a chance to meet more and more people. We'll see them in stores when we go to the store, we'll see them working in the library when we go to the library, or, in Jaden's case, as he participates in musical theatre, and he cooks, and does things that we would never have thought he'd be able to do. Thank you all for the role you play in helping our families get to that point.
The Chair:
Thank you, Mr. Lake, for your very insightful support and all the help you've been to this particular initiative.We'll now go to Dr. Sellah.
Mrs. Djaouida Sellah (Saint-BrunoSaint-Hubert, NDP):
Thank you, Madam Chair.I also want to thank all of our witnesses today for shedding some light on this issue.
You described the situation here, in Ontario, but I can tell you that things are worse in Montérégie, the region where I was elected. In fact, 1 in 106 children there is said to have autism or PDD. But the figure for the rest of the country is 1 in 110. I also know that the wait time for a diagnostic assessment is 18 months, and that assessment is limited to children 0 to 5 years of age. That's a pretty small window when you consider treatment. After the age of 5, children attend regular schools like others their age, even though the schools aren't properly equipped to meet the needs of autistic students. Unfortunately, once they turn 18, they are left to their parents' devices or, without a family to care for them, they end up in a residential, long-term care centre.
Do you have an idea of where things stand in the rest of the country, as compared with my region?
The Chair:
Who would like to take that question? Nathalie, would you like to?Dr. Nathalie Gendron (Assistant Director, Canadian Institutes of Health Research):
Every province in the country has problems in terms of services. One thing is crystal clear: the level of care being provided to children and adults with autism is not as advanced as it should be.Nevertheless, we are here on behalf of the federal government, and its role is quite clear. We can support research efforts across the country, as Dr. Aubin mentioned. We can support initiatives that target epidemiology, as well as surveillance. Bear in mind that federal government efforts fall within our mandate and are aimed at supporting what the provinces are doing. Health care services are the province's domain, at the ministerial, hospital and community level.
The role of the research or surveillance work being done by the Public Health Agency of Canada is to support the provinces. That support is in the form of information provinces need to identify the most effective services and the best diagnostic tools to ensure children are looked after quickly following an autism diagnosis. As far as surveillance goes, the incidence and prevalence of the disorder do vary from one part of the country to another, as you pointed out. Given the complex nature of the disorder, a Canada-wide study focusing on prevalence and incidence is necessary to fully understand the range of children affected and their needs. That will result in an effective surveillance system.
All federal efforts are meant to support the provinces in their decision making, be it in terms of finances or health priorities. In addition, as Dr. Aubin mentioned, we are doing a lot of research at the community level. It is clear that most people who have an autistic family member or who are autistic themselves need community-based support. So that's the type of research we are working on.
I want to stress, however, that we cannot lose sight of our role or the need for close cooperation with the provinces, so they can come up with the best possible strategies based on the information we give them.
Mrs. Djaouida Sellah:
I am quite familiar with the problems surrounding autism. As a health care professional myself, I am especially aware of the social repercussions. The bottom line is that parents are having to turn to private institutions for help and ending up penniless as a result. I want to know whether help is on the way for these parents or caregivers.An answer to my question would be appreciated.
The Chair:
Thank you so much, Dr. Sellah.Now we'll complete our round of questions with Mr. Lake.
Hon. Mike Lake:
Thanks again.The bill as presented is designed to increase awareness, and I just want to talk about that awareness. Notwithstanding the fact that we have a long way to go in terms of awareness, I think we can acknowledge that we've actually come a long way in terms of awareness. As a parent, certainly there's definitely more awareness I find in society than there was six or seven years agoawareness of the challenges we face.
I would also say there is awareness in the sense of what we can do about it. I think an important part of this discussion is what we do in Canada to make lives better for all Canadians, because we're hearing of some significant challenges. I think one of the things we can agree onwe may not agree on it politically, and we have different ideas of how to get thereis that we want the situation for families across this country to be better tomorrow than it is today. To do that, we have to take a look at what's being done and what needs to be done.
