Forum Replies Created
Stella Li
ParticipantI have a few questions regarding DATA COLLECTION in Lovaas ABA therapy. The reason I ask these quesions is: I found that our therapists have to spend lot of time writing data, and it takes away therapy time, which may affect my child's progress… Just wanted to know if I can do anything to improve… Please send email to me: or share in this board. Thank you in advance for your help!
(1) What method of data collection are you using? e.g trial by trial? graphing? andenotal?
(2) How do you take data on behaviour (general, negative…)?
(3) How long does it take for data collection in a typical 3-hour therapy session?
(4) Any suggestions to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of data collection?
Stella Li
ParticipantJenny, thank you for posting the story. I became teary while I was reading it. Don't know what to say…but it made my day. I can go to bed with a smile on my face now.
Wherever there is love, there is hope!!
Stella Li
ParticipantHello everyone,
I am a relatively new parent. Just wanted to share two points here.
(1) I am very thankful of the support and the valuable information I got before my son was officially diagnosed last year in July. Of the many parents and professionals who spent me talking to me and emailing me, I appreciated your input and support very much. I am especially thankful to Sabrina Freeman and Tamara Leger who are always the heros of our family… I learned from so many of you… What I can do/ am doing is to provide support to new parents as much as I can, positively and informatively.
(2) I learned how hurtful it can be when someone you expect will provide support but she/he didn't but instead gave all the negatives you can get… Personally I experienced that once from an old timer who is supposed to be knowledgable and supportive. I got it face to face…on and off throughout a day! At that time my health condition was alarmed, our family was going thru' grief from a close friend's death… so I was physically and emotionally weak. It took me a while to go back to "normal". Up till now I still don't undertand why. I guess it may be unconsious/subconscious acts from the anger of her own kid being excluded/ bullied from peers… Finally I forgave…and moved on. I am still alarmed when I see this person…but I can say the hurts is over. However, I learned from my experience- be careful of my words and how I treat others especially when I am not in so good a condition. Because the hurts may stay forever!
StellaStella Li
ParticipantIn response to Marie and Dwight:
I have a 2 yr old. My 4 yr old has ASD. What I know from reading books, articles, consultation with paediatricians, family doctor, paediatric nurses… the vaccine MMR may be suspicious but there is really no scientific proof of direct relation to ASD.However, as a mom, once I know my son has ASD I didn't go for my then 18 mos's immunization for MMR, just to be safe. She has one shot of ?DDT at 18 mos but I'll postpone the booster MMR till she is 3 or 4. She already had ~90% immunization from the first MMR shot at 12 mos (I didn't know at that time), so I am not worried about her getting Measles, Mump, or Rubella now.
If I were you, I'll weigh the pos and cons – like will the possibility of having MMR outweigh the possibility of having ASD, or vice versa.
That's my input from a mom's point of view.Good luck!
Stella Li
ParticipantBarbara, I was in tears after I read your poem. The picture is so real.
When we parents see our children improve with Lovaas ABA therapy we have hope. When the therapy hours were cut back because of lack of funding they regressed… Then we think of their future when they become adults… How unreasonable and unethical to treat a human being like that! It's like we're watching our children "dying" when we know exactly how to help them recover from this "once like a life sentence condition"… Just because Canadian government don't see our children's needs they ignore them… till they become adults who are no longer productive, who become burdens of the society…
We must continue to fight for our kids!!
Stella Li
ParticipantHi everyone,
I am also going to the Bridget Taylor workshop this coming Friday Oct 22.
I have the same request as Joan, who posted earlier: I plan to catch the 7pm ferry from Victoria back to Vancouver. I am wondering if someone can give me a ride from UVic to the ferry terminal. I am willing to share gas/ ferry cost…
stellali888@shaw.caStella Li
ParticipantDoes anyone know where I can find the following games for my son? Consignment stores are okay too…
Bugs in the Bed
A B Seas
Scrabbled Eggs
Barnyard BingoThanks!
stellali888@shaw.caStella Li
ParticipantTony – where do you live and how old is your son?