Generously Provided by the
Association for Science in Autism Treatment
Hi Joanna,
Thanks for your advice and taking the time to write.
Our son is being re-assessed at the end of the month; we anticipate he'll receive a diagnosis.
As you suspected, I'm new to FEAT and still learning about autism and the basics of an ABA program. It should have occurred to me that parents would only feel comfortable responding to a private email to share personal experiences.
All feedback regarding Kimberly Kirsch, Sara White, and Anna Matchneva is much appreciated.
604 961-5212
Does anyone have any feedback on Kimberly Kirsch (from Early Autism Project) or Anna Matchneva (from I Step Ahead)?
We are ready to select a consultant now and would appreciate hearing other families' experiences with these two consultants.
Many thanks!
Our son is 2.5 years old and we are in the process of receiving an autism diagnosis for him from Sunny Hill. We've been meeting with a few agencies and were impressed with ABA Learning Centre in Richmond, and Anna Matchneva at I Step Ahead.
I'd like to know what other families' experiences have been with these two agencies and if they are recommended. We are looking for 3 days of therapy at our son's daycare and 2 days of either home-based or centre-based therapy.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.