When we take a look at what the federal government has done at this point, we've got some of the best researchers in the worldworld-renowned researchersleading the way. There's Steve Scherer, for example, in Toronto, and Lonnie Swaigenbaum. I think, Jim, you mentioned Susan Bryson. They're some of the world's best researchers. We've got the surveillance project under way. I think we can agree that was something that was overdue. But it's on track now and it's going to be an important part of understanding the puzzle that is autism in this country.
There are things like the opportunities fund, which doesn't just deal with people who have autism, but with vocational issues. We've increased funding for that opportunities fund to try to train people with different circumstances, different developmental challenges, so that they can have a better shot at getting jobs. We've introduced the RDSP, which, Jim, you mentioned. There are still significant challenges at the provincial level with treatment.
I think that's where I'm going to go with a question here, Marg. I'm going to come to you in a second to lay the context in your province.
In Ontario, there is 48% more money going to health care, plus 45% more funding going to social services, than six years ago, for example. What does the circumstance look like for families looking for treatment, looking for answers to their challenges health-wise, social services-wise, and education-wise in your province? Maybe describe some of those challenges. Have things been changing at all?
The Chair:
Who would like to take that question?Ms. Spoelstra, go ahead.
Ms. Margaret Spoelstra:
There have been good things happening. In fact, we know what to do. I think that's the most important thing to say first off. We have access to the best information, the best research, and we have good clinicians who can help with services and supports in Ontario. The investments have been significant in the province, and we're grateful for that. Those are distributed across the nine regions. But what happens for families is they experience the system in pieces, and they have to constantly be cobbling together supports and services in a timely fashion for their kids when they need it.I would say that the idea of seamless supports seems so elusive. The nature of autism is that it changes across the lifespan, so it's not a one-shot thing ever; it's multi-faceted. We need various ministries working together, so that the experience of families is not one where they're having to knock on 30 doors to get one answer for the situation they're facing today, as well as the situations that are going to continue to change across the lifespan. But we do need to invest more, because there are more kids.
As I was saying earlier in comments about those families in those early years, not receiving those services is so disheartening. When we say we want to support those caregivers, they need access to those services in a timely fashion, and they need a response to the nature of autism spectrum disorders as they are uniquely represented by each child, each adult. Then there's also caring for the caregiver. The parents bear an enormous burden in having to take the responsibility of being case managers, in addition to 20 other hats they wear on a given day.
I would also say they need additional supports to help them be families to their kids, to help them be effective in getting the services their children need, and in not having to pay out of pocket, which many families do. They go bankrupt in their efforts to get those services and supports and intervention strategies.
Hon. Mike Lake:
Is it fair to say…?Time is up? Okay, no worries.
The Chair:
I'm sorry, our time is up. I've given you a little extra time, actually.I'm going to thank the witnesses so much for coming today.
We are going to suspend for three minutes. Then we will go into the clause-by-clause and then to committee business.
There will be a three-minute suspension.
The Chair:
Could I reconvene the committee now and can we get this bill examined?We are going to postpone the preamble, pursuant to Standing Order 75(1). We will postpone clause 1, which is the short title.
Does anyone want to speak on clause 2, or can we go straight to the question?
(Clause 2 agreed to)
The Chair: Shall the title pass?
Some hon. members: Agreed.
The Chair: Shall I report the bill to the House?
Some hon. members: Agreed.
The Chair: We are now going in camera for committee business. I would ask anyone who is not a member to please leave the room so we can continue with our business. Thank you.
[Proceedings continue in camera]
Andrew Kavchak
ParticipantHi Folks,
Yesterday was one of those special days. I was watching The National and about to fall asleep when Peter Mansbridge announced that Ontario Premier Dalton McGuilty surprised his caucus by announcing his resignation. I have not slept so well in a long time. Wow! What a relief!
