"BC Ministry for Children Abandons Boy with Autism"

How South Interior Children's Ministry Bureaucrats Steal a Child's Future




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The Paper Trail of Correspondence and Events


- Joe and Barbara Rodrigues: Parents of Jeremy Rodrigues, Child with Autistic Disorder E-mail joe_rodrigues@bc.sympatico.ca

- Darcy Nord: Social Worker, BC Ministry for Children and Families, Southern Interior Region

- Marg Hankey: Social Worker, BC Ministry for Children and Families, Southern Interior Region

- Lynn Middleton: Team Leader, BC Ministry for Children and Families, Southern Interior Region | Phone: 250-770-3535 | Fax 250-770-3512

- Doug Hughs: Area Manager, BC Ministry for Children and Families, Southern Interior Region | Phone: 250-470-0884 | Fax:250-470-0890

- Rick Childerhose: Regional Operating Officer, BC Ministry for Children and Families, Southern Interior Region E-mail:RCHILD@ssrv.gov.bc.ca | Ph 250-470-0888 | Fax 250-470-0890

- Mr Rick Thorpe: Member of BC Legislative Assembly E-mail: rick.thorpe.mla@lass.gov.bc.ca | Ph 250-493-7111 | Fax 250-493-7174

- Mr. Mark McDonald: Ombudsman of B.C.,E-mail: cdaniels@dgvic2.ombd.gov.bc.ca | Ph 800-567-3247

- Mr. Janet Donald: BC Children's Commission, 800-859-1441 | Fax 250-356-0837

- Mr. Rob Houston: MCF Complaint Manager, BC Ministry for Children and Families, Southern Interior Region, Ph. 250-470-0888 | Fax 250-470-0890

- Child, Youth and Family Advocate: 800-476-3933 | Fax 604-775-3205

- Ms. S.H. Rush, autism treatment consultant, Center for Early Education, San Diego, California







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February 6, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues BC Ministry for Children & Families

Wrote letter to Children's Ministry asking for help for our son.

No Response


February 18, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues BC Ministry for Children & Families

Wrote letter to the Children's Ministry Social Worker asking for help for our son.

No Response



March 4, 1998


Barbara Rodrigues BC Ministry for Children & Families

Phone conversation with the social worker re: getting funding for our son's Lovaas program.

No Treatment funding authorized


March 10, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues BC Ministry for Children & Families Wrote letter to the Children's Ministry Social Worker asking for funding.



March 17, 1998


Ministry for Children & Families, Social Worker Barbara Rodrigues

Social Worker came to the house. Said the only reason that this treatment option was intentionally kept from me was that their Behavior Psychologist and Speech Language Pathologist felt the Lovaas Treatment program was "too much work for me." That they were "concerned" about me.

My Husband's Response - "It's not their job to be concerned about you. You are an adult capable of taking care of yourself. Their job is to help our son and be concerned about him."


March 19, 1998

cc: Rick Thorpe, MLA

Dr. Sabrina Freeman, FEAT of B.C.

Rhonda Garside, Autism Society of B.C.


Barbara Rodrigues & Joe Rodrigues Marge Hankey, BC Ministry for Children & Families Letter sent to request individialized funding to begin aLovaas autism treatment program for Jeremy.


March 27, 1998 Ministry for Children & Families Barbara Rodrigues Individualized Funding Granted for "Special Needs Day Care" program, effectively reimbursing 20% of actual treatment cost. Contract Term: Six (6) months to expire September 30, 1998.


April 28, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues S.H. Rush, autism treatment consultant, Center for Early Education Jeremy's first 3-day Lovaas autism treatment workshop!!!  
June 15, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues BC Ministry for Children & Families

Faxed Letter asking the Ministry of Children and Families about our At Home Program Respite funds as we had been on a wait list since November of 1997. Money was much needed to go towards Jeremy's treatment program.

No Response.



June 16, 1998


Lynn Middleton, Team Leader, Ministry for Children & Families Barbara Rodrigues Due to restructuring of Government programs my funding (my 6 month contract) was going to be cancelled.


June 16, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues Mr. Rick Thorpe, MLA Wrote letter to my MLA, Rick Thorpe - his office called my Social Worker who said they wouldn't cut funding. But they wouldn't answer that question definately or confirm in writing.


June 18, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues Darcy Nord, BC Ministry for Children & Families

Sent letter to Darcy Nord,regarding mid term cancellation of funding contract.

No Response


June 24, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues & Joe Rodrigues  Darcy Nord, SocialWorker, BC Ministry for Children & Families

Sent letter to protest mid-term cancellation of funding contract and to request full funding of treatment cost.

No Response



June 26, 1998


Barbara Rodrigues Ombudsman of B.C.

