Forum Replies Created
Debra Antifaev
I was faxed the notice. Sorry you didn't get one.
I posted the contents of the notice so that if somebody didn't receive one they could still attend the meeting and listen to what Minister Reid had to say.
I have no other information other than what was in the notice.
I did not say anything about Individualized Funding and I do not know if this will be discussed. The notice simply describes Ms. Reid as the "Key Note Speaker" and says to come hear Minister Reid talk about her plans for the future of special needs (including Autistic) children.
It is at "The Centre for Ability"
2805 Kingsway
Monday Sept 23rd at 7:00pm
I said to go if you are interested and to see what it is all about.Debra
Ben's MomThat's it folks!
Debra Antifaev
MemberHi Everyone
I am posting AGAIN!!!
I have just been sent notice of the Annual General Meeting of the BC Centre for Ability.
Monday, September 23rd, 2002 at 7:00pm at
2805 Kingsway, Vancouver.
Key Note Speaker is Minister of State for Early Childhood Development, Linda Reid.
She will be revealing her plans for the future of Supported Childcare, Children with Autism and the Infant Development Program.
To vote you must be a member and membership costs $15. Childcare is available: call Caroline 604-451-5511 ASAP
It is probably worth attending and listening to, if only to see if our children are affected by those "future plans".Debra
Ben's MomDebra Antifaev
MemberHi All,
I was just reading Norrah Whitney's post and I just have to ask a question with regard to the "Honourable"(the Governments' word not mine!) Linda Reid comments.
Is it Ms. Reid's opinion that just because a few lucky autistic children respond well to speech paths that we should limit the amount of funding available for ALL autistic children?
(You will note that she did NOT say "recovered from the effects of autism" or "became indistinguisable from their peers")
Based on this formula, should we allocate medical dollars based on the fastest and "cheapest" recovery from each medical trauma?
"Oh, I am so sorry, Mr Joe Blow, you have almost recovered from the flesh eating disease but Mr John Doe recovered in two days at a cost of $8,000 so we are forced to cut your treatment off today!!"
I met with Ms. Reid last year and she compared autistic children unfavourably to terminal cancer patients. I have asked her repeatedly to clarify her comments and the position of the Liberal Government and she has refused.
I have reminded her that even when patients are terminal they receive medical dollars in the form of pallative care.Norrah's post also mentions the billions spent on self-inflicted, preventable disease such as drug, alcohol and cigarette addiction. It should also be mentioned that recent studies from Washington have found that obesity is causing more chronic health problems and costs than smoking and heavy drinking.
I think we are all starting to see where this Government is placing the needs of our children and their right to medical treatment.
Autistic children are simply not a priority.Debra
Ben's MomDebra Antifaev
MemberHi Wonderful Parents of the CHAT,
Two things:
1. Does anyone speak Veitnamese? I am having an awful time trying to help a new parent wade through the maze that is the IEII. The wonderful social workers have more or less "dumped" her and she is very lost. Any help would be appreciated.2.Keep those names and addresses rolling in. I need to provide an accurate count of all FEAT and ASBC members. (even you more "famous" people, who write often, can send me your particulars so that it is easier for me to input and keep track of!)
Thanks everyone,
Debra….Ben's Mom
604-531-1846 hm
604-617-7437 cell
604-531-6923 faxDebra Antifaev
MemberHi Everyone,
I was also told that there were a great many of our Government service providers at the extra meeting trying to protect their pocket books.
On a lighter note, I was thrilled to see that the ASBC will now be representing ALL of our children. I would like to echo Sabrina in her suggestion that we now should join, volunteer and contribute to the ASBC. I would like to asked our FEAT members to contact me with their names, addresses, telephone numbers and emails so that I may keep you all up to date on future developements and compile an up-to-date list of our membership.
(If you are aware of any members who do not have an email address, please have them 'phone me at 604-531-1846)
Looking forward to hearing from you all,Debra Antifaev
Ben's mom
email: dmantifaev@shaw.caDebra Antifaev
MemberDear Alexandria,
I humbly appologise. I did not know that you were involved in the requisition until this post and you are certainly not one of the people I refered to. I would simply like to see an end to all this bickering.
I, in no way, want to "force" my beliefs on anyone. I simply want the funding to choose for myself.
I don't understand your motivation, if you say that ABA has worked for you, to remove this board. My fear is that the old ASBC board, who were against funding, will be reinstated and my child will suffer.
I am not an evil person. I am a fearfull mother of five trying to afford a treatment for my severly disabled son. I want to use the science based treatment showing the best results.All I see is people working to deny me that.
My son is very severe. I do not have the luxury of saying "high-functioning" or "mild autism". My son is a prime candidate for institution life if I don't provide him with everything I can.
I am not an extremist. I believe the science that is available today. I am begging everyone with an autistic child, who is a member of the ASBC, whether they use ABA or not to support CHOICE. Please don't let us return to two years ago when the ASBC was telling new parents that Lovaas ABA was "considered by some to be invasive and cruel".