McGuilty happens to be my MPP. He became Premier of Ontario in late 2003, just before my son was diagnosed. During the election campaign a mother of child with autism asked each party leader what they would do for autism. The Preschool Autism Program at the time had an age six cut off. He stated in writing that it was discrimination and he would do away with it. Well, when he became Premier, he appointed a Minister who conducted a "program review". Our son was diagnosed at that time and we were on waiting lists. Oh boy, did we want to see some serious revamping of the program. Well, when the review report came out, the community was generally disappointed. We were still on a waiting list. Then the Deskin/Wynberg case was snaking its way through the courts on precisely the same issue of the discriminatory age-based cutoff. Did McGuilty tell his lawyers to stop fighting the case and make the corresponding changes to the program. Nope. Instead, the judge issued a decision calling age-based cutoff to be a discriminatory provision and ruled it unconstitutional, etc. It reminded me of Martin Luther King: "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty! I'm free at last!" But then what did McGuilty do? The very next business day he announced that the government would appeal the decision. And they won at the Court of Appeal. However, the new Minister said that even though they could legally cut kids off at age six, they would not do so. Really? Newfound kindness and compassion? Hardly. They simply found other reasons to kick kids out of the program. Our kid was on a waiting list for two years while we pursued a home-based program. When we got funding, we provided them with reports of the program. At five and a half they tested our son, using words that were not even in his program, and then informed us that they they cutting off funding when he turned six. So we raised a fuss and were called to a meeting to be told that once again, out of the kindness of their hearts, they would extend funding for another six months…but that's it! Our six year old was not worth investing one single more cent beyond that. Sort of like Cinderella turning into a pumpkin at midnight because she could not find her slipper or prince or something. Imagine a society where a six year old fails grade one and is then told that society is kicking him out of school. For good. What a disgrace. While we were on the waiting list the Ontario Auditor General issued a report stating that there were 1,000 kids on the waiting list, and over $16 million or so of unspent money in the program. Whenever I hear them talk about "lack of resources" I don't believe it. Of course, McGuilty won the PR war by announcing new spending on autism programs (which should "solve the problem"). But a little later we demonstrated in front of his constituency office because Freedom of Information Act requests resulted in information being released that unspent money in the autism programs had been diverted to other programs. A total of over $50 million at the time. They did not issue press releases to announce those monetary diversions. Not "newsworthy", I suppose? Those are just some of the episodes that I recall from McGuilty's tenure as Premier.
Yeah, McGuilty is leaving. I had a good night's sleep. I hope he fades as far away as possible. And I hope he takes his brother (my MP) with him. I'll never forget in 2004 when his brother ran his election campaign with signs all over the place saying he would fight for healthcare. So I met him after his election in his office and asked him to champion the cause of getting healthcare for kids with autism. He just shook his head and said "no". The only thing that worries me is that there are some media outlets carrying stories about the possibility of McGuilty running for the leadership of the Liberals and speculating that he would win it. Oh Lord! Save us!Andrew Kavchak
ParticipantHi Folks,
I was about to doze off in bed this evening while watching the TV Ontario program "The Agenda" when suddenly they spoke about autism awareness and how they interviewed Mike Lake and how he gave an "unforgettable speech" in the House of Commons on World Autism Awareness, etc. In fact, I read the short speech he gave and I found it to be quite forgettable.
