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  • in reply to: Room Five: The FEAT BC Classifieds #22902
    Eileen Soo

    <u>Behavior Interventionist(s) needed in Richmond (near Ironwood Plaza)</u>

    Our family is looking for BIs to join our start up team. Our child is 3 years old and has a diagnosis of ASD. We live close to Ironwood Plaza and bus transit. We are looking for the following shifts:

    Wed., Thurs. or Fri. from 8:30 am – 10:30 am or

    any weekdays from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm or

    Sun. from 9 am – 11 am or 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm

    Training will be provided by our Behavior Consultant, Elaine Gee, BCBA and our team lead. We require the BI to commit to at least 2 shifts of 2 hour per week, at least 1 year of commitment with a 2-month probation and attend monthly team meeting. Being able to converse in Cantonese is an asset. Pay rate will be based on experience in ABA.

    Please send your resume and cover letter to

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