Generously Provided by the
Association for Science in Autism Treatment
I would like to check with you some information regarding government
funding for the treatment of autistic children.
I was told by a social worker in Burnaby MCF office, that our daughter,
now 4, was eligible for KTY program, and that we would be "helped out"
with our home ABA program using the KTY funding. However, they will
first serve a number of children who are older and who will lose their
eligibility by the fall (and for whom they will set up a "program").
Only then our daughter will start receiving some funding and only for a
6 month period. I was also told that funding that the preschool is
receiving for extra staff for her comes from KTY funds.
I would like to hear your opinion and information. I am not sure if
what I was told is reasonable and satisfactory.
Jovana, Sofija's mom