At the risk of being accused of total political incorrectness, I got out of bed and sent the producers at TV Ontario the following email:
As a father of a child with autism I am stunned by how the media completely abandon their usual inquisitive style whenever dealing with Mike Lake and his son. When Mike Lake was first elected I went to see him to ask him for his help in the development of a national autism strategy so that Canadians with autism could get treatment, specifically the only scientifically proven treatment to date (IBI/ABA therapy), covered by Medicare. There is a serious problem in this country when it comes to discrimination against autism under Medicare. My wife and I spent $40,000 in the private sector in the first year following my son's diagnosis because not one single province in this country provides autism treatment under Medicare and here in Ottawa we were on a two-year waiting list to get help from the ministry of social services. Would Mike Lake help our community to address this problem? No. He worked for the Oilers when his son was diagnosed and told me that a professional hockey player cut him a cheque for $10,000. Unfortunately, not every parent of a kid with autism has such generous and rich friends. When a Private Members' Bill calling on the Minister of Health to work with the provinces to develop a National Autism Strategy was debated and voted on in the House of Commons, he voted against it along with his party and the Bloc so that the Bill would die even before it was examined by the Health Committee. He also wrote a three page open letter explaining why he voted against it (about his view that this was "bad law" and unconstitutional, etc). How can one explain the tories running an election campaign calling for a National Cancer Strategy and developing a National Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Research Strategy and going to court to seek the right to establish a national securities regulator when it suits them, but when it comes to treating kids with autism, they can't do anything because "that's provincial". The feds own the Canada Health Act and negotiate health accords with the provinces in which billions of dollars are transferred in exchanged for specified standards for medical services, except autism. I gave Mike Lake a petition to table in Parliament calling for Medicare coverage for autism treatment and a national autism strategy. Although it was tabled by dozens of MPs and Senators in Parliamanet, Mike Lake is the only MP that I know of who refused to table it. He took one look at it and gave it back to me. I was shocked. But then I learned something about Mike Lake's views and knowledge about autism. When I met with him I brought to his attention that the US-based CDC issued a report stating that the prevalence rate was 1 in 150 and called it a national public health crisis. He was unfamliar with that figure, but when I stated it, he immediately replied without any hesitation "I don't believe that!". This week the CDC issued a new study indicating that the incidence rate is now 1 in 88. Does Mr. Lake dismiss that figure too? His annual speeches about his son strike me as missing the mark. As an MP in the House of Commons his speeches should be about what he and his party and the government are going to do to help Canadians. When he spends one minute every year on World Autism Awareness Day speaking about his son and ignores the public policy questions (when I read the text in Hansard he did not say a word about the public policy issues), he misses an opportunity to be helpful. At the same time, he demonstrates his opportunism. Did you know that he and his party were against the private members' bill to declare a Canadian Autism Awareness Day? Apparently he had some concerns with some wording in the preamble of the bill. Something about prevalence rates and the fact that autism treatment is not covered by Medicare in Canada. These are the real issues that need to be addressed when determining whether a politician is helpful or not towards those with autism in Canada. While Mike Lake has managed to convince a number of journalists in the media into thiniking that he is a champion for autism on Parliament Hill because he brings his son to photo opportunities and talks about him lovingly like any parent talks about their child, it is surprising that few have actually challenged him with the question: and what have you done to help parents of autistic kids get access to the desperately needed treatment for their loved ones? One journalist interviewed him a few years ago and told me afterwards "He did not run on autism". That was clear to some of us shortly after his arrival in Ottawa. Of course we hope one day there will be a change in approach and the adoption of some meaningful, concrete and helpful action by the federal government. That day has not yet arrived.
Andrew Kavchak
ParticipantHi Folks,
I know this may sound repetitive, but…the incidence rate is up, the government announced the same thing again (sort of), and we have an opportunity to raise more awareness, etc.
A few years ago a Conservative MP was elected in Alberta by the name of Mike Lake. He has a child with autism. I met with him shortly after his arrival in Ottawa and presented him with the petition calling for Medicare for Autism Now (the one that was tabled in Parliament about 88 times). He is the only MP that I ever met who refused to table it. I remember being really surprised when he gave it back to me and said he would not table it. Also during that conversation I remember bringing to his attention that the CDC says the incidence rate of ASDs is 1 in 150. He flatly stated "I don't believe that".
Well, today the CDC says the incidence rate is 1 in 88. whether he will summarily dismiss this figure too?
Wonder whether the PHAC and Health Canada are still dithering over the (im)possiblity of gathering statistics so that public health policy could be based on some Canadian facts?
