Archived Postings (Jan/98 - June/98)

The Feat BC Discussion Board: ROOM #1 General - Discussion on General Issues: Archived Postings (Jan/98 - June/98)

By Isaac Tamir (Tamir) on Monday, January 5, 1998 - 04:39 pm:

Hi Everyone.

A quick reminder about dates for upcoming FEAT BC events:

1. The Autism Behavioural Therapist Training Workshop at UBC, SCARF Room 1005, Saturday, January 17.

The workshop is conducted by 2 senior behavioural therapists and is designed for behavioural therapists and classroom assistants.

2. The FEAT BC Discussion Group, January 21, 7:30 PM.

The Discussion Group in West Vancouver (the non-virtual version of this internet discussion group) is a forum for discussion of issues relating to intensive behavioural autism intervention and a place for the informal exchange of ideas.

3. The Early Autism Intervention Workshop at UBC, Hebb Theatre, March 28 and 29, 10 AM to 5 PM.

This workshop is given by Shelley Davis, a preeminent consultant in the behavioural treatment of autism.

Anyone who needs more information or wants to sign up, please send us a note or post a message here.



By FEAT BC (Freeman) on Monday, January 5, 1998 - 07:19 pm:

Hi Everyone!

In case you havenit heard about the ACT NOW Conference, this is the conference in Kamloops, April 23, 24, 25. Although there are some of the same old tired BC Autism industry faces at the conference, there are actually a few very impressive talks. Richard Foxx -- a very well known ABA authority -- will give a one-day pre-conference workshop (Thursday).

In addition, there are a few other ABA iplayersi invited from the U.S. The biggest name is Isabelle Rapin from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. This should be fascinating for anyone interested in the neuro-biology of autism and the search for a cure.

For more information, call ph. 250-851-4033; fx. 250-376-2231 or visit their web site:


By Isaac (Tamir) on Friday, January 16, 1998 - 08:56 am:

Hi all.

Our neighbours, FEAT of Washington, are having a Spring Conference some of you may be intersted in attending.

Host : FEAT of WA
Date : May 2-3, 1998
Speakers : Catherine Maurice, Gina Green Ph.D., Tristam Smith Ph.D., Eric London M.D., Geraldine Dawson Ph.D.,
Place : Meydenbauer Centre, Bellevue, WA

For more info call 1-206-499-FEAT or visit or email
contact: Brenne Schario


By Isaac (Tamir) on Friday, January 23, 1998 - 09:23 am:

A PEC for parents by a FEAT Dad with Photoshop


©1998, Avery Raskin

By Isaac (Tamir) on Saturday, January 24, 1998 - 02:30 pm:

Hi everyone,

Sorry about the excess email on Friday RE: McPec. I was trying to post a political "cartoon" created by a FEAT dad with photoshop.

We hope it will put a smile in your day as it did in our's.

Go to to have a look at his work (click on General Discussions when you get to the web page - then scroll to the bottom of the page).


By Isaac (Tamir) on Saturday, January 24, 1998 - 07:52 pm:

On November 26, 1997, BCTV news featured a significant story about a family -- the Engers -- forced to leave B.C. for Health Care because they cannot afford the cost of A.B.A. treatment. The B.C. government does not cover the cost of medically necessary autism treatment, and with no private sources of funding, the Engers and their son were forced to leave their home for Alberta. A video copy of the BCTV story is available from FEAT BC.

The story of the Engers was also covered in the Vancouver Sun by the medical journalist (12/01/97 Health Section).

If members of FEAT have the opportunity to give interviews to the media, please ask for the FEAT BC autism media briefs and video materials. Have the journalist contact F.E.A.T. of B.C. for more information.

By FEAT BC (Freeman) on Wednesday, January 28, 1998 - 02:45 pm:

For anyone who needs a copy of the FEAT BC flyer for the upcoming March workshop with Shelley Davis, it's available (in digital form) at

The flyer, registration form and location map can be downloaded at the


By Anonymous on Friday, January 30, 1998 - 06:08 pm:


Dear FEAT members,

We have been running an ABA home program for exactly one year. It has been highly successful, but an incredible amount of work.
Our son now tests well into the normal range in all of his language tests. He attends a regular preschool, music class, and
gymnastics. He is popular at preschool, especially with the ESL girls, and girls a little younger than him. He snuggles with his doll at
bedtime, instead of a car or train, like he used to. His favourite game is Brain Quest. A year ago he had only a few words, no play
skills, very little appetite, etc. The psychiatrist at Childrens' Hospital said he "just needed more attention; he has been left alone too
much." (pretty cruel thing to say)

My husband and I feel strongly that we should help other families so they can do everything possible to help their child. We plan to
check this discussion group regularly and give the best advice we possibly can.