That was my story. Just give this board a chanceDebra
Tera, Joel, Nathan, Ben and Max's momDebra Antifaev
MemberHi Everyone,
I would like to add to the previous anon post that EVERYONE with an autistic child should be encouraged to come to this special meeting and vote against this mean-spirited requisition. Please remember that this special meeting was called by a person who was described as a "disgruntled employee" with a real axe to grind. The ASBC members have been misled by the requisition letter stating that the board had been "taken over" by extremists. The requisitions were supported by two members who failed in their bid to be elected to the ASBC board (sometimes called "sour grapes").It is also being supported by the service providers who stand to lose money if parents receive individualized funding and are not FORCED to use the Government services. I am for choice in treatment.
Please remember that it was the founding members of FEAT who fought for this funding and most of them do not qualify for it. They fought for ALL parents of autistic children whether they use ABA or not. Lets show our support for choice and tell these greedy services providers to stop lying to us, stop pitting parent against parent, and stop messing with our kids!Bless the children,
Ben's momDebra Antifaev
MemberHi Everyone,
I have an interesting story to add to the chat (and please try to imagine me speaking in a slow and calm manner!).
I had a conversation today with a person who works in a professional capacity with children from the Delta EIBI. She asked if I had been sent a letter from the former executive director of the ASBC with regard to overturning the newly elected board. I said that I had read the letter on this chat, but was only recently aware of the author. She said that she had been invited to join the ASBC in June to rid the ASBC of these "radical" parents.
Can you imagine? Service providers, who stand to lose their paycheques if the parents receive individualized funding, are being asked to sign up to overthrow a board elected by parents of autistic children! Could this be true? Is the Delta EIBI the only place or are other service providers involved? Isn't this a little "extreme"?
I know at a meeting in Richmond, last year, the ASBC's position was against Individualized Funding. Does this mean that our funding could be in jeopardy in February, when it comes up for review, if a new board adopts the old policys?
This group (FEAT) took the moderate method of gathering scientific data, completing studies and seminars, calling on professionals and autism specialists and going to court to move forward their agenda. The did not sneak around in the shadows, trying to keep parents in the dark and protect their financed programs.
If you do not want to use ABA on your child the answer is so simple for you….just don't. There is no need for this underhanded, dishonest and, quite frankly, immoral assault on our children.
The ASBC should be advocating for ALL of our children and I beleive the board, at present, is a good mix. I do not want my child in the middle of what only can be referred to as a "Pi***ng" match between two different camps.
Why can't we just leave the board as it is and get on with something else.
Ben's MomDebra Antifaev
MemberDear Anons
I'm sorry to hear that you cannot afford ABA programs, it breaks my heart to hear of families struggling to provide for their children. That is the very thing FEAT has been fighting for for years. Money should NEVER be a factor in treating special needs children. Please remember that the founding members of FEAT also have children too old to recieve the "magic $1667.00", they have fought and sacrificed so that others, including my child, can choose effective therapies.
I don't know if the "nazi Germany robots" reference is factual or not. I found many things in that post not to be factual. All I can say is that I am a good and kind person. I would never do anything to harm my children and I run a very successful program with my severely disabled son.
ABA is NOT a cookie cutter program and is designed to adapt to the individual needs of our children. My son has learned, through play, to ride a bike, swim, ask for things (he was completely non-verbal), brush his teeth, go "potty" and so much more.I love him, I love EAP for his progress and I love FEAT for steering me in the right direction.
Give these kids a chance to shineDebra Antifaev
Ben's MomDebra Antifaev
MemberRE: Home schooling posting
Hi everybody,
I don't usually post, but I was a little concerned about the "Home-schooling" site set up on the chat. I noticed that there were a lot of references to unproven therapies and I just wanted to caution new parents to really do their research when confronted with such information.
As people who know me will tell you, I was convinced that Lovaas was "invasive and cruel" (after talking to a MCFD worker) when my son was diagnosed two years ago. I was going to try Chelation! My husband insisted that we read and research ALL approaches before starting anything. I am so grateful to be married to someone with common sense.
Many people, autistic and "normal", respond well to improved eating habits. My normal developing seven year old had an undiagnosed allergy to dust mites. When we took the added precautions to prevent dust mites, his concentration and demeanor improved. This was not because we had "cured" him of his allergy; it was because he was sleeping and eating better, thus more able to concentrate. I am also more able to concentrate and complete my studies if I am eating and sleeping well and getting regular exercise. It is common sense NOT A CURE FOR AUTISM!
I hate to harp on, but I really do believe that all the answers are in the one FEAT quote "follow the science". If there are nothing more than parent testimonials to back up a certain form of "therapy", steer clear. In some cases the treatment could be worse than the illness.
To quote Sabrina "just my two cents"
Ben's Mom -