In Costa Rica, there are no court cases directly related to Applied Behaviour Analysis, Early Intensive Behavioral Treatment (EIBT) or Lovaas.  There were two successful cases in 2012 related to Health Care and Pension for an autistic individual.   In addition, in 2014, a case was brought against the Public Education Ministry and Department of Social Security regarding lack of properly trained education staff and lack of psychiatric and neurological services by the hospitals for a person with autism spectrum disorder. Unfortunately, this case was denied.

Relevant Issues:

Niño con autismo se le negó el derecho a la educación en la Escuela Neuropsiquiatría Infantil.

Child with autism was denied access to education at the School of Children Neuropsychiatry.


Es la obligación del Estado dar a las personas que sufren de una discapacidad los medios necesarios para garantizar sus derechos a la educación.

It is the State’s obligation to give the people who suffer from a disability the means necessary to guarantee their rights to education.

Relevant Issues:

La recurrente, madre de una niña de 9 años con varios diagnósticos médicos entre los cuales autismo, reclama una violación del derecho de su hija a la salud debit a que la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social no ha querido conceder a su hija la pensión que necesita. Esto ha dañado la salud de su hija, ya que la madre no tiene los medios financieros para pagar los diferentes servicios que su hija necesita.

The plaintiff, mother of a 9 year old girl with various medical diagnosis among which autism, claims a violation of her daughter’s right to health because the Costa Rica Department of Social Security has not wanted to grant her daughter the pension she needs.  This  has hurt her daughter’s health, since the mother does not have the financial means to pay for the different services her daughter needs.


Este Tribunal verifica la violación a los derechos fundamentales de la amparada. se constata que la amparada ha tenido que esperar un plazo desproporcionado e irracional para que se resuelva su solicitud de pensión por autismo, lo cual ha tenido repercusiones en su derecho a la salud.

This Court verifies the violation to the fundamental rights of the daughter. It is noted that the plaintiff has had to wait for a disproportionate and irrational length of time for her autism pension application to be resolved, which has had an impact on her daughter’s right to health.

Relevant Issues:

La recurrente es la presidenta (y madre de un niño con autismo) de la Asociación de Personas con Autismo de la Zona Atlántica contra el Ministro de Educación Pública y el Presidente Ejecutivo del Departamento de Seguridad Social de Costa Rica.
La recurrente afirma que el Ministerio de Educación Pública no cuenta con un personal completamente calificado ni con las instalaciones adecuadas para proveer una educación especializada a niños y adolescentes con autismo. A su vez, estos hechos han llevado a la discriminación contra la población autista.
Ella menciona que incluso pensando que hay instituciones especializadas para las personas con autismo, la lista de espera y los desafíos en los procedimientos de inscripción para los servicios han afectado el desarrollo físico, social y emocional de los niños. Afirmó que los hospitales locales no proporcionan los servicios psiquiátricos y neurológicos (medicamentos) necesarios para la población autista. Por lo tanto, la recurrente alega que el Departamento Costarricense de Seguridad Social viola la Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad y el Protocolo Facultativo, así como la Ley 7600.

The plaintiff is the president (and mother of a child with autism) of the Association of the People with Autism of the Atlantic Zone against the Minister of Public Education and the Executive President of the Costa Rican Department of Social Security.
The plaintiff claims that the Ministry of Public Education does not have a fully skilled staff nor the proper facilities to provide specialized education to children and teenagers with autism.  In turn, these facts have led to the discrimination against the autistic population.
She mentions that even thought there are specialized institutions for people with autism, the wait list and challenges in the enrolling procedures for services have affected the physical, social and emotional development of the children. She stated that local hospitals do not provide the psychiatric and neurological services (medication) needed by the autistic population. Therefore, the plaintiff claims that the Costa Rican Department of Social Security violates the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol as well as the 7600 law.


La recurrente ha formulado el recurso como denuncia y no ha cumplido con las solicitudes que se le hicieron para explicar en detalle los aspectos mencionados y los hechos expuestos en los actos correspondientes. No existen hechos que demuestren las alegaciones formuladas por el recurrente y se considera que las actuaciones de las autoridades demandadas no han violado los derechos de la población autista de la zona atlántica. Por lo tanto, el Amparo es improcedente.

The plaintiff has formulated the appeal as a complaint, and has not complied  with the requests made to her to explain in detail the aspects mentioned and the facts exposed in the corresponding acts. There are no facts to prove the allegations made by the plaintiff and it is considered that actions made by the defendant authorities have not violated the rights of the autistic population of the Atlantic zone; therefore, the Amparo is unsubstantiated.