By Dede Doyle (Doyle) on Sunday, February 15, 1998 - 09:18 pm:

Hello there,

Does anyone have any experience with or knowledge about a consultant named
T.J. Glahn?
I'd appreciate your feedback - e-mail me at



By Isaac (Tamir) on Tuesday, February 24, 1998 - 03:07 pm:

Hi everyone,

Our friends and neighbours, FEAT of Alberta, have set up a new web site.

The web address (URL) is

The FEAT BC discussion board now has a new "Alberta Room" for FEAT of Alberta members to discuss issues important to their Province. Anyone who wants ID to post to the Alberta Room, please send a note to Allan Ryan, FEAT of Alberta.

Miki's Dad

By Barbara Rodrigues (Rodrigues) on Wednesday, February 25, 1998 - 02:13 pm:

Hi. I am relatively new to FEAT and the ABA approach. Having just heard about it in November of last year and then learning about it. Unfortunately for my son, I believed that everything that could be done for him, was being done. Yet after a conference I went to Edmonton in November (not ABA related) left me in a depression at the outcomes available to him, I felt I had to find out more about autism and treatments. Thus I found Lovaas and FEAT. I have just sent my form off to Autism Partership and would like to hear from anyone who uses them. My e-mail address is

The professionals here roll their eyes when I talk of Lovaas and tend to tell me that maybe I should accept my son. That's okay though because although it has taken me awhile to find my backbone, it seems to be in pretty good shape.

I heard from one of the FEAT moms last week and was very inspired by her courage and determination. So much so, that I downloaded the MLA brief and dropped it off to his office. Then a few days later, my husband saw that he was having a town meeting before he went back to Victoria. The MLA wanted to here about the communities concerns. So I typed up my little speech and with my mother along for support, off I went. With a little nudging from my mother, I got up and said my little speech about the lack of adequate services, funding, knowledge for our autistic children. I used some quotes from FEAT articles. I had not really expected much but I just felt that my son's (although nonverbal) voice should be heard. What I recieved did surprise me.

The MLA offered me his airmiles to use to fly up the consultant but it was the support from the seniors (we are a retirement community) that touched my heart. After the meeting, many of them came up to me to shake my hand and offer support. One group took my phone number and said that they were from the Legion and would see what they could do to help us financially. One lady had worked with an autistic boy years ago and offered to babysit.

All this from my little speech and lest I forget that woman from Vancouver who so inspired me. Thank you.

By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Wednesday, February 25, 1998 - 02:36 pm:

I was wondering if anyone has read or used the book called
Early Sensory skills. I am looking for some info mostly on
tactile issues. If anyone has info could you email me. Also,
here in Langley my son is going to be entering the School System (Kinder)
in September. I wanted to hold him back a year, but because of eberything that
went on with the global funding, they tell me basically there is no
money for him to stay back being a school aged kid. Parents in Langley here
are trying to set something up together that can be best for all of
our children entering Kindergarten in Sept. If there is anyone interested
in this issue, has a child in the same situation or have any ideas, phone me
please at 882-9196 or email. thanks.

By FEAT BC (Freeman) on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 03:07 pm:

RE: Barbara Rodrigues and MLA Town Meeting

Barbara... thank you for sharing your wonderful Town Meeting experience with the group and for working with your MLA to educate him on what is happening with our kids and families.

I want to let everyone in the discussion group know that FEAT BC is launching a new lobbying effort with Andy Scott, MP, Chair of the Federal Task Force on Disability Issues. In conjunction with this work, FEAT BC will begin an education campaign for all Federal MPis.

Anyone who would like to help do the mailing for this project, please contact us.

Thank you.


