Generously Provided by the
Association for Science in Autism Treatment
RE: Behavioural Therapist Training Workshop
The next workshop in the Lower Mainland has been scheduled for May 13th. This time the workshop is going to be held at SFU. This 1 day workshop is being held from 9am to 5pm. I will post another message to confirm the room number as soon as possible. Please note a registration form will not be available until such time as all the details have been confirmed (approximately a week's time). I wanted to let everyone know the date as many people have expressed an interest.
If you have any question please call Sharon at 531-2467.
Sharon Baxter & Rachel Russell
Re: Autism Behavioural Therapist Training Workshop
Presented by Sharon Baxter & Rachel Russell
Sponsored by FEAT of BC
The next workshop is planned for March 11, 2000 in Kamloops. Please call Darby Turner at 250-374-3760 for registration information or call the FEAT of BC switchboard at 604-513-7233 to have a registration form faxed to you. Also, see to download a registration form.
Thanks,Sharon Baxter