However, something was announced this week by the Feds in the realm of autism (notwithtanding their historic claim that "it's provincial"). But did the Feds not announce such funding for a similar chair back in 2007? And did that funding project not get cancelled when they could not find a candidate? So is this old wine in a new bottle being presented as a new unprecedented initiative that is moving the yardstick on Fed activity, or what? Obviously something is better than nothing, but when they refer to "continually advancing", they rarely balance it out with a corresponding reflection of the backward steps that have been taken. In Ontario, Premier Dalton McGuinty's government made plenty of announcements years ago that new monies were being allocated to autism programs. Then Access to Information Act requests revealed that millions had been diverted to other programs. No press releases were issued to announce the autism moneies diversions and reductions.
Anyways, World Autism Awareness Day is coming up in early April. Expect some MPs (perhaps even Mike Lake?) to hand out some autism pins at another "feel good" cocktail reception on the Hill.
News Release
Harper Government invests in autism treatment and care
For immediate release
Ottawa, Ontario (March 27, 2012) The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Health, today announced funding for the Chair in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Treatment and Care Research Program. The purpose of the Chair is to support a new investigator bringing innovative approaches to the treatment and/or care of autism spectrum disorders. The CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction in partnership with Autism Speaks Canada, the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance, Health Canada, NeuroDevNet and the Sinneave Family Foundation are offering this funding research opportunity.
Our government is committed to continuously advancing research in the field of autism, said Minister Aglukkaq. We are pleased to partner with Canadian organizations and believe it will help stimulate research and, ultimately, improve the health of people with autism.
The announcement took place at the Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Autism Intervention Program Offices in Ottawa. The Minister was joined by Member of Parliament Mike Lake, and Parliamentary Secretary Dr. Colin Carrie, both of whom have children with forms of autism. Also joining the Minister was Scientific Director of the CHEO Research Institute Dr. Martin Osmond and Scientific Director of NeuroDevNet Dan Goldowitz.
Significant gaps exist in applied research that focuses on autism diagnosis, treatment and care, said Dr. Goldowitz. We hope that this Chair opportunity will attract interest from the best science minds across the globe who see the potential that this position will provide in making a real difference in the lives of children, youth, adults and their families who live with autism every day.
Investigators working in Canada and those willing to relocate to a Canadian research institution are eligible for the Chair. Investigators not currently conducting research in the field of autism spectrum disorders must demonstrate how they would bring new approaches to the treatment and/or care of individuals with autism spectrum disorders. The Chairs application form is available on CIHRs website.
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Further information:
Cailin Rodgers, Office of the Honourable Leona Agluakkaq, 613-957-0200
David Coulombe, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 613-941-4563
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is the Government of Canadas health research investment agency. CIHRs mission is to create new scientific knowledge and to enable its translation into improved health, more effective health services and products, and a strengthened Canadian health care system. Composed of 13 Institutes, CIHR provides leadership and support to more than 14,100 health researchers and trainees across Canada.
Andrew Kavchak
ParticipantThe Globe published a heavily-edited version of the letter.
What readers think
Jan. 2: Letters to the editor
From Monday's Globe and Mail
Published Monday, Jan. 02, 2012 2:00AM ESTOrder, please
While your published list of new recipients of the Order of Canada is interesting (Canadas Honor Roll Dec. 31), the publication of a list of people who were considered but not given the Order might be even more revealing and informative.
I am thinking of a person who has done outstanding work to help the disabled but was not named to the Order. I trust that the Canadian establishment and elite are comforted and reassured knowing that another former prime minister has secured his promotion to Companion of the Order of Canada.
Andrew Kavchak, Ottawa
Andrew Kavchak
ParticipantHi Folks,
Today the Globe and Mail carried a front page article about the Order of Canada called "How do you earn one of these?". It contained interviews with some of the newly-announced recipients as well as a list of all the people who were just awarded the medal. There are three categories, companion, officer and member.