Ph. 604-534-6956
Fx. 604-534-9527

By Barbara Rodrigues (Rodrigues) on Tuesday, March 3, 1998 - 05:42 pm:

Let me start off by saying that I am using a child with cancer and the treatment of chemotherapy purely as an analogy. I, in no way, feel that the situations are the same or can be compared. I am not stating that I can compare myself to what the parent of a child diagnosed with cancer must feel or goes through. I am merely using the disease of cancer and treatment of chemotherapy as a comparison as to what it is like to ask for a treatment and have it denied. Thus in this story cancer=autism, doctors=goverment/professionals, chemotherapy=Lovaas-type ABA, penicillin=generic programs offered now.

Doctors: Your child has cancer and we are going to set up a treatment of intravenous penicillin for him.

Parents: Well, we were wondering if you had heard of chemotherapy? We hear that they are using it in the States with wonderful results. We heard that they have even cured some children.

Doctors: Umm, yes, we heard about chemotherapy. But those reports of a cure, well, we think the children were misdiagnosed to begin with. Plus we heard that it didn't cure them all.

Parents: Well, yes, we realize it didn't cure them all but we heard that it gave all of them more time.

Doctors: Look, here's what we will do for little Johnny, we'll give him intravenous ampicillin Although, he will have to go on a waiting list for it.

Parents: Isn't that the same thing as penicillin? And no, we don't want to wait. We heard that the earlier treatment is started the better. Plus, we would really like to try chemotherapy.

Doctors: Sorry, there's no money for chemotherapy and we have been using penicillin for cancer for a long time now.

Parents: But the penicillin doesn't work for cancer. It's fine for other things but not for cancer. Please, won't you help our child?

Doctors: No, there's just no money for chemotherapy. This is what we have to offer. Now get little Johnny up on the table and we will put in the IV for penicillin.

Parents: We won't. We are going to try chemotherapy.

Doctors: Okay, fine, don't say we didn't offer you anything though. (under their breath)

By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Thursday, March 5, 1998 - 02:17 am:

The following article appeared in a newspaper column written by Dear Abbey for the Los Angeles Times. The actual author of the piece is Emily Perl Kinsley, writer of the television movie, "Kids like these."


"I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability-to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It's like this....When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a trip to Italy. You buy a bunch of guidebooks and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelanglo David. The gondalas of Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.

After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome to Holland".

"Holland?!?", you say. "What do you mean, Holland? I signed up for Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy".

But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.

The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, digusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine, and disease. It's just a different place.

So you must go out and buy new guidebooks. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would have never met.

It's just a different place. It's slower paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there awhile and you catch your breath, you look around, and you begin to notice that Holland has Windmills. Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.

But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy, and they're all bragging about what a gwonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say, "yes, that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned."

"The pain of what will never, ever, ever go away because the loss of that dream is a very significant loss".

"But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things about Holland."

By Isaac (Tamir) on Monday, March 9, 1998 - 09:20 pm:

Hi all,

A quick reminder note... the FEAT BC Discussion Group meets again this Wednesday evening (March 11), 7 PM, at the Vancouver General Hospital Health Centre, Room 33.

How to get there: A detailed location map can be downloaded at

Miki's Dad

By Sharon Baxter (Baxter) on Saturday, March 14, 1998 - 02:50 pm:


This information is for anyone wanting to register in the summer
course taught by Dr. Tristam Smith at UBC.

The course is being offered in the Educational Psychology Dept., EPSE
390 D, Special topics.
Dates: July 5 -25, 1998
Times: Mon.-Fri. 1:30-4:00 P.M.

If you are currently attending UBC in a different faculty you should
phone the Ed. Psych. office and ask how to register, 822-8229.

If you are currently attending a different university you need to:
1.) Get a Faculty of Education application for admission form, call
the office at 822-5242, e-mail They can mail one to
you in 2/3 days. The application fee is $47.50.

2.) Send a official transcript to UBC. You can do this before you
send in the application form. At SFU a transcript costs $3.00, they
more expensive at other schools.

3.) If you want to transfer the credits for this course back to the
university you are attending you need to get a Letter of Permission
(LOP). At SFU you can order one from the Academic Resource Office.
This is free.

4.) When you order the LOP you need to have a the course description
with you. You can photo copy this from the current UBC catalogue, p.
341-342. At SFU, you can get a copy from the librarian's desk. You
will need to leave a piece of ID. with them, they want to make sure
you give it back. The LOP is completed for you and they mail to UBC
and send a copy to you, to let you know if it was accepted or not.
Getting permission to transfer credits is separate from being accepted
into UBC.