Filed Complaint against Ministry of Children and Families to the Ombudsman of B.C.

Response - Call from Mark McDonald of the Ombudsman's Office asking "how thing were going."




June 30, 1998



Barbara Rodrigues B.C. Children's Commission. Filed Complaint against the Ministry of Children and Families with the Children's Commission.


July 28, 1998 B.C. Children's Commission Barbara Rodrigues Response from Children's Commission that they had called the Team Leader and she said they were negotiating with me (possible falsehood since I had no responses from them at that time). The Children's Commission also told me that I must first put in a complaint locally and gave me the name of that person.


July 6, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues Doug Hughes, Area Manager, BC Ministry for Children & Families

Letter to the Area Manager, Doug Hughes, copies to:

cc: Mr. Rick Thorpe, MLA

Dr. Sabrina Freeman, Director of FEAT of B.C.

Mr. Mark McDonald, Ombudsman of B.C.

The Children's Commission

Child, Youth and Family Advocate

No Response until October 23, 1998 (postmarked)


July 8, 1998     Publicity announcing that all Ministry of Children & Families "restructuring" is put on hold. Funds authorized by Jeremy's contract were sent that day.  
July 17, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues Darcy Nord, Social Worker, BC Ministry for Children & Families Social Worker called. I sent fax asking her to put communication to me in writing.  
July 20, 1998 Darcy Nord, Social Worker, MCF Barbara Rodrigues Fax sent by Social Worker saying they would pay for the equivalent of a full-time aide.

August 30, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues Darcy Nord, Social Worker, BC Ministry for Children & Families

Sent letter to Social Worker regarding my contract for individualized funding... needed to be renewed.


No Response


September 11, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues Lynn Middleton, BC Ministry for Children & Families Sent letter to the Regional Team Leader, Lynn Middleton asking about my contract renewal.


September 15, 1998 Lynn Middleton, Team Leader, BC Ministry for Children & Families Barbara Rodrigues Phone call from the Regional Team Leader stating that was no longer funding for in-home day care in B.C.  
September 25, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues Lynn Middleton, Team Leader, BC Ministry for Children & Families

Sent letter to Regional Team Leader, Lynn Middleton, copies to:

cc: Mr. Rick Thorpe, MLA

Harper, Grey, Easton

Mr. Donald Chaisson, Office of the Attorney General

Mr. Rick Childerhose, Regional Operating Officer

Ms. Darcy Nord, Social Worker

Mr. Mark McDonald, Ombudsman of B.C.

Mr. Janet Donald, Children's Commission

Mr. Rob Houston, Local MCF Complaint Manager


September 26, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues Ombudsman of B.C.

Filed second complaint against the Ministry of Children and Families with the Ombudsman of B.C.


Awaiting Response


September 27, 1998 Barbara Rodrigues B.C. Ministry for Children and Families Complaint Manager Filed a Complaint against Regional Team Leader, Lynn Middleton and the local Ministry of Children and Families to the MCF Complaint Manager



September 28, 1998


Lynn Middleton, BC Ministry for Children & Families& Families

Darcy Nord, BC Ministry for Children & Families


Barbara Rodrigues


Letter from Social Worker and Team Leader.


September 30, 1998 Darcy Nord, BC Ministry for Children & Families Barbara Rodrigues


Social Worker, Darcy Nord, called to say BC Children's Ministry would be willing to work with me and help provide funding for Jeremy's autism treatment. I would simply need to meet with them... I agreed.



 October 2, 1998: Meeting Between Barbara Rodrigues and BC Children's Ministry Personnel, Southern Interior Region


I explained why I needed the individualized funding and that Supported Child Care was a good system for a child in a day care but my child was in a Lovaas treatment program. I explained that Jeremy had a medical diagnosis of autism and Doctor's recommendations as to what he needed for treatment. I was asked to trust them. I explained to the Social Worker that the local MCF has given me little reason to trust them. First by denying my son this treatment option and that the professionals here have lined their pockets with the blood of my child. ( Meaning a lot of people earn a nice living on inadequate services or programs that do nothing to help my child.)

Next point, they refused to offer me individualized funding. My Social Worker said that she had never heard of that before. That it wasn't being done. I replied, I just came off a contract where it was done! Her reply, Oh yah, right.

I explained why I needed the funding sent directly to me, that I did not need anyone further involved (thus wasting more resources) other than my therapists, the Doctors, our Consultant (whom we personally pay) and myself (I oversee and run my son's program). I explained that I was more than willing to provide them receipts as to therapy costs each month. Social Worker's reply, Oh, I can't help you. I became frustrated and said that you said you were going to help. Her reply, Oh did Lynn Middleton say that, did Doug Hughes approve that. I said, No but you said you would work with me. I said, this is all because of the Class Action Lawsuit that was filed on August 14, 1998 and the Ministry responded by sending out a fax saying that there would be no more individualized funding for autism treatment. Social Worker replied that she hadn't heard. I told her it was sent to all Regional Operating Officers and started explaining what was in it, her reply - Oh yah, I have read it. I said, so you're not going to help me. Social Worker's reply - Oh, I can't authorize that sorry. I said, but you were told you better not do this...Social Worker's reply, she scoffed at me, Umphh - I felt as if she was saying, We can do anything we want.

I got up and left. I was so angry, my eyes filled with tears. Tears of rage...now I could understand how my little boy felt. Tears of rage, frustration


I left - walked out the door - I drove away...

No one there once asked me about my son...

How he was doing, what he was like, improvements he had made.

This so-called Ministry for Children and Families.





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 October 19, 1998

From: Joe & Barbara Rodrigues

To: People of British Columbia and the World.

Date This Information Web Site is uploaded


October 23, 1998


Doug Hughes, Area Manager, BC Ministry for Children & Families Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigues Response to "faxes and letters sent over the last 'month' concerning your request for Lovaas treatment for your son Jeremy".


November 3, 1998

From: Barbara Rodrigues BC Child Youth & Family Advocate Request for a letter of support from the BC Child/Youth Advocate for Jeremy's autism treatment (NO SUPPORT has been provided from this agency -- they remain silent on the plight of the Rodrigues child)  

November 30, 1998

From: Joe and Barbara Rodrigues Doug Hughes, Area Manager, BC Ministry for Children & Families Response to Doug Hughes letter postmarked October 23, 1998

November 30, 1998

From: Barbara Rodrigues Lynn Middleton, BC Ministry for Children & Families& Families


Request for forms to reimburse 5% of autism treatment cost.


 December 14, 1998

From: BC Children's Commission

 Barbara & Joe Rodrigues

The Children's Commission indicates they will commence an "External Review" of Ministry for Children & Families regarding MCF decision not to support medically prescribed autism treatment for Jeremy Rodrigues.

January 16, 1999

Barbara & Joe Rodrigues

 To: BC Children's Commission


Recapitulation regarding the dereliction of MCF duty towards a disabled child.

Confirmation of Children's Commission External Review of MCF, Okanagan Region


January 17, 1999

 From: Joe Rodrigues Lynn Middleton, BC Ministry for Children & Families South Okanagan Region of the Children's Ministry provides poor service to children compared to the Greater Vancouver Regions  

 February 12, 1999

From: Doug Hughes, MCF Area Manager and "Accountability Manager", South Okanagan Region

 To: Joe & Barbara Rodrigues

This senior MCF officer in South Okanagan confirms his Region is now under external review by BC Children' Commission for their policy in the Rodrigues case. MCF Area Manager Hughes refuses to address Jeremy's urgent need for treatment funding citing a BC Supreme Court class action, autism treatment lawsuit against his Ministry as justification.


March 22, 1999

Honourable Lois Boone, Minister, BC Ministry for Children & Families

Joe & Barbara Rodrigues

NDP Minister for Children, Lois Boone, refuses to fund medically prescribed autism treatment for Jeremy Rodrigues.

Topic: The NDP Caucus has reviewed the Rodrigues request for autism treatment funding. Minister Boone, responding on behalf of Caucus, indicates she will not comment on the Rodrigues case due to the current Class Action lawsuit against her Ministry to fund Lovaas treatment.

Minister Boone acknowledges her Ministry is also under External Review by the Children's Commission for her decsion not to fund Lovaas autism treatment for Jeremy Rodrigues.


August 10, 1999

From: Roberta Hughes, Minister, Ombudsman Officer, Ombudsman Office of British Columbia. Joe & Barbara Rodrigues File Number 9806779/RH: The Ombudsman Office has contacted the Children's Commission to confirm the Commission is conducting a review of the Ministry for Children and Families regarding their policy towards Jeremy Rodrigues. The Ombudsman will investigate the Children's Commission if unfairness has occurred towards Jeremy Rodrigues in the Children Commissions review process.  

September 1, 1999

From: Lauri Balson, Complaint Resolution Officer, Children's Commission of British Columbia Joe & Barbara Rodrigues

File Number 199823427: Notification of file transfer to new Children's Commission Complaint Officer. The new officer hopes to issue a report soon regarding the complaint against the Children's Ministry and what efforts are being made to resolve the dispute. The report is the first phase of the Children Commission's review process. The Commissioner will review the report and possibly refer the matter to the Complaint Review Tribunal Division for review.

Ms. Balson indicates she will be in contact with the Rodrigues family as she finalizes the Commission's report.