Relevant Issues:
Folk § 8-2 første ledd bokstav a. Forskrifter, grunn hjelp § 4; grunn hjelp § 6 og grunn hjelp § 7. Saken gjaldt grunn- og hjelpestønadssatsen fra ca 2 1/2 års alder.
Child with autism granted further social fundings from the Social Security Service in Norway – NAV. – not ABA – but special training that relied on the parents to accomplish.
The case concerned the primary and ancillary benefit rate from about 2 1/2 years of age.
Vedrørende grunnstønad kom retten til samme resultat som ankemotparten, det vil si sats 2. Vedrørende hjelpestønad kom retten til at satsen burde være sats 4, og viste til at den ankende part er sterk preget av sin autisme, og at en positiv utvikling krever et treningsprogram som faller på foreldrene. Han må ha kontinuerlig tilsyn hele døgnet. Inntil sommeren 1989 var han i hvert fall ikke kontinent for avføring og urin. Stadfestelse og omgjøring.
The judge of the Court of National Insurance did order the Social Security Service in Norway – NAV to provide more social fundings for the well-being of the minor in question that needed special training that relied on the parents to accomplish.
Regarding basic benefit, the Court came right to the same result as the Respondent, ie rate 2. Regarding ancillary benefit, the Court concluded that the rate should be rate 4, and pointed out that the Appellant is strongly influenced by his autism, and that a positive development requires a training program which falls on the parents. He must have continuous supervision around the clock. Until summer 1989, he was certainly not continent of feces and urine. Confirmation and Commutation.