5.) Send in your application form and transcript as soon as
possible, it takes a few weeks to process. The LOP takes even longer.
If the LOP is not accepted it does not mean you can't take the course,
it just means you will not be able to transfer the credits.

6.) You may also need to special permission from the instructor. I'm
not completely sure about this. I e-mailed Dr. Smith but I have not
received a reply. In my message I told him about my educational
background and about my experience with ABA. The address is You may want to check this out with the Ed. Psych.
office first, 822-8229.

If you have any other questions call the numbers above.

This sounds like a lot of work but it really isn't a big deal. This
course is going to be a terrific and very beneficial experience for
us!! Thanks AES!

Good Luck, Sharon Baxter

By Isaac (Tamir) on Saturday, March 14, 1998 - 10:49 pm:

... a quick update on the ACT NOW Conference. This is a conference in Kamloops, April 23, 24, 25. There is one big name speaker -- Dr. Isabelle Rapin of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

For those who would like to attend the Rapin talk only, the cost is $30.

The keynote address by Dr. Isabelle Rapin:

iNeurologic Basis of the Autistic Spectrumi

Dr. Rapin is Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics (Neurology) and Attending Neurologist and Child Neurologist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Her research interests are neurogenetic disorders and those of higher cerebral function in children, in particular communication disorders and autism. She is the author of a book, co-editor of 6 books, and is the author or co-author of over 180 papers and chapters concerned with disorders of higher cerebral function in children. Her recent review article, iAutismi in the New England Journal of Medicine July 10, 1997 is a major contribution in reviewing developments in the field of Autism.

For more information, call ph. 250-851-4033; fx. 250-376-2231 or visit their web site:

By Vanspron on Wednesday, March 25, 1998 - 11:37 pm:

I've built an application using Microsoft Access 2.0 which does the following:

1. Holds therapist info (name address etc)
2. Holds your drills, including target lists
3. Holds data recording info (date mastered, generalized etc)
4. Holds hours of work for therapists
5. Produces drill sheets, listing SD, all targets and dates
6. Produces pay cheque stubs
7. Produces drill checklist
8. Produces graphs over time of number of targets introduced, Average days to master and Average number of targets mastered

It follows the P.A.C.E. model very closely.

If anybody is interested in this, you can have a copy for free. You need to have a license for MS Access 2.0 to use it. You should also be somewhat familiar with MS Access.

Send me an email privately if you are interested. I will have a copy ready for release in the next couple of weeks.


By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Monday, March 30, 1998 - 02:52 pm:

If you were not at the Shelly Davis Wrkshp on the weekend and were looking for therapists, I have some new names to give you. REMEMBER THAT THIS LIST IS PROVIDED AS A SERVICE ONLY TO PARENTS. FEAT OF BC IS ACTING AS A INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE ONLY AND DOES NOT ENDORSE ANY OF THE INDIVIDIALS ON THIS LIST. PLEASE CHECK ALL THE REFERENCES CAREFULLY BEFORE EMPLOYING ANYONE IN YOUR HOME-BASED AUTISM PROGRAM. You can contact me at 882-9196. Thanks to everyone that came and to the people that joined together to help make this workshop all possible! Great Job!

By Rob & Sherry Vanspronsen (Vanspron) on Friday, April 3, 1998 - 01:49 am:


Can anybody recommend a good tax consultant, with experience in taxation issues relating to a home ABA program? How is everyone else handling this at tax time?


By Isaac (Tamir) on Saturday, April 11, 1998 - 01:44 pm:

A call for Autism Articles

Dear FEAT BC Members,

FEAT of BC needs your help to collect autism articles.

We are lobbying hard for lovaas treatment in BC and are putting together a press kit to get the important ABA message out to key people and organizations (we are on the glide path to the next election).

Please send us a copy of any newspaper clippings you have on behavioural autism treatment or other stories that relate to the cause. When the kit is ready, we will make it available to anyone who needs it.

Thank you for helping out.