In the member category, I saw the name of Margaret Spoelstra, the head of the Autism Society of Ontario. As a parent of a child with autism in Ontario, I contacted Margaret Spoelstra in January 2004, shortly after my son's diagnosis. While she said many comforting words over the phone, she did not suggest any meaningful and concrete steps and certainly gave me no reason to hope. We were on waiting lists and she told me she was sorry to hear that. In fact, she even expressed surprise that we were on a waiting list for respite funding, even though I subsequently found out that such waiting lists were common. Despite her claim that the Autism Society of Ontario is the voice of the community, I subsequently read her submissions to the department of Finance at budget time and found them to be seriously lacking in substance and offering a very poor reflecting of the desperate situation that many families in the community faced. Accordingly, I did not renew my membership in her organization and have been challenged to find any justification to join again.
However, I just sent a letter to the editor of the Globe and Mail that I wanted to share with you. If any of you have Dr. Freeman's email, please forward a copy to her. Thank you. Happy new year everyone!
Andrew Kavchak (Ottawa)
Dear Editors of the Globe and Mail,
In addition to interviewing victorious recipients of the politically-charged Order of Canada ("How do you earn one of these?", Dec 31, 2011), I would be interested in knowing what your investigative reporters could uncover about the process of awarding these symbolic tokens and how (dys)functional and (in)effective the Governor-General's bureaucracy is. While your published list of new recipients is interesting, the publication of a list of high profile rejects might be even more revealing and informative.
Having had a son diagnosed with autism in late 2003 my family and I received an instant and lengthy hands-on course in the deficiencies of Canadian healthcare, education and social service "programs". It was a shocking eye-opener. My family spent $40,000 in the private sector in the first year of autism treatment without even a few crumbs of financial assistance to pay for respite care. However, we were hardly the first family to discover that Medicare discriminated against autism by not providing any public health coverage for treatment. The more I researched the autism treatments and public policy, the more my attention was directed to a remarkable lady in Vancouver by the name of Dr. Sabrina Freeman who struck me as being the foremost advocate for early intervention autism treatment. She not only wrote books on how to teach kids with autism to speak, she was also a leader in the creation of the Families for Early Autism Treatment (FEAT) of B.C. and most importantly, was a critical team member in the class action "Auton" lawsuit against the provincial government. While the courts of B.C. found the lack of autism treatment in Medicare to be a violation of the equality rights in the Charter, the case was appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada (which overturned the appeal courts' decision). It was there, while demonstrating outside the Supreme Court of Canada building during the hearings in June 2004, that I had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Freeman whom I can only describe as a hero. It was then that I decided to nominate her for an Order of Canada. However, nothing would prepare me for the frustration and disbelief I subsequently encountered with the Order of Canada nomination process.
It took several years before the Governor General's staff informed me that Dr. Freeman had not accomplished enough in her lifetime to be considered for an Order of Canada (nonsense). However, I was told that she might be considered for a Meritorious Service Award. And now, seven years (going on eight) since making my initial nomination, I am still waiting for a final decision. I have contacted the GG's staff on an annual basis for updates and have been shocked at how they have repeatedly come up with "program review" excuses to explain delays lasting for years. Following the appointment of the current GG I immediately wrote to him to draw his attention to the fact that his award program was dysfunctional. I subsequently received a letter from a bureaucrat telling me "as you know, the program is under review"…again.
How many years does it take to determine whether a person is deserving of a symbolic token in recognition of outstanding work to help the disabled? Which other nominees who have struggled with incumbent powers to improve the lot of the disabled and disadvantaged have been denied recognition for their outstanding leadership and advocacy work? Notwithstanding this disgraceful mismanagement of what could otherwise be a cultural treasure, I trust that the Canadian establishment and elite are comforted and reassured knowing that another former Prime Minister has secured his promotion to "Companion" of the Order of Canada.
Your truly,
Andrew Kavchak
Andrew Kavchak
ParticipantAnd the latest round of attempts at legislated reasonableness in Ottawa….
You can follow the Bills progress through LegisInfo on the website:
Bill C-218:
Bill C-219:
Here is the link for Mr. Thibeault s MP profile: