Relevant Issues: Unmet obligation to provide ABA services.

Status: However, the evidence herein establishes that the difficulties
encountered by Jamie Sinnott and his mother in pursuing their rights against the State are symptomatic of a widespread malaise.

Relevant Issues: Plaintiff seeks injunction for the payment by gov’t for an ABA School.

Status: Damages not ordered.

Relevant Issues: Unmet obligation to provide ABA services.

Status: Appeal of the State against the judgment of the High Court dismissed.  Plaintiff entitled.

Relevant Issues: Denial of ABA services.

Status: Plaintiff successful.  Order directing the First Defendent to provide for the cost.

Relevant Issues: Denial of ABA services.

Status: Facility offered adequate and in compliance.

Relevant Issues: Denial of ABA services.

Status: The judge orders discovery regarding all documentation in respect of the funding provided by gov’t.

Relevant Issues: Denial of ABA services.

Status: Plaintiffs awarded special damages.

Relevant Issues: Denial of ABA services.

Status: Plaintiffs relief refused.