Mikiis Dad

Please send articles to:

email: or

fax: 604-534-9527 or

20641 - 46 Ave.
Langley, BC V3A 3H8

By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 10:52 pm:

Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know that I have three new names on the list of therapists looking for work. They are in the Vancouver area. Again, I want to stress that this is information only, and FEAT of BC does not endorse any of the individuals on this list. Check all references.
Michelle Weis

By DeeDee Doyle (Doyle) on Monday, May 4, 1998 - 04:09 pm:

Hi Everyone,

I had the wonderful opportunity to attend FEAT of Washington's "Learning to Learn" Autism Conference in Bellevue this past weekend. I also had the pleasure of seeing other parents from B.C. there and we were all inspired to plan a first inaugural FEAT of BC conference. While I'm still "pumped" from the weekend I wanted to ask for input from other members to find out what everyone would like as far as speakers, location, time of year etc. Basically this is a mixed question drill for ideas: who, what, when , where and how. We all know why.
e-mail me or the list. Let's make a vision a reality.

DeeDee Doyle

I hear Catherine Maurice speak and actually had a conversation with her at the dinner! I'm inspired!

By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 01:46 pm:

Hi DeeDee and everyone. I think that we should gave Richard Foxx as a speaker here. I saw him at the Act Now Conference in Kamloops and he was fabulous. He is a phsycologist and deals with the behaviour aspect.
Michelle Weis

By Franca Pastro (Pastro) on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 11:00 pm:

Hello everyone,
I want to remind/announce to you the upcoming AUTISM BEHAVIOURAL THERAPIST TRAINING WORKSHOP in Victoria.
by Sharon Baxter and Rachel Russell

at the Queen Alexandra Center for Children's Health
on Saturday May 30th, 1998
from 10 am to 5 pm
$20/person (50 spaces only)
free parking

Contact me (Franca) @250-598-9701

By Paula and Eric Wolf (Wolf) on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 12:44 am:

Hi Everyone,

We found out in Sept. of last year that our 6.5 year old son had mild autism after many years of incompetence in the system. But to look back would not help our son, so we moved forward. In Dec. 1997 we had a consultant, Julie from Autism Partnership set up our program with four therapists two of whom have remained with us still today. I write this to parents with older kids who have a new diagnsosis. Setting up an ABA program to begin with is difficult because our kids are older and some behaviours are more entrenched.

However, our story is a happy one about perserverence our son now really enjoys therapy most of the time and in the past two months has made amazing progress in many areas. We perserved thru the initial emotional upset to our son for rocking his world but it has been the best thing we have done for him in his entire life. Do ABA with older kids they are worth fighting for and can make great progress as well. This progress has moved over to school as well. HE is printing his own name and is socializing more. I previously mentioned the therapists that have stuck with us thru it all and we also have two more who are a great part of our team. By the grace of God they are fighting for our son as well. I never knew before ABA just how caring people their are in our world. I have a poem that could be posted in the newsletter if possible:

Here's a note to you
From all four of us
We'd like to THANK YOU
For the trust you've given us

We know that is hard for you
Each and every day
To make the most of all his time
In the most productive way

We're here because we've seen him
An want to help him grow
We're here because we like him
But this I'm sure you know

We're here because we know him
And love to see his pride
When he can answer something
that before was kept inside

We're here because you trust us
To help him through the day
We're here because you trust us
To help him find his way

But most of all we're here
Because you let us in
And trusted us with your great gift
Your Sweet Son Dustin

That says it all! Paula Wolf, Dustin's Mom

By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 01:10 am:

Hi Everybody,

I have some new names on the therapists list that attended the Therapists Workshop at UBC on Saturday. For anyone interested they are in Vancouver, Richmond and New West. Some will travel.

By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Saturday, May 16, 1998 - 09:14 pm:


If anyone is interested, I am having a Discovery Toys Party (a home party compy. that sells educational toys, software,books, etc) on Wednesday, June 4. If anyone who wishes to see a catalogue or would like to purchase something we can send you a catalogue in the mail right away. You can purchase through visa or cheque if not attending. 15% of all sales goes towards materials for both my sons ABA programs. Lots of interesting stuff for your programs or gifts. It is definitly worth seeing. Thank you for your support.
or phone 882-9196

By FEAT BC (Admin) on Tuesday, May 19, 1998 - 08:59 pm:

From: Feat BC Discussion Board Administration

Occasionally, people post messages in the itry a test post if you are new...i room. Some of these posts are not tests -- they have content some may want to read. However, messages posted to the itesti room are not automatically e-mailed to discussion board members, unlike messages posted to other rooms at the FEAT BC discussion board.

So, to make sure you get all messages posted to the FEAT BC Discussion Board, drop by the site to check for new messages -- including those posted to the itesti room. The discussion board is at

Also, there are now over 60 FEAT BC members who are signed up to the discussion board, so itis a great place to share your experiences -- good or bad -- or ask questions, etc. Your post is automatically shared, via email, with all board members.

And... new members may want to visit the site to check out some of the posts that went up before they joined the board.

Discussion Board Admin.

By DeeDee Doyle (Doyle) on Wednesday, May 20, 1998 - 02:11 am:

It was so great to see FEAT members who made
the trek to West Van last Wednesday for the support meeting. I would encourage anyone who can make it to try and attend the next meeting (June 17th) when our topic will be sharing therapy ideas and materials.
It's wonderful to get together with so many parents who REALLY understand.

Take care,


By Rob & Sherry Vanspronsen (Vanspron) on Thursday, May 21, 1998 - 02:48 am:

I'm employing another way to defray the cost of ABA therapy. There is a tax law of some kind which allows an insurance company to provide insurance for therapy and materials (not PST/GST). The relevant Revenue Canada interpretation bulletins are IT 339R2 and IT 85R2.

Here is an example of how it works if you made $4000 before tax each month, paid about 30% income tax, and paid $1000/month for ABA Therapy. Substitute your own numbers to see how it works for you.

Taxable Salary: $4000
Less Income Tax (30%): $1200
Net Salary: $2800
ABA Cost: $1000
Remaining Salary: $1800
Money left for everything else at the end of the month: $1800

Gross Salary $4000
Less Insurance Premium: $1100 (10% fee built in)
Taxable Salary: $2900
Less Income Tax (30%): $870
Net Salary: 2030
Less ABA Cost: $1000
Remaining Salary: 1030
Insurance Claim $1000
Money left for everything else at the end of the month: $2030

Basically you get the money you spend on your ABA program before income tax is applied. This gets better and better as your tax bracket gets higher. You need to have an employer willing to make payments to the insurance company on your behalf (and deduct it before tax on your pay cheque). It is perfectly legal as far as I can tell.

This program is set up as a dental plan. Don't ask me why. I can provide the phone number of someone in Vancouver help you get set up if you are interested.

I know there are other families already doing this, I just thought I'd pass along what I've learned...


By Avery & Maureen (Stcyr) on Thursday, May 21, 1998 - 02:00 pm:

Rob Vanspronsen gave a very good explanation of creating a Cost-Plus Insurance plan to help avoid taxes on ABA expenses, and it's a very good idea, with a couple of serious caveats:

First, since you are basically setting up your own extended health medical plan, you must have a company to run it through. This means you must either be self-employed AND profitable, or you must have a sympathetic employer who will go along with you. The reason for the second part is that the funds for the plan MUST be deducted at your workplace, before any other deductions -- this lowers your gross income, and that's what generates the tax savings. We spent a month trying to set up a cost-plus system, only to have the employer refusing to cooperate, after initially agreeing.

Second, the cost-plus system works best for those with HIGH incomes. That's because it comes off your gross salary as a direct deduction from income, instead of a tax credit at the lowest tax bracket, as with the normal medical expense deduction. The lower your income, the lower the savings, which makes the 10-percent fee for the plan more important.

Rob's example uses a gross salary of $4000 a month, a 30% tax load, and a monthly savings of $230, using a cost-plus plan. But Rob forgot the tax credit on ABA expenses (the medical expense deduction) if you DON'T use the cost-plus plan, which would be approximately $130 per month for this example. That makes the cost-plus advantage $100 a month, not $230 -- still nothing to sneeze at, but a factor worth considering.

Basically, what I'm saying is, just as our little angels are all unique, so are our family financial pictures. Make sure you get your accountant to run your numbers and see what makes sense for YOU. Do NOT simply accept the advice of the Cost-Plus brokers -- They are in business to collect that 10% fee, not to help you do what's best for your own, particular family.


By FEAT BC (Freeman) on Thursday, May 21, 1998 - 09:33 pm:

Hi everyone:

We hope everyone enjoyed the recent edition of the FEAT BC Newsletter.

We need feedback on the newsletter -- what did you think; what did you like and.. what would you like to see added or changed to improve the newsletter?

Post your thoughts to the discussion board at



By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Thursday, May 28, 1998 - 04:30 pm:

Hi everyone,

For those who contact me by email, I have a new email address. Also, a reminder again about my Discovery Toys Demo being held on June 3 (wed). They have great stuff for home based programs for all ages. If you are interested I can have a catalogue mailed to you. It is defenitly worth seeing. Thank you so much for those who have ordered. I know you will be happy with the quality. And thanks for the support of helping my kids get some great new materials.

By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Friday, May 29, 1998 - 11:37 pm:

Hi again,

I have some new names again for our therapist list. They are in Coquitlam and Vancouver whoever is interested.

By Barbara Rodrigues (Rodrigues) on Sunday, May 31, 1998 - 10:41 pm:

Hi everyone. This is in reply to your email concerning our opinions of the newsletter. I think it's great. The cartoon is a must have in upcoming issues. Also what about a "late bloomers" section? Parents are so often told how they need to start early, etc. so if they get a late diagnosis or find about this treatment later it's kind of depressing, yet I am hearing lots of success stories from kids that got started at 6 and later, so every couple issues it might be nice to hear about the older kids. I think it's important to know that even if your child is 6, 7,8 or older, ABA can still help at any age.


By David Chan (Chan) on Monday, June 1, 1998 - 02:09 pm:

Hi everyone,

I am a FEAT dad; most of you have seen my ad for therapist on the site. In a totally different vein, I am a commercial photographer by trade. I am very interested in producing an anthology of stories and photographs of all the families that are involved in an "at home program". I am sure that there are some very compelling stories to be told, and also some really neat images to be made. This is not a solicitation for me to photograph your children for money. I feel that it is important to document how some of these children are doing, and also, to make an on going photographic record of them. What I would like to do ultimately is to compile all the photographs and stories and put them in a book form so that it may be published. If anyone is interested in participating in this project or you have some really neat ideas regarding this project idea, please call me at 244-1684 or send me an email at

Dave Chan

By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Wednesday, June 10, 1998 - 07:49 pm:

Hi Guys!

I just wanted to know if anyone can recommend a good dentist. I live in Langley, but I will be willing to go anywhere. If so, can you email me or maybe post it on the board for anyone else that might be interested.

Also, I have 2 more names for our therapist list. Burnaby and Vancouver.


By FEAT BC (Freeman) on Friday, June 12, 1998 - 05:53 pm:

Responding to Michelleis post about a good dentist, I recommend you go to a pediatric dentist. There is a good one that has three locations -- Delta, Richmond and Vancouver (Oakridge Centre). I have had a good experience with Dr. Chan (mostly with her hygienist). A specialist is more expensive than a regular dentist bull well worth it.


By Mark & Michelle Weis (Weis) on Saturday, June 20, 1998 - 01:15 am:

Hi everyone,

I wanted to thank all the people who made it out for the meeting on Wednesday night. And most of all I wanted to thank the people that donated items for our FEAT Lending Library. It is now officially underway.
Our library donations will be kept and distributed on the third Wednesday of each month (FEAT meeting nights). You can borrow and drop off materials on a monthly basis. There is a membership form to fill out and some info on the library. Anyone interested in joining get in touch with me and I can arrange to fax you the info otherwise they will be made available meeting nights.
Right now we have quite a number of childrens books, some toys, resource materials (Behavioural Intervention for Young Children with Autism, Teach Me Language, etc).
It would be great if there is anyone that has any materials they would like to donate (books, toys, videos, any material on autism, flash cards, etc.) anything that you are not using you would like to lend to other parents for a period of time, or anything that you would like to sell, let me know and let's work together to make this a success!

Thanks again,

Phone 882-9196
Fax 882-9185

By FEAT BC (Freeman) on Monday, June 22, 1998 - 06:28 pm:

A journalist for a French magazine is coming to Vancouver to do a story on FEAT BC and our work in Canada.

Are there any FEAT BC members who speak French well and want to be part of the interview? The meeting is around June 30.


p. 604-534-6956
f. 604-534-9527